By Vincent Vanhoucke – 5 min read
One of the most familiar settings for a machine learning engineer is having access to a lot of data, but modest resources to annotate it.
How I Went from a Journalist to a Data Scientist
By Yao Yang – 5 min read
Where shall I start? I guess I’ll start with the most recent. I am currently a research data scientist at Accenture AI Labs, we do ML research and we prototype them.
Lagrange multipliers with pictures and code
By Rohit Pandey – 16 min read
In this story, we’re going to take an aerial tour of optimization with Lagrange multipliers. When do we need them? Whenever we have an optimization problem with constraints.
Parsing Structured Documents with Custom Entity Extraction
By Dale Markowitz – 6 min read
Entity Extraction (EE) is also useful for parsing structured documents like forms, W4s, receipts, business cards, and restaurant menus (which is what we’ll be using it for today).
Precision and Recall Trade-off and Multiple Hypothesis Testing
By Giacomo Vianello – 17 min read
In my previous job as an Astrophysicist, I was working on detecting explosions of large stars (GRBs) releasing an incredible amount of energy.
LSTM Autoencoder for Extreme Rare Event Classification in Keras
By Chitta Ranjan – 13 min read
Here we will learn the details of data preparation for LSTM models, and build an LSTM Autoencoder for rare-event classification.
Optimization with Python: How to make the most amount of money with the least amount of risk?
By Tirthajyoti Sarkar – 7 min read
We show how to apply a Nobel-prize winning economic theory to the stock market and solve the resulting optimization problem using simple Python programming.
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Feature Extraction
By Rahul Agarwal – 13 min read
Good Features are the backbone of any machine learning model. And good feature creation often needs domain knowledge, creativity, and lots of time.
The Simpsons meets Data Visualization
By Adam Reevesman – 9 min read
There are few things I love more than The Simpsons. It is one of those shows that I think about on a daily basis. With thirty seasons and over 600 episodes, the animated comedy show holds a special place in my heart.
Predicting the Popularity of Instagram Posts
By Guilherme Regos Zamorano – 16 min read
Using a mixed input neural network to achieve great predictions for Instagram popularity.