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Weekly Selection

SQL Tutorial: How To Write Better Queries

By Karlijn Willems – 19 min read.

Structured Query Language (SQL) is an indispensable skill in the data science industry and generally speaking, learning this skill is fairly easy. However, most forget that SQL isn’t just about writing queries, which is just the first step down the road. Ensuring that queries are performant or that they fit the context that you’re working in is a whole other thing.

Data Science Simplified: Simple Linear Regression Models

By Pradeep Menon – 9 min read.

In the previous posts of this series, we discussed the concepts of statistical learning and hypothesis testing. In this article, we dive into linear regression models.

Detecting bats by recognising their sound with Tensorflow

By Roland Meertens – 10 min read.

Last week I discovered that there are bats behind my appartment. I immediately grabbed my "bat detector": a device that converts the ultrasound signals bats use to echolocate from an inaudible frequency range to an audible one.

Political Partisanship: A look at the data

By Akhil Jalan – 4 min read.

Conventional wisdom says that the age of Trump is the most politically polarized time in recent politics. II decided to have a look at some data and see if this was really the case.

A wizard’s guide to Adversarial Autoencoders: Part 1, Autoencoder?

By Naresh Nagabushan – 9 min read.

We know that a Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) or in some cases Dense fully connected layers (MLP – Multi layer perceptron as some would like to call it) can be used to perform image recognition.

Reinforcement Learning w/ Keras + OpenAI: DQNs

By Yash Patel – 11 min read.

Last time in our Keras/OpenAI tutorial, we discussed a very basic example of applying deep learning to reinforcement learning contexts. This was an incredible showing in retrospect!

Detecting facial features using Deep Learning

By Peter Skvarenina – 6 min read.

Maybe you were wondering how you can place funny objects on faces in real-time video chats or detect emotions? I’ll show you one possible approach here utilizing deep learning as well as skim over one older approach.

Here’s what I learned from writing, coding and designing my own longform data-driven feature story

By Benjamin Cooley – 9 min read.

"By any means necessary." It’s a phrase that has taken new contexts throughout history, from first appearing in a play by Jean-Paul Sartre to showing up in speeches given by Malcolm X on the civil rights movement.

A Gentle Introduction To Neural Networks Series – Part 1

By David Fumo – 8 min read.

Neural networks and deep learning are big topics in Computer Science and in the technology industry, they currently provide the best solutions to many problems in image recognition, speech recognition and natural language processing.

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