By Michael Kissner – 12 min read
Geometric deep learning is a very exciting new field, but its mathematics is slowly drifting into the territory of algebraic topology and theoretical physics.
10 New Things I Learnt from v3
By Raimi Karim – 14 min read
Everyone’s talking about the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) so I decided to have a go at their 2019 deep learning course Practical Deep Learning for Coders, v3.
Data science for hit song prediction
By Dorien Herremans – 6 min read
Can an algorithm predict hit songs? Let’s explore how we can successfully build a hit song classifier using only audio features, as described in my publication (Herremans et al., 2014).
10 Python image manipulation tools.
By Parul Pandey – 7 min read
An overview of some of the commonly used Python libraries that provide an easy and intuitive way to transform images.
Why Swift May Be the Next Big Thing in Deep Learning
By Max Pechyonkin – 5 min read
If you are into deep learning, then Swift is a language you should probably start learning
Estimators, Loss Functions, Optimizers – Core of ML Algorithms
By Javaid Nabi – 13 min read
In order to understand how a machine learning algorithm learns from data to predict an outcome, it is essential to understand the underlying concepts involved in training an algorithm.
[The Definite Guide For Creating An Academic-Level Dataset
With Industry Requirements And Constraints](
By Ori Cohen – 13 min read Guidelines For Creating Your Own Data, Accompanied by Valuable Information To Aid You When Making Key Decisions.
In 12 minutes: Stocks Analysis with Pandas and Scikit-Learn
By Vincent Tatan – 12 min read
Analyse, Visualize and Predict stocks prices quickly with Python
When and when not to A/B test
Split test vs. multi-armed bandit: simulation, source code and ready-to-use app
Basic Principles to Create a Time Series Forecast
By Leandro Rabelo – 21 min read
Explaining the basics steps to create time series forecasts.