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Why math is easy for AI but gardening is not: Moravec’s paradox

For AI, it is easy to do high-level reasoning but acquiring decent motor skills is very hard.

Image source: Pixabay
Image source: Pixabay


Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems, powered by massive data and sophisticated algorithms – including but not limited to – deep neural networks and statistical machine learning (ML)(support vector machines, clustering, random forest, etc.), are having profound and transformative impact on our daily lives as they make their way into everything from finance to healthcare, from retail to transportation.

Netflix movie recommender, Amazon’s product prediction, Facebook’s uncanny ability to show what you may like, Google’s assistant, DeepMind’s AlphaGo, Stanford’s AI beating human doctors. Machine learning is eating software. The list goes on…

However, one of the common features of these powerful algorithms is that they utilize sophisticated mathematics to do their job – to classify and segment an image, to arrive at the key decisions, to make a product recommendation, to model a complex phenomenon, or to extract and visualize a hidden pattern from a deluge of data.

Math for machine learning (Source: "Essential maths for data science")
Math for machine learning (Source: "Essential maths for data science")

All of these mathematical processes are, quite simply, beyond the scope of a single human (or a team) to perform manually (even on a computer) or inside their head. That’s where the allure of AI/ML systems lies – they can automate the task of complex mathematical reasoning (aided by probabilistic models and statistical rules) when paired up with a lot of raw data.

However, we will see, in this article, that not all kind of automation is easy for AI systems.

One of the common features of these powerful algorithms is that they utilize sophisticated mathematics to do their job.

Automation of reasoning vs. motor skills

AI works beautifully with math

At the risk of somewhat trivializing it, we can imagine a modern AI-system as an automated-mathematical-reasoning-system.

And it has been like that always. Even in the past.

In the 1980s and 1990s, symbolic logic and expert systems were in vogue. Remember that, symbolic logic is nothing but a sophisticated mathematical reasoning paradigm.

Fast forward to the 2010s and 2020s, and we are developing and using systems that use gigantic linear algebra solvers and statistical distribution modelers at their core.

The approach has changed from a symbol-based (deductive logic) to a data-based (inductive generalization), but the common denominator has not changed – AI systems work beautifully with sophisticated math.

We can imagine a modern AI-system as an automated-mathematical-reasoning-system.

Who is more intelligent: A gardener or a mathematician?

This question, of course, is rhetorical and bordering on offensive. Intelligence can mean different things to different people and there is no rationale to think that the practitioners of a particular profession will be, even on average, more intelligent, than the practitioners of another profession.

Intelligence, after all, is immensely tricky to define.

Image source: Unspalsh
Image source: Unspalsh

Okay. Let’s back up a bit and work with a more restricted definition of intelligence.

Today’s AI systems are, undoubtedly, large-scale computing systems. Training of a deep-learning system occurs through hundreds of repetitive passes through stacked layers of computing nodes which process large vectorized quantities. At the fundamental level, it boils down to billions of simple computations – like multiplication or addition or logical AND/OR.

Therefore, in a narrow sense, we can draw an equivalence between the number of computations and an AI system’s ability to reason. We have seen this going from a single-hidden-layer neural network not being to solve the XOR problem to a 152-layer ResNet being able to classify thousands of image categories with high accuracy.

More layers, more computations, more power to the AI.

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Therefore, if we associate computation with intelligence i.e. ability to perform sophisticated computation with a higher degree of intelligence, then a mathematician takes the cake, doesn’t she?

Therefore, in a narrow sense, we can draw an equivalence between the number of computations and an AI system’s ability to reason.

At least, we can somehow convince ourselves that a high-level mental reasoning task requires a lot more computation than some menial physical labor, like gardening, which we can do easily without performing any complicated calculations inside our head at all.

Turns out, that would be a wrong conclusion.

It is easy for an AI-system to become a mathematician than to acquire the skills of a gardener. At least, for the present AI-systems, this seems to be the case.

…we can somehow convince ourselves that a high-level mental reasoning task requires a lot more computation than some menial physical labor.

Moravec’s paradox

Hans Moravec is an Austria-born American roboticist and computer scientist, and presently, an adjunct faculty member of the Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University.

He is known for his work on robotics, artificial intelligence, and writings on the impact of technology. Moravec is also a futurist with many of his publications and predictions focusing on transhumanism.

In the 1980s, Moravec, along with other pioneering scientists, such as Marvin Minsky and Rodney Brooks, made an observation: "contrary to traditional assumptions, reasoning (which is high-level in humans) requires very little computation, but sensorimotor skills (comparatively low-level in humans) require enormous computational resources".

As Moravec writes, "it is comparatively easy to make computers exhibit adult level performance on intelligence tests or playing checkers, and difficult or impossible to give them the skills of a one-year-old when it comes to perception and mobility".

