Uplift Modeling with Cost Optimization

How to adjust CATE to consider costs associated with your treatments

Sean Smith
Towards Data Science


Photo by Remy Gieling on Unsplash

Getting customers to come back to your business is hard. In the age of competitive industry incentives, brands are spending loads of money to get customers to come back in the door. One way of convincing customers to come back to your company is by interacting with them, exposing them to different advertisements in the hopes of a new conversion.

Sometimes these advertisements work, other times a customer needs more of an incentive. This is where we can introduce discounts to the customer in order for them to perceive additional value in interacting with the brand and abandon our equal costs advertisement approach. The obvious challenge with these discounts is that the brand will lose value on the transaction. This is the challenge we will focus on: how do we know which (if any) discount to send to the customer to increase their conversion probability?

Some readers may have noticed this problem is close to the typical Uplift modelling scenario. We take some observed treatments, compare them against a control, and pick the treatment with the maximum Conditional Average Treatment Effect (CATE). When we don’t have both the treatment and control observed we estimate the counterfactual (what didn’t happen). To fit the Uplift framework we can rework the previous question to: how do we adjust the CATE to consider the costs associated with each treatment?

This is a problem that falls on us as Data Scientists. We can help the seasoned advertiser sort through a collection of advertisements and discounts and figure out what each customer should see given previously observed interactions. Leading on this observed data, we can help a business or brand decide what the optimal strategy is for interacting with customers in the scenario outlined.

We start with a whirlwind introduction to Uplift Modeling and Meta Learners, learning what each of those are and how they solve the equal costs problem. We then introduce the net value CATE and show the minor modification we need to make to our Meta Learners to account for our costs. In addition to the Meta Learner adjustment, we also look at a solution from CausalML called the Counterfactual Value Estimator (CVE) and how this approach solves the net value problem. Finally we look at some experiments and discuss some practicalities of how this would work in a production environment.

A Whirlwind Tour of Uplift Modelling

To make sure we’re all aligned on uplift modelling I’ve dedicated this space to a brief overview. Uplift Modelling is a framework under Causal Inference that focuses on determining the best treatment for individual subjects. The advantage to Uplift Modelling over traditional statistical learning techniques is that we estimate the counterfactual effects, the results for a scenario that didn’t happen. Using this estimation we can predict the treatment effects for treatments the subject didn’t receive, allowing us to answer the “What would have happened if we did X?” question.

This measure of the difference between the treatment and the control group is referred to as the Conditional Average Treatment Effect (CATE). To formalize this idea I’ll turn to some equations. We denote the outcome for the subject as Y, the treatment as t, and the treatment identifier as j, with the special case of j=0 as the control group. In our case Y is a binary variable that indicates if the user converted or not. We condition the difference on a column vector x which contains subject information, most important of which would be purchasing behaviors. Using this notation we have the formula presented below.

Formula for CATE

Now that we have a desired value to learn, we need a method that can estimate this value. The most popular approach to solve this problem in the context of Uplift Modelling is through the use of Meta Learners. Meta Learners make use of the statistical models we are all familiar (i.e. Logistic Regression, LinearRegerssion, XGBoost, etc.) but reformat the problem to learn an approach to solve for the CATE.

At their core, Meta Learners attempt to learn the psuedo-effects for each treatment and wrap their learning around that estimate. The psuedo-effects are learned by taking the difference between estimates of each treatment from statistical learning models and making comparisons against observed values and estimated values. At the end of the Meta Learner workflow we output the CATE for each treatment.

For this article, it is only important to understand what CATE, not as much how you learn to estimate CATE. This explanation of traditional uplift modelling to estimate the CATE is really quick and not comprehensive enough for a practical application of the approach. I would suggest this article for a good introduction and for a comprehensive introduction for all things related to causal inference I suggest Causal Inference for the Brave and True.

Extending CATE to Capture Net Value

As shown above, our value of CATE was only capturing the conversion probabilities. Here we shift perspectives to consider a CATE that could be used to consider the total value of the conversion as well as the cost of the treatment used to activate the conversion.

