By Gidi Shperber— 16 min read.
Throughout the last few years in machine learning, I’ve always wanted to build real machine learning products.

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Software Architecture Patterns
By Anuradha Wickramarachchi – 3 min read.
This is the most common architecture pattern in most of the enterprise level applications. This is also known as the n-tier pattern, assuming n number of tiers. This is the de-facto pattern for JAVA EE applications.
What is Machine Learning?
By Yufeng G – 4 min read.
The world is filled with data. Lots and lots of data. Everything from pictures, music, words, spreadsheets, videos and more. It doesn’t look like it’s going to to slow down anytime soon. Machine learning brings the promise of deriving meaning from all of that data.
Big Data will be biased, if we let it
By Federica Pelzel – 7 min read.
If I had a penny for every time I’ve heard "data doesn’t lie"…
Taylor Swift vs Artificial Intelligence: Who’s Better?
By Shreya Shankar – 3 min read.
I was a huge Taylor Swift fan growing up. My middle school iPod Nano’s top played songs are from _Speak Now._
Meme search using pretrained word2vec
By Eyyüb Sari – 6 min read.
Memes are worth thousands of words. They are a cultural thing. My friends and I use to send a lot of those on Messenger using Giphy.
Humanities Graduates Should Consider Data Science
By Carson Forter – 5 min read.
My career trajectory has been somewhat unusual. Back in 2009 I graduated from undergrad with a degree in Classical Languages, and shortly after earned a master’s in the same area before moving on to a PhD.
How to get Started with Metrics in 5 steps
By Melinda Elmborg – 6 min read.
So, you’ve decided to work with metrics, congratulations! You will be rewarded! Now the hard work starts, and where do you begin? Here follow a couple of steps that should help you on the way.