A Universal Ratings System
The Elo ratings system has become famous in a few contexts. Perhaps most famously, it has been been the basis of Chess ratings since the 1960’s. Additionally, the website 538 has successfully used modifications of it for most of their well-known Sports ratings. Less publicly, many video game developers use variations of the Elo system behind the scenes in their matchmaking systems. If you’re reading this article, I’ll assume you have some familiarity with the system. Why is it so used in so many contexts? I would argue because of its computational scaling, versatility, and simplicity. There are however some drawbacks. In this article, we will address a very key one, while maintaining the advantages listed above.
Symbolic Regression
While Large Language Models are currently getting all of the attention (pun intended), there are other exciting models that are being developed separately with very different use cases. Symbolic regression is typically well suited to discover closed-form analytical rules rather than attack a deep learning task like classifying an image or translating an audio recording. If you wanted to rediscover Newton’s law of cooling, for example, you could build a resource intensive dense neural network. This would do well with enough data, but would not be able to generalize to situations it hadn’t seen. However, symbolic regression would be the right tool for the task. It can find the exact formula with limited data, and therefore not only generalize, but save quite a bit on computation. One of my favorite papers of all time by Cranmer et al. goes into this further and even develops a previously undiscovered equation for dark matter overdensity.
The Problem
Classic Elo ratings treat every rating as equally certain. This is usually a poor assumption for a large-scale ratings system. Simply put, newcomers to a ratings system should almost always be modeled with greater variance than those who have been around for awhile. Likewise, players that the ratings system hasn’t seen for a long period of time might’ve gotten better or worse by a significant amount. Imagine you and your group of four close friends often play Mario Kart against one another. For now, we can use the simplifying assumption that you only play head to head matches. No games have been played yet, but let’s say you have the following fundamentally true Elo ratings:
- Alice: 1900
- Bob: 1700
- Chelsea: 1500
- Dimitri: 1300
- Evelyn: 1100
With the classic Elo system, the expected win probability is totally determined by the ratings difference:
Because this is a sim, and we don’t have to worry about current form, a good nights sleep, or BAC. Instead, our true Elo ratings correspond to true win probabilities via the equation above. This would mean the following true win % chances when each player plays one another in our simulation:
You decide to use the Elo system to figure out how good everyone is, since as of right now, you don’t know the true ratings. The one parameter you need for the Elo system is the K value. K value is the amount of rating points "wagered" between players for each match, and which are ultimately awarded to the winner based on the pre-match win probability. Higher K values are used when you want to be more reactive to recent results, and lower K values are used when you want to trust your existing ratings. In most use cases, you’ll see K values between about 10 and 40. Any higher than 40, and ratings become very noisy. Lower than 10, and the ratings barely move at all. The following are 5,000 simulations of how long it would take for you, on average, to figure out how good everyone is with a k of 12, 24, and 36 over about 100 games:
As you can see, even with fairly high k-values (36), our system still takes 100 games to converge. As the k-values increase, the consistency gets worse. For example, when k=12, our rating approximation for the green player Chelsea stays right around her true rating of 1500. However, with higher k-values, our approximation of Chelsea’s rating drifts anywhere from 1400–1600.
One option would be to start with a high k-value, in order to increase convergence speed, and then reduce the k-value as ratings get more accurate. That is a hacky way to reduce uncertainty as more data comes in, and it turns out not to perform as well as more principled methods.
Other Systems
There have been plenty of attempts to solve this problem in the past, notably the Glicko system in 1995 and the TrueSkill system in 2005. Glicko relies on a closed form update equation, while TrueSkill uses Bayesian factor graphs to update ratings. TrueSkill has the enormous advantage of being able to handle multiplayer race scenarios, or team scenarios, and tends to converge quicker. TrueSkill does usually require extra computation, especially if the number of players per game/race/tournament is large. It is also more sensitive to parameter changes than Glicko. The decision on which to use of course depends on the application (but usually ends up being TrueSkill). Let’s see how Glicko, TrueSkill, Elo, and Elo with decaying K all stack up trying to converge to Alice’s rating:
As you can see, Glicko and TrueSkill converge much faster on average than Elo and Elo with k-value decay. Fundamentally, the faster convergence is because they are incorporating a measure of uncertainty. TrueSkill with scaled default parameters actually overshoots the true rating in my simulations, which demonstrates the sensitivity to parameter choices for that system. If I tuned the parameters, it would outperform Glicko, and not overshoot the true rating.
