By Elijah Meeks – 12 min read
Imagine what it was like to do data visualization 30 years ago. It’s 1988 and you’re using Excel 2.0 for simple charts like pie charts and line charts, or maybe something like SPSS for more complicated exploration and Arc/Info for geospatial data visualization.
How to do everything in Computer Vision
By George Seif – 7 min read
Want to do Computer Vision? Deep Learning is the way to go these days. Large scale datasets plus the representational power of deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) make for super accurate and robust models. Only one challenge still remains: how to design your model.
Hands-on Machine Learning Model Interpretation
By Dipanjan (DJ) Sarkar – 26 min read
Interpreting Machine Learning models is no longer a luxury but a necessity given the rapid adoption of AI in the industry. This article in a continuation in my series of articles aimed at ‘Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)’.
Music Genre Classification with Python
By Parul Pandey – 9 min read
Companies nowadays use music classification, either to be able to place recommendations to their customers (such as Spotify, Soundcloud) or simply as a product (for example Shazam). Determining music genres is the first step in that direction.
Top Examples of Why Data Science is Not Just .fit().predict()
By yonatan hadar – 7 min read
Two months ago, I finished my second year as a data scientist at YellowRoad so I decided to do a retrospective analysis on my projects, what did I do good? what interesting methods did I discover? what mistakes I did? and most importantly, what have I learned?
Vaex: Out of Core Dataframes for Python and Fast Visualization
By Maarten Breddels – 8 min read
Some datasets are too large to fit into the main memory of your desktop computer, let alone your laptop. Still, we would like to work with large datasets in the era of Big Data. However, we really don’t want to learn to set up a Hadoop or Spark infrastructure just for a small experiment.
Physics-guided Neural Networks (PGNNs)
By Mehmet Alican Noyan – 6 min read
Physics-based models are at the heart of today’s technology and science. Over recent years, data-driven models started providing an alternative approach and outperformed physics-driven models in many tasks.
Master Python through building real-world applications
By Dhrumil Patel – 7 min read
We will construct our web map using Python and Folium. You all are aware of Python so let me brief you about Folium. It is basically a Data Visualization library to visualize geospatial data or data that involves coordinates and locations.
How To Ask The Right Questions As A Data Scientist
By Admond Lee – 5 min read
I believe asking right questions and defining problem statements are some of the challenges faced by many beginners in data science (including me).