"GANs" vs "ODEs": the end of mathematical modeling?
By Alexandr Honchar – 7 min read
Hi everyone! In this article, I would like to make a connection between classical mathematical modeling, that we study in school, college, and machine learning, that also models objects and processes around us in a totally different manner.
The Actual Difference Between Statistics and Machine Learning
By Matthew Stewart, PhD Researcher – 15 min read
No, they are not the same. If machine learning is just glorified statistics, then architecture is just glorified sand-castle construction.
Deep Learning Explainability: Hints from Physics
By Marco Tavora – 13 min read
Nowadays, artificial intelligence is present in almost every part of our lives. Smartphones, social media feeds, recommendation engines, online ad networks, and navigation tools are some examples of AI-based applications that already affect us every day.
A Design Thinking Mindset for Data Science
By Rachel Woods – 13 min read
Data science has received recent attention in the technical research and business strategy since; however, there is an opportunity for increased research and improvements on the data science research process itself.
Statistician proves that statistics are boring
By Cassie Kozyrkov – 8 min read
I’m about to show you a logical proof that statistics are boring… to help you appreciate the point of all those fancy calculations that statisticians like myself get up to.
Scoring an Awesome Product Manager Interview
By Dr. Santanu Bhattacharya – 8 min read
Having interviewed over 200 PMs at Facebook and startups, I have created a checklist for candidates. For an aspiring PM, taking a structured approach during the interview showcases their way of thinking, reveals one’s understanding of the PM role and enables them to act that role.
DeViSE Zero-shot learning
By Fabio M. Graetz – 18 min read
"DeViSE: A Deep Visual-Semantic Embedding Model" by Fromme et al. (2013) is a truly beautiful paper. The authors present a novel image classification method which leverages semantic knowledge learned using language models.
When Excel isn’t enough: Using Python to clean your Data, automate Excel and much more…
By Andres Vourakis – 5 min read
Excel is a very popular tool in many companies, and Data Analysts and Data Scientists alike often find themselves making it part of their daily arsenal of tools for data analysis and visualization, but not always by choice.
Geo Experiments, The Perfect Complement to A/B Testing
By Jason Fong – 7 min read
This will be a three-part series discussing the topic of Geo Experimentation and its use in marketing.
Google’s Bach AI: A Machine Learning Scientist with a PhD in Music Theory Reacts
By Daniel Tompkins – 5 min read
Happy belated birthday, J. S. Bach. To celebrate, Google released a "doodle" that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to harmonize a Bach chorale if you first provide the melody.
A comprehensive introduction to investing with data
By Janny Kul – 13 min read
Everyone should be investing. Whether you have $1or $1,000,000. Efforts to invest regularly add up over time and small investments today become huge sums of money in the future if consistently compounded at high rates of interest.