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Understanding SSD MultiBox – Real-Time Object Detection In Deep Learning

This post is meant to constitute an intuitive explanation of the SSD MultiBox object detection technique. I have tried to minimise the…

Example of end-to-end object detection (from Microsoft)
Example of end-to-end object detection (from Microsoft)

This post is meant to constitute an intuitive explanation of the SSD MultiBox object detection technique. I have tried to minimise the maths and instead slowly guide you through the tenets of this architecture, which includes explaining what the MultiBox algorithm does. After reading this post, I hope you will have a better grasp of SSD and will try it out for yourselves!

Since AlexNet took the research world by storm at the 2012 ImageNet Large-Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC), deep learning has become the go-to method for image recognition tasks, far surpassing more traditional Computer Vision methods used in the literature. In the field of computer vision, convolution neural networks excel at image classification, which consists of categorising images, given a set of classes (e.g. cat, dog), and having the network determine the strongest class present in the image.

Images of cats and dogs (from kaggle)
Images of cats and dogs (from kaggle)

Nowadays, Deep Learning networks are better at image classification than humans, which shows just how powerful this technique is. However, we as humans do far more than just classify images when observing and interacting with the world. We also localize and classify each element within our field of view. These are much more complex tasks which machines are still struggling to perform as well as humans. In fact, I would argue that object detection when performed well, brings machines closer to real scene understanding.

Does the image show cat, a dog, or do we have both? (from kaggle)
Does the image show cat, a dog, or do we have both? (from kaggle)

The Region-Convolutional Neural Network (R-CNN)

A few years ago, by exploiting some of the leaps made possible in computer vision via CNNs, researchers developed R-CNNs to deal with the tasks of object detection, localization and classification. Broadly speaking, a R-CNN is a special type of CNN that is able to locate and detect objects in images: the output is generally a set of bounding boxes that closely match each of the detected objects, as well as a class output for each detected object. The image below shows what a typical R-CNN outputs:

Example output of R-CNN
Example output of R-CNN

There is an exhaustive list of papers in this field and for anyone eager to explore further I recommend starting with the following "trilogy" of papers around the topic:

As you might have guessed, each next paper proposes improvements to the seminal work done in R-CNN to develop a faster network, with the goal of achieving real-time object detection. The achievements displayed through this set of work is truly amazing, yet none of these architectures manage to create a real-time object detector. Without going too much into details, the following problems with the above networks were identified:

  • Training the data is unwieldy and too long
  • Training happens in multiple phases (e.g. training region proposal vs classifier)
  • Network is too slow at inference time (i.e. when dealing with non-training data)

Fortunately, in the last few years, new architectures were created to address the bottlenecks of R-CNN and its successors, enabling real-time object detection. The most famous ones are YOLO (You Only Look Once) and SSD MultiBox (Single Shot Detector). In this post, we will discuss SSD as there seem to be less coverage about this architecture than YOLO. Besides, you should also find it easier to grasp YOLO once you understand SSD.

Single Shot MultiBox Detector

The paper about SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector (by C. Szegedy et al.) was released at the end of November 2016 and reached new records in terms of performance and precision for object detection tasks, scoring over 74% mAP (mean Average Precision) at 59 frames per second on standard datasets such as PascalVOC and COCO. To better understand SSD, let’s start by explaining where the name of this architecture comes from:

  • Single Shot: this means that the tasks of object localization and classification __ are done in a _singl_e forward pass of the network
  • MultiBox: this is the name of a technique for bounding box regression developed by Szegedy et al. (we will briefly cover it shortly)
  • Detector: The network is an object detector that also classifies those detected objects


Architecture of Single Shot MultiBox detector (input is 300x300x3)
Architecture of Single Shot MultiBox detector (input is 300x300x3)

As you can see from the diagram above, SSD’s architecture builds on the venerable VGG-16 architecture, but discards the fully connected layers. The reason VGG-16 was used as the base network is because of its strong performance in high quality image classification tasks and its popularity for problems where transfer learning helps in improving results. Instead of the original VGG fully connected layers, a set of auxiliary convolutional layers (from conv6 onwards) were added, thus enabling to extract features at multiple scales and progressively decrease the size of the input to each subsequent layer.

