The world’s leading publication for data science, AI, and ML professionals.

Weekly Selection

What does make America great? A scientist's perspective

By dj patil – 8 min read.

It’s been just over a week since we took to the streets to March For Science. And what an incredible day it was – because you showed up at more than 600+ marches!!!

Building Spotify’s "Discover Weekly" with Spark

By Moorissa Tjokro— 6 min read.

Today is the third day of my internship at NBC Universal, and I’m inspired to achieve a new goal: mastering Spark before leaving 30 Rock & 1221 Campus(where I’ll be spending most of my time working) this summer.

Musings at the Intersection of Data Science and Public Policy

By Joan Wang— 4 min read.

"Interesting… What does data science have to do with public policy?" This is a common response when I tell people that I am a Master’s student in Computational Analysis and Public Policy. I’m still working on crafting the perfect, concise answer to this question.

bigValley: Play God, in Python

By Seth Green – 8 min read.

Big Valley is a little simulated ecosystem with three kinds of critters: grass, rabbits, and wolves. Grass grows on rocks, and then is eaten by rabbits. Rabbits, in turn, are eaten by wolves. As each year passes, each critter does one of three things: 1) reproduces, if she has enough energy 2) eats food, if it’s next to her, increasing her energy 3) moves, if there’s no food next to her, decreasing her energy

What House of Cards Got Right (and Wrong) About Data Science

By Matt Brems— 8 min read.

Given the recent release of two House of Cards season 5 trailers and the impending release of season 5 of the binge-worthy Netflix series, this is a perfect opportunity to do two things: one re-watch the series immediately. Two look back at how season 4 of House of Cards used a data scientist and how well his work reflects real-world data science.

Machine Learning, Alien Knowledge and Other UFOs

By Peter Sweeney— 8 min read.

Deep learning generates observations we can’t explain. Is this the end of theory or a rallying cry for deep explanations? A response to David Weinberger.

How AI Consulting can Hurt your Digital Transformation

By Martin Schmitz, PhD— 4 min read.

You have a great idea how AI can enhance your business? You have the budget, the support and just want to get it moving. Now you hire an external consultant to do this job. He is the perfect model builder – but in all his goodness, he is destroying your business because he models and runs!

How to Make a Digital Personality of Yourself Using Chatbots, Facebook Messages, and Empathy

By Johnny Dunn— 18 min read.

Say you’ve been in a car accident, and your body rendered unrecognizable. The doctors offer you the chance to do a digital scan of your brain, allowing you to make a copy of your consciousness that can be transferred into a new body. Of course, the joy-killing word here is ‘copy’, because now there’s just two consciousnesses of you, and you’re the one stuck in the disabled body.

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