In order to consider the value, we need to introduce some new notation from Zhao and Harinen [1]. We introduce v as the expected value of the transaction, s as the conversion cost (i.e. the cost of the treatment/discount when activated), and c as the impression cost (i.e. the cost to show the treatment/discount to the consumer). Again t represents a treatment and j represents the specific treatment, with j=0 being the special case of the control group. Below we can see how we use these values to update the CATE formula to account for total net value.

Equation for Net Value CATE

This formula gives us some new flexibility in considering how to apply treatments that have associated costs. We can see that when we make comparisons of the Net Value CATE, we have treatment effects that factor in pricing.

Considering Net Value with the X-Learner

Based on our above notion of net value CATE, it is quite trivial to extend the X-Learner to handle this new foundation of CATE. When using the X-Learner one of the primary steps is to learn the pseudo-effects for the treatments given a prediction and the ground truth. To do this we fit a response model (denoted by mu) for each treatment and calculate the difference between the treatment group and the control group. For the values we don’t have (the counterfactuals) we estimate with a trained response model using a set of features for each individual in the data set. The standard pseudo effects look like:

Pseudo-Effects without net value.

As discussed above we want to capture net value in our pseudo-effects. We can accomplish this the way that Zhao and Harinen [1] proposed with the same modification we made to CATE above. If you notice, the pseudo-effects are an estimate of CATE, how much better the treatment is than another given a set of features about the subject. By making the same modification to the expectation we did above we can rework the net-value pseudo-effects as:

Pseudo-Effects with net value.

A nice result of modelling net value through the CATE is that this is the only adjustment to the X-Learner we need to make. Since CATE is already a continuous variable the subsequent models that need to be trained to preidct CATE are equipped to handle the regression task.

Considering Net Value with the Counterfactual Value Estimator

There are some other approaches to consider net value in the comparison. One which we will consider here is the solution implemented in CausalML, a python library maintained by Uber. Their solution, the Counterfactual Value Estimator (CVE), innovates on the same idea of calculating net value CATE, but takes a slightly different approach to where the calculation happens.

CVE is a post modelling optimizer that takes inputs from a few models to estimate the net value CATE. The first model used is a conversion probability model. This model is used to predict the probability the subject will convert given their features and the treatment they receive.

The next model trained for the CVE is any learner that can predict CATE. The CATE is combined with the conversion probabilities to determine what the convergence probability is under the treatment scenario against the counterfactual. This calculation looks like this:

Equation for CATE in CVE. Equation taken from [2].

The next model trained for the CVE is the expected conversion value predictor. Depending on the scenario this model might not be necessary. If you can easily sub historic spending for how much the user will spend then that is a viable option. However, if you have some information on how the user interacts with your brand or how much they are likely to spend on their next transaction then you can model that through a regression problem.

At this point we have all of the predicted values we need to use the net value CATE described above to optimize which treatment is likely to give the largest net value payout. For more information on this approach you can look at the information provided in [2]. Latter in the article we will explore the concept further with code.


Here we’ll step through an example of how you can apply the methods discussed so far. We’ll make use of some helper functions from CausalML and also adapt one of their notebooks for the example. We’ll also evaluate exactly as they did in their notebook. To see their demo, check out this link.

The metric we’ll use is a potential earnings heuristic for what our average earnings would have been if we had employed this treatment assignment policy on the previous batch of data. On the hold out data we match all cases where our treatment is equal to the observed treatment. When those are equal we find the average value of those individuals. To further clarify I wrote some hypothetical SQL below that would show how this is calculated, with the column names following the variables we’ve discussed throughout the article.

SELECT AVG((expected_value - conversion_cost) * conversion - impression_cost)
FROM preds_and_ground_truth
WHERE predicted_treatment = ground_truth_treatment;

First thing we need to do is create our data. For this example we’ll use two treatments and a control group. I set the positive_class_proportion=0.1 which represents a conversion rate of 10%. This number may be different based on your scenario so if you’re simulating make sure to pick this accordingly.

df, X_names = make_uplift_classification(
treatment_name=["control", "treatment1", "treatment2"],

The next thing we’ll do here is create our cost related functions. The first will be the expected value, which I created as a function of one of the irrelevant features. This feature has no impact on the conversion, so it tests our methods ability to calculate expected spend when making the optimization.

df['expected_value'] = np.abs(df['x6_irrelevant']) * 20 + np.random.normal(0, 5)

Now we’ll create all of the cost information using the helper functions from CausalML. We’ll create our conversion cost array cc_array , our impression cost array ic_array , and get the conditions (our treatments). The conversion value array is just the expected value we created above.

