Using World Development Indicators, I visualized energy mix (renewable, nonrenewable, nuclear) by countries and regions.

In terms of using nuclear sources to generate electricity we can observe:
- Europe use high mix of nuclear sources, the highest being France where 76% of electricity are from nuclear sources
- On other continents, US/Canada/South Korea/South Africa use highest percentage of nuclear sources in their region (based on 2012 data with most complete list of countries)
Regarding renewable energy, these countries use highest mix of renewable sources (including hydropower) in their regions: Albania, Tajikistan, Nepal, Paraguay, Mozambique, which are reported 99%+.
We can also see nonrenewable sources were still the mainstream yet in every region there’re countries progressing towards the renewable sources.
To produce ternary plot I used ggtern package:
ggtern(df, aes(x = Nuclear, y = Nonrenewable, z = Renewable, col=region)) +
geom_point(shape = 17, alpha=0.8, size = 5) +
This is #day48 of my #100dayprojects on Data Science and visual storytelling. Full code on my github. Thanks for reading. Suggestions of new topics and feedbacks are always welcomed.