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Weekly Selection – Mar 16, 2018

How I implemented iPhone X's FaceID using Deep Learning in Python.

by Norman Di Palo – 8 min read

One of the most discussed features of the new iPhone X is the new unlocking method, the successor of TouchID: FaceID. Having created a bezel-less phone, Apple had to develop a new method to unlock the phone in a easy and fast way.

Introduction to k-Nearest-Neighbors

by Devin Soni – 4 min read

The k-Nearest-Neighbors (kNN) method of classification is one of the simplest methods in machine learning, and is a great way to introduce yourself to machine learning and classification in general. **** At its most basic level, it is essentially classification by finding the most similar data points in the training data, and making an educated guess based on their classifications.

Using Deep Learning to improve FIFA 18 graphics

by Chintan Trivedi – 6 min read

Game Studios spend millions of dollars and thousands of development hours designing game graphics in trying to make them look as close to reality as possible. While the graphics have looked amazingly realistic in the last few years, it is still easy to distinguish them from the real world.

Controlling the Web with Python

by William Koehrsen – 9 min read

Problem: Submitting class assignments requires navigating a maze of web pages so complex that several times I’ve turned an assignment in to the wrong place. Also, while this process only takes 1–2 minutes, it sometimes seems like an insurmountable barrier (like when I’ve finished an assignment way too late at night and I can barely remember my password).

Ten Machine Learning Algorithms You Should Know to Become a Data Scientist

by Shashank Gupta – 9 min read

Machine Learning Practitioners have different personalities. While some of them are "I am an expert in X and X can train on any type of data", where X = some algorithm, some others are "Right tool for the right job people".

Understanding Feature Engineering (Part 4) – Deep Learning Methods for Text Data

by Dipanjan Sarkar – 29 min read

Working with unstructured text data is hard especially when you are trying to build an intelligent system which interprets and understands free flowing natural language just like humans. You need to be able to process and transform noisy, unstructured textual data into some structured, vectorized formats which can be understood by any machine learning algorithm.

Deep Neural Network implemented in pure SQL over BigQuery

by Harisankar Haridas, PhD – 9 min read

In this post, we’ll implement a deep neural network with one hidden layer (and ReLu and softmax activation functions) purely in SQL. The end-to-end steps for neural network training including the forward pass and back-propagation will be implemented as a single SQL query on BigQuery.

Data Pre-Processing in Python: How I learned to love parallelized applies with Dask and Numba

by Ernest Kim – 7 min read

As a master’s candidate of Data Science at the University of San Francisco, I get to regularly wrangle with data. Applies are one of the many tricks I’ve picked up to help create new features or clean-up data.

We thanks our Patreon supporters for making our work possible 😊

William Hogg, Chris Seidel, Ramesh Shalam, Daniel Shapiro, PhD, Venkat Raman, Kirill Panarin, habib baluwala, Sai Sai, Zach Thigpen, Tirthajyoti Sarkar, Prabhu Palanisamy, Simeon Kostadinov, Nathan Lauga, Berian James, Diana wotruba, **** Jean Pierre, Hamza Bendemra and Dipanjan Sarkar.

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