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Weekly Selection – Oct 19, 2018

Self Learning AI-Agents Part I: Markov Decision Processes

By Artem Oppermann – 11 min read

Deep reinforcement learning is on the rise. No other sub-field of Deep Learning was more talked about in the recent years – by the researchers as well as the mass media worldwide. Most outstanding achievements in deep learning were made due to deep reinforcement learning.

The ultimate guide to starting AI

By Cassie Kozyrkov – 16 min read

Many teams try to start an applied AI project by diving into algorithms and data before figuring out desired outputs and objectives. Unfortunately, that’s like raising a puppy in a New York City apartment for a few years, then being surprised that it can’t herd sheep for you.

Curiosity-Driven Learning made easy

By Thomas Simonini – 9 min read

In the recent years, we’ve seen a lot of innovations in Deep Reinforcement Learning. From DeepMind and the Deep Q learning architecture in 2014 to OpenAI playing Dota2 with OpenAI five in 2018, we live in an exciting and promising moment.

To get hired as a data scientist, don’t follow the herd

By Jeremie Harris – 5 min read

I still remember the moment my brother decided to sell his bitcoin. It was 2017, and we were at a Starbucks. We were approached by a middle-aged woman who was giving away pamphlets to anyone who would take one. "BITCOIN: a path to early retirement" was written in bold font at the top.

Find where to park in real time using OpenCV and Tensorflow

By Priya Dwivedi – 6 min read

How many times has it happened to you that you are searching for a parking spot by driving around and around the parking lot. How convenient would it be if your phone could tell you exactly where the closest parking spot is!

Weapons of Micro Destruction: How Our ‘Likes’ Hijacked Democracy

By Dave Smith – 23 min read

Clicking ‘Like’ is something most of us do without thinking. It’s a form of social currency that gives us a momentary jolt and revs up our dopamine centers. Yet who knew all our ‘Likes’ could predict our personality and be turned into a tool of political persuasion against us?

Predicting School Performance with Census Income Data

By Sayon Bhattacharjee – 11 min read

When I was a child, my family moved around a lot. For this reason, my parents were constantly thinking about finding the right neighbourhood to live in. There are several elements that impacted the decision, but for worried parents, there’s one dominant factor: a good school.

Stationarity and Memory in Financial Markets

By Yves-Laurent Kom Samo – 16 min read

Stationarity and time series predictability, a special case of which is time series memory, are notions that are fundamental to the quantitative investment process. However, these are often misunderstood by practitioners and researchers alike, as attests Chapter 5 of the recent book Advances in Financial Machine Learning.

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