# Put costs into dicts
conversion_cost_dict = {"control": 0, "treatment1": 2.5, "treatment2": 10}
impression_cost_dict = {"control": 0, "treatment1": 0, "treatment2": 0.02}

# Use a helper function to put treatment costs to array
cc_array, ic_array, conditions = get_treatment_costs(

# Put the conversion value into an array
conversion_value_array = df['expected_value'].to_numpy()

Next we can create the actual value array. This is the value of the transaction following the same formula for our expectation above.

actual_value = get_actual_value(

Random Policy

The first policy we’ll look at is randomly assigning treatments to different subjects. This could look something like this:

test_actual_value = actual_value.loc[test_idx]
random_treatments = pd.Series(
np.random.choice(conditions, test_idx.shape[0]), index=test_idx
test_treatments = df.loc[test_idx, "treatment_group_key"]
random_allocation_value = test_actual_value[test_treatments == random_treatments]

Best Treatment Policy

The next policy is taking the treatment that has the highest Average Treatment Effect (ATE). This doesn’t consider context of the subject at all.

best_ate = df_train.groupby("treatment_group_key")["conversion"].mean().idxmax()

actual_is_best_ate = df_test["treatment_group_key"] == best_ate

best_ate_value = actual_value.loc[test_idx][actual_is_best_ate]

Best Possible

The best possible policy is an oracle we can look towards to judge how our models compare. This model is one that considers only cases in which we lost no value. This is the case when the subject was in the control group or they converted when we sent them one of two treatments.

test_value = actual_value.loc[test_idx]
best_value = test_value[test_value >= 0]

X Learner

Here we’ll use just a plain X Learner with no cost optimization. The X Learner I use here is one that I implemented, so if you would like to experiment with that I included a link below to my repo below.

xm = XLearner()
encoder = {"control": 0, "treatment1": 1, "treatment2": 2}
X = df.loc[train_idx, X_names].to_numpy()
y = df.loc[train_idx, "conversion"].to_numpy()
T = np.array([encoder[x] for x in df.loc[train_idx, "treatment_group_key"]])

xm.fit(X, y, T)

To get the best treatment according to the XLearner we can get the predicted CATE values and take the treatment with the max value through an argmax on the dataframe.

X_test = df.loc[test_idx, X_names].to_numpy()
xm_pred = xm.predict(X_test).drop(0, axis=1)
xm_best = xm_pred.idxmax(axis=1)
xm_best = [conditions[idx] for idx in xm_best]

actual_is_xm_best = df_test["treatment_group_key"] == xm_best
xm_value = actual_value.loc[test_idx][actual_is_xm_best]

Counterfactual Value Estimator

To use the CVE from CausalML we need to first train a few models. The first model is the conversion classifier. This is just a straight forward classification problem. We use the classifier to predict the probability of converting given their treatment exposure and other information we may know about them.

proba_model = lgb.LGBMClassifier()

W_dummies = pd.get_dummies(df["treatment_group_key"])
XW = np.c_[df[X_names], W_dummies]

proba_model.fit(XW[train_idx], df_train["conversion"])
y_proba = proba_model.predict_proba(XW[test_idx])[:, 1]

The next model we need to train is a model to predict the expected value of the guest’s conversion. This is another straight forward problem, this time regression.

expected_value_model = lgb.LGBMRegressor()
expected_value_model.fit(XW[train_idx], df_train['expected_value'])
pred_conv_value = expected_value_model.predict(XW[test_idx])

The other value we use for this model is the predicted CATE values. In the previous step we fit an X-Learner, which predicted the CATE for us. Now we can optimize our actions using the CVE.

cve = CounterfactualValueEstimator(
treatment_names=conditions[1:], # idx 0 is control

