by Elijah Meeks – 9 min read
Earlier this month, Susie Lu and I released Viz Palette, a tool to help data visualization designers evaluate and improve their palettes. It shows the palette in use across a variety of data visualization types but also measures the individual colors using techniques that try to identify when colors are too similar to each other visually but also when the names of colors are too alike.
"WTH does a neural network even learn?" – A newcomer’s dilemma
by Nityesh Agarwal – 13 min read
A simple, clear bird’s eye view of what neural networks learn – they learn "increasingly more complex concepts".
Deep learning in your browser: A brisk guide
by Mike Shi – 6 min read
Tensorflow.js is a new deep learning library that runs right in your browser. Being a machine learning and Javascript enthusiast, I immediately started working on an object detection library using Tensorflow.js after it was released.
Visualization of Deep Learning Feature Maps in Mini Autonomous Vehicles
by Nelson Fernandez – 4 min read
It’s been a few months since we started building The Axionaut, a mini-autonomous radio controlled (RC) car and raced it in some competitions in Paris. So far so good, we’ve managed to obtain good positions.
What’s new in YOLO v3?
by Ayoosh Kathuria – 9 min read
You only look once, or YOLO, is one of the faster object detection algorithms out there. Though it is no longer the most accurate object detection algorithm, it is a very good choice when you need real-time detection, without loss of too much accuracy.
Bayesian Linear Regression in Python: Using Machine Learning to Predict Student Grades
by William Koehrsen – 12 min read
Even after struggling with the theory of Bayesian Linear Modeling for a couple weeks and writing a blog plot covering it, I couldn’t say I completely understood the concept. So, with the mindset that learn by doing is the most effective technique, I set out to do a data science project using Bayesian Linear Regression as my machine learning model of choice.
AI-Based Operation: Learnings for Business and Technical Managers
by Ian Xiao – 12 min read
In this 2-part article, I want to share my work and reflections on applying Reinforcement Learning (RL) to a large scale city operation problem.
Redefining Immersive Gaming with Autoencoders powered audio-visual cloning
by Chintan Trivedi – 5 min read
An important aspect of enjoying computer games is the feeling of being a part of the game and its story-line. The feeling of immersion is very important to stimulate emotions, and the more you feel these emotions, the more fun you have playing the game.
Transfer Learning
by Niklas Donges – 8 min read
Transfer Learning is the reuse of a pre-trained model on a new problem. It is currently very popular in the field of Deep Learning because it enables you to train Deep Neural Networks with comparatively little data.
Deep Learning meets Physics: Restricted Boltzmann Machines Part I
by Artem Oppermann – 8 min read
This tutorial is part one of a two part series about Restricted Boltzmann Machines, a powerful deep learning architecture for collaborative filtering. In this part I introduce the theory behind Restricted Boltzmann Machines.