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Weekly Selection

Is Google Tensorflow Object Detection API the easiest way to implement image recognition?

By Priya Dwivedi – 4 min read.

There are many different ways to do image recognition. Google recently released a new Tensorflow Object Detection API to give computer vision everywhere a boost. Any offering from Google is not to be taken lightly, and so I decided to try my hands on this new API and use it on videos from you tube 🙂

Memory, attention, sequences

By Eugenio Culurciello – 4 min read.

We have seen the rise and success of categorization neural networks. The next big step in neural network is to make sense of complex spatio-temporal data coming from observing and interacting with the real world. We talked before about the new wave of neural networks that operate in this space.

How to do text classification with CNNs, TensorFlow and word embedding

By Lakshmanan V – 9 min read.

Suppose I gave you the title of an article "Amazing Flat version of Twitter Bootstrap" and asked you which publication that article appeared in: the New York Times, TechCrunch, or GitHub. What would be your guess?

Smart Cities and Image Recognition

By Joe Hanson – 6 min read.

Advances in artificial intelligence mean applications increasingly can take on image recognition capabilities that allow them to identify objects, detect the age of human faces and screen out adult content. The Department of Homeland Security has worked for several years to implement a biometric monitoring system to verify travelers in U.S. airports, and they recently found success with a Customs and Border Protection pilot.

Image Augmentation for Deep Learning using Keras and Histogram Equalization

By Ryan Block – 12 min read.

Deep Neural Networks, particularly Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), are particularly proficient at image classification tasks. State-of-the-art CNNs have even been shown to exceed human performance in image recognition.

Audio processing in TensorFlow

By Dario Cazzani – 6 min read.

We found audio processing in TensorFlow hard, here is our fix. There are countless ways to perform audio processing. The usual flow for running experiments with Artificial Neural Networks in TensorFlow with audio inputs is to first preprocess the audio, then feed it to the Neural Net.

Where to invest in Radiology AI

By Hugh Harvey – 8 min read.

As we reach the peak of the hype curve surrounding AI and its impact on the field of radiology, it’s more important than ever for savvy investors to be aware of the perils and pitfalls of this advancing space.

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