Symbolic Regression and My Own System
Before I realized how others had solved the problem, I set out to solve the problem myself. I’m glad I didn’t see their solutions, as it might’ve discouraged me from creating my own. In doing so, I found a great use case for the often underutilized symbolic regression.
Introductory Math
As with any classic model, we have to start with assumptions. For the purposes of this article it is safe to assume that player and team skills are, for the most part, normally distributed. In my experience, this is close to true for about any competition. Chess ratings have been found to be slightly better approximated by the logistic distribution, but I want to avoid getting bogged down for now.
Let’s say we have a normally distributed selection of 10,000 Mario Kart players. Let’s zoom in on two of those players. One will be "blue player" and the other will be "red player".
In this case, I drew two random players from this distribution. In the classic Elo formulation, the matchup can completely be described by the ratings difference between these two players. Classic Elo makes no attempt to account for the fact that we might have less data on the blue player than the red player. Just to be clear, we’re not using these distributions to predict the outcome of an individual match yet. The distributions simply represent overall skill level. Even if they did not overlap at all, there would still be a small probability of the red player beating the blue player.
Let’s say, for instance, we’ve only seen the blue player play once, and he or she did pretty well. It might have been luck from picking up the right item boxes at the right time, it’s hard to say. On the other hand, we’re pretty sure the red player is bad, although there’s some uncertainty about exactly how bad. In this new form of Elo, we acknowledge that it might be true that the blue player is actually worse than the red player (because the distributions somewhat meaningfully overlap).
Let’s call the red distribution R, the blue distribution B, and the distribution of the differences Z:
Since these are independent distributions, the covariance of B and R is zero. Our equations become very simple at this point. In other words, classic Elo only cares about the mean Z, which is about 1.85. In this case, we are also tracking the standard deviation of Z, which is about 0.84. That way, when we record an observation, we can update the distribution in a Bayesian manner.
Above, I visualized what it looks like when we run Elo drawing 10,000 times from the skill difference distribution. Classic Elo would give blue player a win probability of 86.4%, denoted by the yellow star. Our new Elo model will give a lot of different probabilities depending on the draw from the distribution. Interestingly, because one tail scenario drops the win probability precipitously, and the other one hits an upper bound, the average win probability is actually significantly lower for our distribution than just a point estimate— 83.7%. I’m just speculating, but perhaps this contributes to the reason the FIDE found that underdogs consistently won slightly more than predicted by Elo.
It is also worth quickly mentioning that some games involve more luck than others. For example, you can get good at Uno, Catan, Euchre, or Five Crowns, but those games have enough luck involved that a bad player could still upset a much higher ranked player. On the other hand, if I play Magnus Carlson in Chess, I’m losing 100/100 times, and so there is less luck involved. In order to model irreducible luck, additional complexity is needed (that I’m avoiding for now).
Symbolic Regression
Now, how can we use a win/loss result to update the parameters of these distributions? We need it to be a binary outcome variable to preserve the versatility of Elo – we want to be able to use this system for about any game (a good exercise would be to create a system that updates based on continuous outcomes). However, as far as I know, there isn’t a simple closed form solution to update the parameters of a Normal distribution with a binary outcome, and so imperfections arise. On one hand, I could spend a couple of years going through university courses and hone my mathematical skills to the point where I would know how to sit down and attack this problem. On the other hand, I could cheat and throw it into a symbolic regression model and additionally have a Medium article out of it. I chose the latter, although I have a lot of respect for someone who does the former.
