by Léo Beaucourt – 7 min read
In this article, I will present how I managed to use Tensorflow Object-detection API in a Docker container to perform both real-time (webcam) and video post-processing. I used OpenCV with python3 multiprocessing and multi-threading libraries.
Introduction to Game Theory (Part 1)
by Devin Soni – 5 min read
Game theory generally refers to the study of mathematical models that describe the behavior of logical decision-makers. It is widely used in many fields such as economics, political science, politics, and computer science, and can be used to model many real-world scenarios.
Choosing the Right Metric for Evaluating ML Models – Part 1
by Alvira Swalin – 9 min read
In the world of postmodernism, Relativism has been, in its various guises, both one of the most popular and most reviled philosophical doctrines. According to Relativism, there is no universal and objective truth; rather each point of view has its own truth.
Generating Drake Rap Lyrics using Language Models and LSTMs
by Ruslan Nikolaev – 10 min read
A major part of all future AI applications is building networks that are capable of learning from some dataset and then generating original content. This idea has been applied to Natural Language Processing (NLP) and that is how the AI community developed something called Language Models
Deep Learning With Apache Spark – Part 1
by Favio Vázquez – 8 min read
If you work in the Data World, there’s a good chance that you know what Apache Spark is. If you don’t that’s ok! I’ll tell you what it is.
Quantum Computing and AI Tie the Knot
by Jason Roell – 8 min read
In 2018, quantum technicians and daring developers are using quantum algorithms to transform the field of artificial neural network optimization: the bees knees of machine learning and AI. So we can say with some confidence that thanks to quantum algorithms, the future of quantum computing and artificial intelligence are hopelessly entangled.
Clustering Cryptocurrencies with Affinity Propagation
by Sebastian Quintero – 8 min read
A few months ago Radicle’s Crypto team began working on a crypto index, not as an investment vehicle, but rather for the purpose of having a clear and unbiased benchmark while evaluating new decentralized projects in the crypto economy. This paper discusses some preliminary statistical work that helped us better understand coin movements.
I analyzed my Facebook data and it’s story of shyness, loneliness, and change
by Przemysław Mroczek – 7 min read
I wanted to know what Facebook has on me, like everyone else now but I started to dig deeper beyond contact data, ads clicks, and my activity history. For the first time, all the ideas that were in my head about parsing my facebook data seemed doable.
A Brief Introduction to Wikidata
by Björn Hartmann – 5 min read
Have you ever heard about Wikidata? If not, you might think of Wikipediafirst – and that is not wrong. Wikidata is also a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.