As a twenty-something in the age of Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and the like, it was only a matter of time before I ventured into blogging. I actually tried a blog once before, which ultimately devolved into an infrequently-updated repository of Presidential debate drinking games – complete with GIFs.

Given that I’m attempting a new blog, it begs the question: About what should I write? I’m passionate about a number of things – Data Science, education, politics, law, quantitative literacy – especially if these interests overlap. It seems silly to pigeonhole oneself into one area, but it seems sillier to have a collection of unrelated ramblings.
Luckily, if I’ve learned anything over the past few years, data science overlaps with just about everything.
So that’s where I’ll start: applying data science to some (hopefully) cool problems. But how do I start? As George Orwell put it in _1984_, "To mark the paper was the decisive act." I feel like I’m starting a new school year with a newly-purchased notebook. Once you put pen to paper, things feel final. However, before that moment, the possibilities are infinite.
I recently re-read _Fahrenheit 451_ and the following quote stood out in memory:
Montag picked a single small volume from the floor. "Where do we begin?" He opened the book halfway and peered at it. "We begin by beginning, I guess."
So, I suppose this is the beginning. Over the coming days and weeks, there’ll be posts about solving problems using information and evidence, but for the time being, welcome!