VGG architecture (input is 224x224x3)
VGG architecture (input is 224x224x3)


The bounding box regression technique of SSD is inspired by Szegedy’s work on MultiBox, a method for fast class-agnostic bounding box coordinate proposals. Interestingly, in the work done on MultiBox an Inception-style convolutional network is used. The 1×1 convolutions that you see below help in dimensionality reduction since the number of dimensions will go down (but "width" and "height" will remain the same).

Architecture of multi-scale convolutional prediction of the location and confidences of multibox
Architecture of multi-scale convolutional prediction of the location and confidences of multibox

MultiBox’s loss function also combined two critical components that made their way into SSD:

  • Confidence Loss: this measures how confident the network is of the objectness of the computed bounding box. Categorical cross-entropy is used to compute this loss.
  • Location Loss: this measures how far away the network’s predicted bounding boxes are from the ground truth ones from the training set. L2-Norm is used here.

Without delving too deep into the math (read the paper if you are curious and want a more rigorous notation), the expression for the loss, which measures how far off our prediction "landed", is thus:

_*multibox_loss = confidence_loss + alpha locationloss**

The alpha term helps us in balancing the contribution of the location loss. As usual in deep learning, the goal is to find the parameter values that most optimally reduce the loss function, thereby bringing our predictions closer to the ground truth.

MultiBox Priors And IoU

The logic revolving around the bounding box generation is actually more complex than what I earlier stated. But fear not: it is still within reach.

In MultiBox, the researchers created what we call priors (or anchors in Faster-R-CNN terminology), which are pre-computed, fixed size bounding boxes that closely match the distribution of the original ground truth boxes. In fact those priors are selected in such a way that their Intersection over Union ratio (aka IoU, and sometimes referred to as Jaccard index) is greater than 0.5. As you can infer from the image below, an IoU of 0.5 is still not good enough but it does however provide a strong starting point for the bounding box regression algorithm – it is a much better strategy than starting the predictions with random coordinates! Therefore MultiBox starts with the priors as predictions and attempt to regress closer to the ground truth bounding boxes.

Diagram explaining IoU (from Wikipedia)
Diagram explaining IoU (from Wikipedia)

The resulting architecture (check MultiBox architecture diagram above again for reference) contains 11 priors per feature map cell (8×8, 6×6, 4×4, 3×3, 2×2) and only one on the 1×1 feature map, resulting in a total of 1420 priors per image, thus enabling robust coverage of input images at multiple scales, to detect objects of various sizes.

At the end, MultiBox only retains the top K predictions that have minimised both location (LOC) and confidence (CONF) losses.

SSD Improvements

Back onto SSD, a number of tweaks were added to make this network even more capable of localizing and classifying objects.

Fixed Priors: unlike MultiBox, every feature map cell is associated with a set of default bounding boxes of different dimensions and aspect ratios. These priors are manually (but carefully) chosen, whereas in MultiBox, they were chosen because their IoU with respect to the ground truth was over 0.5. This in theory should allow SSD to generalise for any type of input, without requiring a pre-training phase for prior generation. For instance, assuming we have configured 2 diagonally opposed points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) for each b default bounding boxes per feature map cell , and c classes to classify, on a given feature map of size f = m * n, SSD would compute f * b * (4 + c) values for this feature map.

SSD default boxes at 8x8 and 4x4 feature maps
SSD default boxes at 8×8 and 4×4 feature maps

Location Loss: SSD **** uses smooth L1-Norm to calculate the location loss. While not as precise as L2-Norm, it is still highly effective and gives SSD more room for manoeuvre as it does not try to be "pixel perfect" in its bounding box prediction (i.e. a difference of a few pixels would hardly be noticeable for many of us).

Classification: MultiBox does not perform object classification, whereas SSD does. Therefore, for each predicted bounding box, a set of c class predictions are computed, for every possible class in the dataset.

Training & Running SSD


You will need training and test datasets with ground truth bounding boxes and assigned class labels (only one per bounding box). The Pascal VOC and COCO datasets are a good starting point.

Images from Pascal VOC dataset
Images from Pascal VOC dataset

Default Bounding Boxes

It is recommended to configure a varied set of default bounding boxes, of different scales and aspect ratios to ensure most objects could be captured. The SSD paper has around 6 bounding boxes per feature map cell.

