By Adventures in Data – 3 min read.
For a while, I’ve been on the hunt for what might qualify as the first computer data visualization.
Do Data Science Faster
By Rob Thomas – 3 min read.
AI is the goal for many enterprises. But, an organization needs machine learning, in order to do AI. And, machine learning is not possible without analytics.
Trends out of 2017’s Big Data Ignite
By Mac Fowler – 4 min read.
I had the great opportunity to attend the Grand Rapids, Michigan based Big Data Ignite 2017 conference. The three day conference carried a theme of "The Age of Exponential Intelligence" and offered a chance for me to take a step back and get a broader view of the big data and analytics marketplace.
Towards data set augmentation with GANs
By Pedro Ferreira – 13 min
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have taken over the machine learning community by storm. Their elegant theoretical foundations and the great results that are continuously improved upon in the computer vision domain make them one of the most active topics of research in Machine Learning in recent years.
User Experience with Machine Learning
By Maksym Zavershynskyi – 5 min read.
Machine learning is known for its difficulties with interpretability, or rather its absence. Which is an issue if your users have to work with the numeric output, like in the systems used in sales, trading or marketing.
A Soft Introduction to Neural Networks
By Shubhang Desai – 9 min read.
Over the last few years, neural networks have become synonymous with Machine Learning. Recently, we have been able to make neural nets which can produce life-like faces, transfer dynamic art style, and even "age" a picture of a person by years.
Big data for training models in the cloud
By Yufeng G – 3 min read.
What happens when our training data is too big to fit on our machine, or training the model starts to take hours? We go to the cloud, of course!
How to choose a Data Science Job.
By Kirill Eremenko – 8 min read.
Data Science seems to have well earned its title as the "sexiest job of the 21st century." But with all this commotion about the field, many wonder whether the trend toward Careers in Data Science is all just a fad. Why hedge your education, career and future on a bet?
Applied Deep Learning – Part 3: Autoencoders
By Arden Dertat – 10 min read.
Welcome to Part 2 of Applied Deep Learning series. Part 1 was a hands-on introduction to Artificial Neural Networks, covering both the theory and application with a lot of code examples and visualization.
Artificial Intelligence Verticals (II): Fintech
By Francesco Corea – 10 min read.
The financial sector is historically one of the most resistant to change you might think of.