By Will Koehrsen – 8 min read
The sunk-cost fallacy is one of many harmful cognitive biases to which humans fall prey. It refers to our tendency to continue to devote time and resources to a lost cause because we have already spent – sunk – so much time in the pursuit.
Is Deep Learning Already Hitting its Limitations?
By Thomas Nield – 10 min read
Many believed an algorithm would transcend humanity with cognitive awareness. Machines would discern and learn tasks without human intervention and replace workers in droves.
A Brief Introduction to Computational Neuroscience Part 1
By Samhita Alla – 10 min read
Computational neuroscience is the only field that can help you understand, how you’re able to think and process information in your brain. Even by the time you finished this sentence, there will be a good number of actions happening inside your brain which can be decoded by the study of neurons.
Understanding Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
By Joseph Rocca – 19 min read
Yann LeCun described it as "the most interesting idea in the last 10 years in Machine Learning". Of course, such a compliment coming from such a prominent researcher in the deep learning area is always a great advertisement for the subject we are talking about!
Learn Enough Docker to be Useful
By Jeff Hale – 7 min read
Containers are hugely helpful for improving security, reproducibility, and scalability in software development and data science. Their rise is one of the most important trends in technology today.
Reinforcement learning without gradients: evolving agents using Genetic Algorithms
By Paras Chopra – 10 min read
During holidays I wanted to ramp up my reinforcement learning skills. Knowing absolutely nothing about the field, I did a course where I was exposed to Q-learning and its "deep" equivalent (Deep-Q Learning).
Building a Conversational Chatbot for Slack using Rasa and Python
By Parul Pandey – 9 min read
Conversational AI systems are becoming an indispensable part of the human ecosystem. Well-known examples of conversational AI include Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa and Microsoft’s Cortana.
Facial Recognition SPA for BNK48 Idol group using React and face-api.js
By Supachai Chanarittichai – 14 min read
Face Detection and Recognition is nothing new these days. One year ago, I used to try making my own facial recognition system using TensorFlow and facenet on Python. The project aimed to make face detection and recognition of AKB48 member from their photo.