The world’s leading publication for data science, AI, and ML professionals.

Weekly Selection

Can you hear me now? Far-field voice

By Jerry Lu – 9 min read.

In my previous post, I made the case that successful AI companies will develop a moat within the "computational speech" value chain by either creating a network effect around data or developing proprietary algorithms

Applied Deep Learning – Part 1: Artificial Neural Networks

By Arden Dertat – 23 min read.

Welcome to the Applied Deep Learning tutorial series. We will do a detailed analysis of several deep learning techniques starting with Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), in particular Feedforward Neural Networks.

How to Become a Data Scientist (Part 1/3)

By Experfy – 17 min read.

I am a recruiter specialised in the field of data science. The idea for this project arose because one of the most common questions I am asked is: "how do I obtain a position as a data scientist?"

Artificial Intelligence and the Rise of Economic Inequality

By Abhinav Suri – 16 min read.

Technology has played a key role in the United States labor market for centuries, enabling workers to carry out their daily tasks in a much more efficient manner.

What I learnt building a (simple) self-steering car in TensorFlow

By Malo Marrec – 7 min read.

When I first started my internship at Good AI Lab, I was tasked with building a basic self-steering car demo. I was both excited and daunted.

The New Hot Take: Machine Learning is Racist

By Matt Brems – 6 min read.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are two buzzwords which, appropriately, have gotten massive amounts of attention in recent years.

Genetic Programming applied to AI Heuristic Optimization

By Ryan Shrott – 6 min read.

My interest in genetic programming began in 2015 when I studied the iterated ultimatum game. More recently, I have been using genetic algorithms to optimize parameters in a risk management system at work.

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