While healthcare workers in many countries continue to diligently contact trace and track movements of individuals to identify various "hotspots" – i.e. areas where exceptionally high numbers of infected cases tend to aggregate, this process conventionally requires each identified location to be clustered based on Regions, Zones, Cities etc. (depending on the type of boundaries implemented).

For the majority of us, when given any postal code or address name, the most instinctive way to find out which Region or Area this location belongs to, e.g. "Location A", is to Google for more information:

However, this becomes a completely different story when you are required to handle tens, hundreds or even thousands of unique addresses on a daily basis and tag each location based on area boundaries. While many Geospatial analysts would use software utilities such as ArcGIS or QGIS, I personally prefer a more hassle-free approach which requires no installations such as the Turf.js library.
For short-term Geocoding purposes, this is in my opinion a more down-to-earth approach as code snippets are considerably more transferable than Desktop softwares.
To apply the capabilities of the Turf.js library easily, I have built a readily available online tool for all prior to this post (similar to my previous Tableau-related posts below):
Leverage on D3.js v4 to build a Network Graph for Tableau with ease
Underrated Combined Functionalities of Tableau – Point, LineString & Polygon Mapping
Generate Hex Maps from your existing Spatial Data in less than 3 steps
FYI: The respective utilities from the above articles can be accessed via the very same Web Application:

For demonstration, I shall be using the 2 input spatial files (Formats GeoJSON, SHP & KML are accepted)—
(1) Spatial Boundaries (https://github.com/incubated-geek-cc/tableau-data-utility/blob/master/public/data/planningareas.zip)
(2) Spatial Coordinates (https://github.com/incubated-geek-cc/tableau-data-utility/blob/master/public/data/chas_clinics_2020.geojson)

For demonstration, the above has been exported as CSV and rendered in Tableau as shown below:

To illustrate another example, the input files (1) US_States.geojson (spatial boundaries) & (2) US_Hospitals.geojson (spatial coordinates) are used in the following demo instead:

Feel free to access this Geospatial tool at Tableau Data Utility and try it out by uploading your own spatial files 😀
Side note: [Turf.js](https://turfjs.org/) library is surprisingly underrated and amazingly versatile. To view how Turf.js can be used for other use-cases, feel free to check out:
Generate Hex Maps from your existing Spatial Data in less than 3 steps
Thanks for reading and hope you found this useful!