Although this observation was made more than thirty years back, and the likes of ResNet-50 models, which have demonstrated human-level perception ability in the narrow field of image classification, were not developed at that time, the accuracy of the observation holds strong even today.

We have all seen OpenAI’s amazing program take down human players in the complex game of Dota, but have you seen a single robot taking down even a junior state-level table tennis player?

A robot soccer team facing up an amateur club team? A fully autonomous robot gardener which can trim the leaves and pluck the flowers gently enough, and water the garden flawlessly?

Why not, we wonder…

Contrary to traditional assumptions, reasoning (which is high-level in humans) requires very little computation, but sensorimotor skills (comparatively low-level in humans) require enormous computational resources.

The biological basis of human skills

All human skills are implemented biologically, using machinery designed by the process of natural selection. It is also a process that places a lot of value on optimization (of energy expenditure).

Think about the human brain. Over 80 billion neurons fire in this compact processor with the power bill of only a dim light bulb (~ 20 watts). An enormous amount of optimization has gone into making this 1400 grams spongy goo the ultimate energy-efficient processor in the whole known universe.

Human skill development throughout the evolution, therefore, has tended to preserve design improvements that satisfy extremely tough optimization criteria. But this optimization process is slow and needs a long time to shape and guide the evolution of a particular skill.

It is, therefore, understood simply that, the older a skill is, the more time natural selection has had to improve the design.

Image source: Wikipedia (Creative Commons license)
Image source: Wikipedia (Creative Commons license)

Abstract thought and high-level mathematical reasoning developed only very recently, and consequently, its implementation and mechanics are not expected to be particularly efficient.

Human skill development throughout the evolution, therefore, has tended to preserve design improvements that satisfy extremely tough optimization criteria.

High-level reasoning was not a darling to evolution only until recently

Pause for a second and imagine yourself to be a homo sapiens standing in the vast African savanna or in the rainforest of Amazon, 200,000 years back.

Which of the following skills you would prize the most?

  • the ability to run faster to get away from a pack of hyenas (at least giving yourself an outside chance at survival)
  • the ability to recognize and differentiate a poisonous plant from a medicinal one
  • the ability to add and multiply numbers, or imagine a beautiful story to tell your tribemates

Our species’ sensory perception and motor skills (related to muscle movements) have ensured its survival throughout most of its history.

Until the so-called cognitive revolution around 70,000 years back.

Anthropological analyses and fossil records indicate that’s when our species developed the capacity to think in terms of symbols and imagined entities.

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As Yuval Harari points out in his best-selling book "Sapiens", the single most important reason for the dominance of Homo Sapiens over other humanoid species has been her ability to reason and think in abstract terms and imaginary entities (e.g. god, money, nation, etc.).

Neanderthals could easily understand the value of fresh fruit or a captured game today, but could not fully appreciate the imagined utility of ‘building trust" so that they could capture a bigger game, working as a team, tomorrow.

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Abstract thinking and mathematical reasoning have served our species well. Language, mathematics, logic, art, science, technology – everything flowed from this ability.

But it has only been a recent development.

For the hundreds of millennia before that, motor skills and sensory perception had helped the survival and nourishment of our genes. Only those, who had a superior reflex and could spot a predatory threat from afar, or could run faster and throw with a sure aim, survived and passed on their genes.

Our biology, therefore, has ensured that we are carrying a sub-optimized numerical processor and a supremely-efficient motor cortex inside our cranium.

Abstract thinking and mathematical reasoning have served our species well. Language, mathematics, logic, art, science, technology – everything flowed from this ability. But it has only been a recent development.

Activities that are much harder (for AI) than chess-playing or doing integrals

Moravec argued that in general, " we should expect the difficulty of reverse-engineering any human skill to be roughly proportional to the amount of time that skill has been evolving in animals".

The oldest human skills are largely unconscious and they appear to us to be effortless. Consequently, it should not be a surprise that the skills that appear effortless, to be computation-heavy and difficult to be reverse-engineered by a man-made AI system.

Skills that require conscious effort – playing chess, doing math, writing poetry, playing piano, painting a picture – may not necessarily be difficult to engineer by AI at all.

We all have heard about piano-playing, chess-and-Go-champion, painting-maestro, music-generating, or math-prodigy AI in recent days, haven’t we?

Image source: Author
Image source: Author

But, we have not heard much about an AI/robot system that can do dishes in a cramped kitchen not disturbing tens of utensils lying around, have we?

Heck, there is not even a commercial robot that can sense and put just the right amount of pressure around our cranium to give us a fantastic head massage! I bet you will buy one right away if you could get your hands such an AI.

Those are the real hard problems.

We should expect the difficulty of reverse-engineering any human skill to be roughly proportional to the amount of time that skill has been evolving in animals.