CVE is a non-parametric optimizer. This means that we don’t learn any weights when we use the CVE. Instead, we take the values we have already learned and optimize them for external costs when predicting the action. Below is an example of how we can get the best actions from CVE.

cve_best_idx = cve.predict_best()
cve_best = [conditions[idx] for idx in cve_best_idx]
actual_is_cve_best = df.loc[test_idx, "treatment_group_key"] == cve_best
cve_value = actual_value.loc[test_idx][actual_is_cve_best]

Net Value Optimized X-Learner

The next policy we will look at is the X-Learner again, but this time one that considers the Net Value CATE instead of the vanilla CATE. This is the same X-Learner from before, the one from my repo. If you would like to experiment with it please look at the repo linked below.

nvex = XLearner(ic_lookup=ic_lookup, cc_lookup=cc_lookup)

X = df.loc[train_idx, X_names].to_numpy()
y = df.loc[train_idx, "conversion"].to_numpy()
T = np.array([encoder[x] for x in df.loc[train_idx, "treatment_group_key"]])
value = df.loc[train_idx, "expected_value"].to_numpy()

nvex.fit(X, y, T, value)

Comparing Results

Below we can see the results of each policy for mean value in the testing set. As we expected the methods that optimized value in the distribution of treatments outperformed those that did not consider value. Random Allocation and Best Treatment serve as good baseline measures but do not provide performance that make them a competitive naive method. The X-learner is a good improvement over the naive methods but does to perform as well as the methods that factor in net value. The best performance comes from the Net Value Optimized (NVO) X-Learner and the CVE. This is because these methods are optimized for the net value which is the metric we are measuring them against.

Mean value for each subject on testing set.

To measure success in a formal campaign I would recommend a slightly more involved approach following a backtesting paradigm. For those unfamiliar, backtesting involves testing an algorithm on historical data using a holdout set on a cutoff date. Suppose you have 90 days of data. A backtesting review of a strategy/algorithm would involve training on 45 and testing on the next 45 days, then incrementing the training set by some fixed value of days and repeating the training and validation problem. Here we can take the same approach with our method and test how the algorithm performs on historic increments.

Considerations on Data Collection and Validation

When executing a campaign like this, your models are only as good as your data. Random data is expensive and likely not feasible for the whole of your data, but it is important to have some random data. When distributing your treatments, be sure to collect some subsample that is randomly assigned. This data is best to use for validation purposes to make sure that the algorithm you trained hasn’t learned any trends that come from imbalances in how the treatments are distributed.

For those concerned about training on observational data there are a few natural ways it is accounted for. In the X-Learner we learn a propensity model for treatment assignment. When considering the treatment effect we learn a weighted average over the likelihood the individual was assigned to that treatment group. For more information I would suggest looking at formulas (10), (11) and (12) from [1].

Observational data imbalances can also be accounted for in the conversion model and the regression model. By measuring accuracy within treatment groups for the conversion and expected value models, we can make sure the data isn’t biased to any one group. If the results do become biased there are plenty of sampling techniques that could be used to fix this problem (this is a good example of something easy.)


Here we saw an introduction on how to optimize value when distributing treatments. We discussed how this problem is usually handled, which included a whirlwind tour of Uplift Modelling and introduced ATE and CATE. Then we modified how CATE was calculated to include value, conversion cost, and impression cost in the expectation to learn the net value CATE. We moved on to look at an existing solution provided by CausalML called the Counterfactual Value Estimator and saw how that accounted for net value CATE. Finally we stepped through the notebook from CausalML and extended with our Net Value Optimized X-Learner.

You can access my repo here!

You can access the original notebook from CausalML here!

All images belong to the Author unless otherwise noted.

[1] Zhao, Z., & Harinen, T.. (2019). Uplift Modeling for Multiple Treatments with Cost Optimization.

[2] Huigang Chen, Totte Harinen, Jeong-Yoon Lee, Mike Yung, & Zhenyu Zhao. (2020). CausalML: Python Package for Causal Machine Learning.



Connecting AI research to practical industry applications. My focus area is personalization of customer experiences through advanced AI and NLP.