Feature Maps

Features maps (i.e. the results of the convolutional blocks) are a representation of the dominant features of the image at different scales, therefore running MultiBox on multiple feature maps increases the likelihood of any object (large and small) to be eventually detected, localized and appropriately classified. The image below shows how the network "sees" a given image across its feature maps:

VGG Feature Map Visualisation (from Brown Uni)
VGG Feature Map Visualisation (from Brown Uni)

Hard Negative Mining

During training, as most of the bounding boxes will have low IoU and therefore be interpreted as negative training examples, we may end up with a disproportionate amount of negative examples in our training set. Therefore, instead of using all negative predictions, it is advised to keep a ratio of negative to positive examples of around 3:1. The reason why you need to keep negative samples is because the network also needs to learn and be explicitly told what constitutes an incorrect detection.

Example of hard negative mining (from Jamie Kang blog)
Example of hard negative mining (from Jamie Kang blog)

Data Augmentation

The authors of SSD stated that data augmentation, like in many other deep learning applications, has been crucial to teach the network to become more robust to various object sizes in the input. To this end, they generated additional training examples with patches of the original image at different IoU ratios (e.g. 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, etc.) and random patches as well. Moreover, each image is also randomly horizontally flipped with a probability of 0.5, thereby making sure potential objects appear on left and right with similar likelihood.

Example of horizontally flipped image (from Behavioural Cloning blog post)
Example of horizontally flipped image (from Behavioural Cloning blog post)

Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS)

Given the large number of boxes generated during a forward pass of SSD at inference time , it is essential to prune most of the bounding box by applying a technique known as non-maximum suppression: boxes with a confidence loss threshold less than ct (e.g. 0.01) and IoU less than lt (e.g. 0.45) are discarded, and only the top N predictions are kept. This ensures only the most likely predictions are retained by the network, while the more noisier ones are removed.

NMS example (from DeepHub tweet)
NMS example (from DeepHub tweet)

Additional Notes On SSD

The SSD paper makes the following additional observations:

  • more default boxes results in more accurate detection, although there is an impact on speed
  • having MultiBox on multiple layers results in better detection as well, due to the detector running on features at multiple resolutions
  • 80% of the time is spent on the base VGG-16 network: this means that with a faster and equally accurate network SSD’s performance could be even better
  • SSD confuses objects with similar categories (e.g. animals). This is probably because locations are shared for multiple classes
  • SSD-500 (the highest resolution variant using 512×512 input images) achieves best mAP on Pascal VOC2007 at 76.8%, but at the expense of speed, where its frame rate drops to 22 fps. SSD-300 is thus a much better trade-off with 74.3 mAP at 59 fps.
  • SSD produces worse performance on smaller objects, as they may not appear across all feature maps. Increasing the input image resolution alleviates this problem but does not completely address it

Playing With SSD

There are a few implementations of SSD available online, including the original Caffe code from the authors of the paper. In my case, I opted for Paul Balança’s TensorFlow implementation, available on github. It is worth reading the code as well the paper to better understand how everything fits together.

I also recently decided to reimplement a project on Vehicle Detection that was using traditional computer vision techniques, by employing SSD this time. A small gif of my output using SSD shows it works very well:

GIF of vehicle detection Using SSD
GIF of vehicle detection Using SSD

Beyond SSD

More recent work in this field has been produced, and I would recommend following up on the two papers below for anyone interested in pushing their knowledge further in this domain:

Voilà! We are done with our tour of Single Shot MultiBox Detector. I tried to explain the concepts behind this technique in simple terms, as best as I understood them, with many pictures to further illustrate those concepts and facilitate your understanding. I do really recommend reading the paper (probably a few times if you are slow like me 🙃 ), including forming good intuition behind some of the maths in this technique to cement your comprehension. You can always check this post if some of its sections help you make sense of the paper. Godspeed!

Thanks for reading this post. I hope you found it useful. I’m now building a new startup called EnVsion! At EnVsion, we’re creating the central repository for UX researchers and product teams to unlock the insights from their user interview videos. And of course we use AI for this ;).

If you’re a UX researcher or product manager feeling overwhelmed with all your video calls with users and customers, then EnVsion is for you!

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