Columns on TDS are collections of posts that our team carefully curates around a specific theme, idea, or format.
We publish dozens of top-notch articles every day. To help you find some of the very best ones, we’ve created several collections organized around specific topics and post types.
For example, you might be looking for insights on landing a machine learning job; you can find our recommended articles on that topic by going to our Office Hours column. If you’re in the mood for a long, thoughtful read, you can browse around our Deep Dives page, where we gather some of our more substantive contributions. And so on.
If you’re a new or aspiring TDS contributor, browsing our columns will give you a solid idea of the kinds of posts our team finds especially compelling. Happy reading!
Getting Started
If you are new to Data Science, start here! Our Getting Started column includes a selection of articles that will help you get started in many data science and machine learning domains.
Editors’ Picks
Posts we feature as Editors’ Picks represent the very best of TDS: insightful, engaging writing on fresh and thought-provoking topics. Some are very technical, others might be more speculative and even opinionated. They’re all must-reads.
Deep Dives
From patient explainers that make complex concepts accessible to step-by-step guides with generous amounts of code examples, this collection brings together the articles that really deserve your time and full attention (they’re typically at least 12-minute reads).
Office Hours
Are you interested in getting a job in data science? Do you want to know how to prepare yourself for job interviews or find out what a typical day as a data scientist looks like? These are just some of the topics covered in our Office Hours column.
Monthly Edition
Every month, our team publishes a selection of some of our best articles on a particular topic. You can find all of our monthly editions here!
Our Podcast
Explore all of our podcast episodes and listen to great conversations about data science and Machine Learning. 🎧
Our Opinion column is where you will find alternate points of view, controversial opinions, new angles on existing issues and more. We encourage our writers to participate in intelligent discussion, and we’d be thrilled to see your thoughts here as well.
Hands-on Tutorials
Are you looking for inspiration for your next machine learning project? Are you trying to find a tutorial that will teach you the best practices in programming and data science? Would you like to see examples of top-notch portfolio projects to help you stand out in your job search? You can find all of these and more in our Hands-on Tutorials column.
Making Sense of Big Data
If you’re interested in analyzing and handling big data, you’ll want to take a look at this column. It features advanced tutorials in data engineering, best practices in model deployment, corporate case studies, and more.
Data for Change
We believe that data science can help make the world a better place. We think that the proper use and interpretation of data can improve our lives. To find more articles that discuss the power and importance of data, visit our Data for Change column.
Tips and Tricks
What comes after Python 101? How does object-oriented design work? If you’re looking to boost your programming skills beyond the basics, you’ll want to bookmark this column. It’ll feature articles that teach advanced coding syntax, tips for clean code, and introduce tools that will level up your coding performance.
Data Journalism
Are you a news junkie? Check out this column for pieces that combine strong visuals and analytic rigour. Data journalists interpret data and present their findings in engaging narratives that shed light on underreported issues.
Thoughts and Theory
Data science and machine learning are two of the fastest growing research fields. Here, we curate research breakthroughs from academics, motivated students, and industry experts.
Notes from Industry
What does data science look like in practice? We’re interested in learning from practitioners what tools they find most useful in industry use cases. This column will feature case studies across applications from machine learning techniques to managing cloud infrastructures.
Emerging Problems in Data Science and Machine Learning
We have also created a few columns where we gather stories that can help ensure that data science and machine learning technologies evolve in a way that benefits humanity (you can learn more about this here):