Chess was conquered by computers back in 1997. Once AlphaGo defeated Lee Sedol, it took only a year or so to develop AlphaGo-zero. Powerful theorem provers and logic synthesis engines were developed back in the ’50s and ’60s, with limited programming and computing power.

But the pace of development in real-world robotics, visual and auditory perception, motor skills emulation, have been slow and enormously challenging.

It has surely not been the fault of the professionals and researchers working in those fields. These tasks are simply not easy to emulate by a narrow-AI, which primarily focuses on mathematical reasoning and large-scale linear algebra solvers.

The strongest proof? History of artificial intelligence

Moravec’s observation is not a physical law. Perhaps, it is more akin to the likes of Moore’s law, which is, after all, an astute observation.

Some people call it a paradox. However, I believe we have ample proof of this paradox just in the history of the development of AI.

Even in the early days of AI and computer science, researchers had been successful at writing programs that proved theorems, solved algebra and geometry problems, and played games like checkers and chess. And all of that with only a modest amount of computing power and virtually no data.

This led them to believe that once these ‘hard’ problems are solved completely by AI, the ‘easy’ problems of ‘recognizing a friend’s face from a photo‘ or ‘moving around a college dorm room without tipping over‘, should be a walk in the park.

As Rodney Brooks puts it, the intelligent things were "best characterized as the things that highly educated male scientists found challenging" – chess, symbolic integration, proving mathematical theorems, and solving complicated textual algebra problems. "The things that children of four or five years could do effortlessly, such as visually distinguishing between a coffee cup and a chair, or walking around on two legs, or finding their way from their bedroom to the living room were not thought of as activities requiring intelligence".

Boy, were they wrong!

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These supposedly ‘easy’ problems, related to audio-visual perception and locomotion/movement turned out to be the hardest nut to crack.

We can safely say that we understand now what it has been so. It is because of the fact that the grand machinery of evolution has also been at perfecting and optimizing these skills in our species, harder and longer than anything else.

Biology will not, after all, yield to the enterprise of artificial intelligence that easily.

AGI and jobs of the future

Is emulating biology the right path towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)?

It could be argued that perhaps we should build our AI systems emulating the brain circuitry and design the various sub-processors mimicking the handiwork of evolution. In that way, we might be able to allocate the right amount of computing resources to the right sub-processors as human evolution has done.

Whole brain emulation could be a possible path to AGI. There is a lot of debate around its feasibility and potentials. There is an exciting project to simulate the whole Neocortex of the human brain. We are not here to discuss those.

Image source: Wikipedia (Creative Common license)
Image source: Wikipedia (Creative Common license)

Currently, the generally-accepted approach of building an intelligent agent is the ‘mimick human behavior’. This is equivalent to the famous Turing test, where the criteria for an AI agent to pass the test is only "’to appear human-like to an external examiner and force her to believe so". Note that the Turing test places no hard requirement on the AI agent to be actually human-like on the intelligence spectrum. It only requires the agent to enact a great mimicry.

As long as we are designing AI systems by that principle, we might be, after all, guided by the limits placed by biology. It will take us a lot more computing power and ingenuity to build AI, which mimics everyday perception and locomotion tasks than to build AI, which only solves mathematical reasoning problems.

Math is easy, gardening is real hard, after all.

Jobs of the future?

One wonders what implication it has for the jobs of the Future. There are a lot of speculations about the white-collar jobs being replaced by AI technologies, much like how the industrial revolution replaced a lot of physical labor jobs or the automotive revolution made horse carriages obsolete.

Alternatively, many pundits have been proclaiming a turnaround and a brighter future for the labor market with the so-called fourth industrial revolution which is brought forth by AI and robotics automation.

Whatever the case may be, we saw that there is a strong scientific argument to believe that a host of jobs involving complex physical movement and subtle sensory perception (e.g. gardening, barber, elder care, childcare, sports, bartending, hotels and hospitality) are unlikely to be replaced by any robotic automation anytime soon. These jobs, although looking effortless on the surface, depend on skills that are perfected by millions of years of biological process optimizations, and require far more computations than many of the white-collar repetitive jobs which only depend on high-level reasoning, a relatively recent product of human evolution.

The future is uncertain and exciting to behold. Keep an open mind…

A host of jobs involving complex physical movement and subtle sensory perception are unlikely to be replaced by any robotic automation anytime soon.

Image source: Pixabay
Image source: Pixabay

If you have any questions or ideas to share, please contact the author at tirthajyoti[AT] Also, you can check the author’s GitHub repositories for code, ideas, and resources in Machine Learning and data science. If you are, like me, passionate about AI/machine learning/data science, please feel free to add me on LinkedIn or follow me on Twitter.

Tirthajyoti Sarkar – Sr. Principal Engineer – Semiconductor, AI, Machine Learning – ON…

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