The Beta distribution is perfect for modeling the probabilities of binary outcomes, and we already have the mean of such a distribution given by our sigmoid transform of the mean of the Normal distribution (the purple graphs/yellow star above). The question is whether or not there is a decent formula for transforming Normal distribution variance into the equivalent of Beta distribution variance. In order to answer that question, I simply randomly generated a few thousand Normal skill difference distributions with known mean and variance, and then transformed every individual point from those randomly generated distributions into their equivalent probability between 0 and 1 with the sigmoid function. Here are some samples where I adjust the variance of the purple distribution above, keeping the same mean:
I put a question mark next to Beta, because there is no guarantee that I’m generating a Beta distribution by doing this. In fact, I certainly am not. However, simply by eyeballing the distributions, I guessed that I could find corresponding Beta parameters to describe these distributions well. Let’s empirically find the parameters of the distributions above using maximum likelihood estimation to fit the best Beta parameters.
Minimizing negative log likelihood, I came up with the following results:
The Beta param fits are far from perfect, but seemingly do very well in cases where variance is fairly low, or the probability isn’t extreme. After generating thousands of these, I simply fit a symbolic regression model using the PySR package. I give it the Beta mean and Normal variance and see if it can predict the Beta sample size (which corresponds to variance). Then I will have all the parameters of the Beta distribution model. After fitting the model, PySR gives by far the highest score (which is based on simplicity and performance) to the equation:
I was amazed at how simple that equation was, and for such a simple equation, how good the results were. Although it’s even farther from perfect than above, you can see it fits the data pretty well:
This is the beauty of Symbolic Regression. Instead of taking minutes or hours to run an optimization on thousands of thousands of data points, we write a one line function that can give similar results instantly.
Making this key equation into an actual ratings system takes a few more steps which are not the focus of the article. If you’re interested, it involves using a Bayesian update of the Beta distribution, and then using algebra to get back to the Normal distribution. I also found through experimenting that since a match is a pairwise comparison (we are getting information from two players), we have way more effective sample size in practice than updating a typical Beta distribution (like a textbook coin flip example). Adjusting for the higher sample just involves adding a square term. The following is all the code I used to implement it:
Of course at this point, I still wasn’t sure how good my implementation was. Would it be incredibly inferior to TrueSkill and Glicko? It seemed very possible that I had just wasted a lot of time. So, I tried the same convergence test as before for Alice:
To my surprise, it performed extremely well. Since it requires only a handful of basic operations, it can compute thousands of ratings per second, and so it is extremely scalable. The system also has the advantage of not requiring much parameter tweaking, while keeping the versatility and simplicity of Elo’s system. Of course, I wanted to push it a little further, and see where it broke down:
The prediction did not match the maximum likelihood estimate when probabilities got close to 0 or 1. So, ultimately there are some disadvantages because fundamentally a Beta distribution isn’t a perfect fit. I’m sure there’s a more complicated equation that could help take care of this, or some sort of modification. Maybe a statistician will inform me that a better distribution than the Beta distribution for modeling these outcomes exists. However, I was happily surprised with the system I created. No system will every be perfect, and there are always drawbacks to consider. Of course, there are a few ways to interweave these ideas into practical applications – you can follow me if you’re interested and I will continue to write about them. I hope that a success like this motivates readers to try symbolic regression for their own use cases. Here is a link to the notebook where I created all of these visualizations. It’s part of a library where I hope to implement vectorized versions of all these ratings systems (although that might still be a few months away).
[1] Miles Cranmer, Interpretable Machine Learning for Science with PySR and SymbolicRegression.jl (2023)
[2] Mark Glickman, A Comprehensive Guide to Chess Ratings (1995)
[3] Ralf Herbrich, Tom Minka, Thore Graepel, TrueSkill(TM): A Bayesian Skill Rating System (2007), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 20
All images unless otherwise noted are by the author.