By Shanif Dhanani – 7 min read.
Data science is one of those fields that everyone’s talking about but few people know how to do "properly." Schools are just now starting to pick up on how to teach it. Each company has its own recruiting practices when it comes to data science (heck, some don’t have any at all).
Computer Vision and Why It is so Difficult
By David Amerland – 5 min read.
The most difficult things to understand are the ones that are fundamental. We live in a visual world. We see things and instantly understand what they are and what we can do with them. We can not only identify them but also understand their particular attributes and the classification they belong in.
Game of Thrones Word Embeddings, does R+L = J ? – part 1
By JC Testud – 7 min read.
After my first story on text generation, I decided to learn and write about word embeddings. Word embeddings were the the hot new thing in 2013 (which is now prehistoric times). Now, let’s apply this data science breakthrough to something stupid!
Trends out of 2017’s Big Data Ignite
By Mac Fowler – 4 min read.
I had the great opportunity to attend the Grand Rapids, Michigan based Big Data Ignite 2017 conference. The three day conference carried a theme of "The Age of Exponential Intelligence" and offered a chance for me to take a step back and get a broader view of the big data and analytics marketplace.
Five ways fashion brands are using AI for personalization
By Clark Boyd – 9 min read.
Few industries are impervious to the ongoing artificial intelligence revolution. Driven by a host of open source technologies, brands of all stripes are tapping into the potential of both artificial intelligence and machine learning to make sense of big data.
Can Artificial Intelligence Help You Find Love: Understanding The Business of Matchmaking
By Shamli Prakash – 5 min read.
I consider my generation to be an extremely fortunate one, having been on the cusp of the titanic changes that have been occurring in the world driven by the technological revolution.
Dare to Be Different in the Data Science Community
By Jerica Copeny – 4 min read.
What if you wanted to raise awareness about an issue or advocate for an important cause using data science as your vehicle? As a data scientist, the thought of this is probably pretty exciting to you: bringing light to an issue and having the data to bring the story to life.
A Gentle Introduction to the Discussion on Algorithmic Fairness
By Gal Yona – 10 min read.
Recent years have seen the rise of machine learning algorithms: After breaking the benchmark on nearly every imaginable computer vision related tasks, machine learning algorithms are now in our homes and back-pockets, all the time.
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