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Training a model on Google’s AI Platform

How to train a model in Python using Google Cloud services

Photo by Nikolay Tarashchenko on Unsplash
Photo by Nikolay Tarashchenko on Unsplash

Google ML tutorials

Welcome to the first article in this series about doing Machine Learning stuff on the Google Cloud Platform!

We will take a look at the AI Platform. It is a subset of tools strictly related to Machine Learning, among which:

  • AI Platform Training, for training/tuning models on the cloud
  • AI Platform Prediction, to host trained models on the cloud
  • AI Pipelines, to create a step-by-step process using Kubernetes and Docker Images

and many others.

DISCLAIMER: I am not affiliated with Google in any way, I simply decided to write these articles to share the knowledge I acquired using these tools in my daily job.

For this first article, I’ll focus on AI Platform Training, a product to run training jobs on the Cloud with custom code and customizable machines. I think the main advantages of using the AI Platform to train your models are:

  • you can use more powerful resources (like multiple cores or a GPU) without a lot of hassle to instantiate them
  • you can share the code with your team and reproduce the same results using a common Cloud infrastructure

In this tutorial, we will write the actual Python application with the definition of the training, run a local test, and execute the training job on the Cloud Platform.

For the tutorial, you will need

  • An active Google Cloud Platform account (you can set up a new account visiting the homepage) and a GCP project
  • Python 3, gcloud, and gsutil installed on your workstation
  • the dataset used for the tutorial, UCI’s bank marketing dataset. Here you can find the documentation about the dataset. We will use the full version.

Step 1: store the data on Google Storage

After you downloaded the dataset on your local machine, go to the Google Storage console of your GCP project. Create a new bucket (I’ve called it bank-marketing-model) and load the dataset in it. Now your bucket should look like this:

Image by author
Image by author

Alternatively, in a more geeky way, you can use gsutil from the command line. Go into the local directory containing the dataset and run

gsutil mb gs://bank-marketing-model
gsutil cp ./bank-additional-full.csv gs://bank-marketing-model
  • gsutil mb creates the bucket
  • gsutil cp copies a file from the local path to the GCS bucket

Step 2: write the Python training application

If you’re reading this, chances are that you already know how to write an end-to-end Python program to train a Machine Learning model. Anyway, since we’re planning to train the model on the Cloud, there are a few steps that are someway different than the usual Kaggle-ish code.

The first thing to bear in mind, you can use only scikit-learn, XGBoost or Tensorflow to train your model (Pytorch is in beta, and there is a way to use a custom Python environment, but we’ll see it in another article).

So, the basics of the Python application are:

  • download the dataset from Storage[
    'gsutil', 'cp',
    # Storage path
    os.path.join('gs://', STORAGE_BUCKET, DATA_PATH),
    # Local path
    os.path.join(LOCAL_PATH, 'dataset.csv')
df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(LOCAL_PATH, 'dataset.csv'), sep=';')
  • do some data preparation (split train-test, missing imputation, …) and create the pipeline
train, test = train_test_split(df, test_size=args.test_size,
pipeline = Pipeline([
    # The ColumnTransformer divide the preprocessing process between
    # categorical and numerical data
        ('num_prep', StandardScaler(), num_features),
        ('cat_prep', OneHotEncoder(), cat_features)
    # ML model
         max_features=args.max_features if args.max_features is not
                                              None else 'sqrt',
  • train the model, y_train)
  • get some performance metrics
results = pd.DataFrame(
    {'accuracy': [accuracy_score(y_train, pred_train),
                  accuracy_score(y_test, pred_test)],
     'precision': [precision_score(y_train, pred_train, pos_label='yes'),
                   precision_score(y_test, pred_test, pos_label='yes')],
     'recall': [recall_score(y_train, pred_train, pos_label='yes'),
                recall_score(y_test, pred_test, pos_label='yes')],
     'f1': [f1_score(y_train, pred_train, pos_label='yes'),
            f1_score(y_test, pred_test, pos_label='yes')]},
    index=['train', 'test']
  • store the trained model and results on Storage[
    'gsutil', 'cp',
    # Local path of the model
    os.path.join(LOCAL_PATH, 'model.joblib'),
    os.path.join(args.storage_path, 'model.joblib')
    'gsutil', 'cp',
    # Local path of results
    os.path.join(LOCAL_PATH, 'results.csv'),
    os.path.join(args.storage_path, 'results.csv')

You can find the whole code on Github.

N.B.: at the top of the code there are a few parameters that you can tune.

Step 3: test the code locally

Before submitting the training process on the Cloud Platform, it is better to test the code locally. For both local and cloud training, we will use gcloud; the command to run is quite similar, but there are a few differences.

First, to train the model locally with the AI Platform, we can write a command that "revert" this logic: gcloud ai-platform (with the AI Platform) local (locally) train (train the model). We add a bunch of parameters, some of which are specific to the training process, others are defined in our custom Python application.

After you go into the main directory, with the src directory, the complete command goes like this:

gcloud ai-platform local train 

Let’s take a look at the parameters:

  • module-name is the name of the Python module to run, in the form of directory.python_file
  • package-path is the path to the module directory
  • —- tells that we start sending custom parameters

Since this is a test run, we specify a low number of trees for the Random Forest.

Keep in mind that, even if this is a local test run, it will create all the artifacts and save them to your Storage Bucket. If everything runs without errors, we can switch to the actual training on the Cloud!

Step 4: train on AI Platform

Now that we have written the application and tested it, we can finally train our model on the Platform. For example, we can instantiate a multi-core machine type and parallelize the training of the Forest.

As said before, the bash code is quite similar, but we have to invoke another group of commands. Instead of local train we use jobs submit training:

gcloud ai-platform jobs submit training $JOB_NAME 

Once again, let’s take a look at the new parameters:

  • module-name and package-path are the same as before
  • staging-bucket points to a Google Storage bucket where to store training artifacts
  • region is the Google Cloud region (here the full list). Since the machines instantiated for these jobs are located all around the world, you may want to specify where to instantiate the machine. If you are unsure how to set this parameter, simply set the closest region from where you are!
  • scale-tier specify which type of machine to use for the training. This is a high-level parameter, you can set it to a default configuration (like BASIC or STANDARD_1), or set it to CUSTOM and use the master-machine-type parameter to use a low-level definition of the machine. In our example, we use a standard machine with 8 cores. We can also specify highmem (for more memory) or highcpu (for more virtual CPU) instead of standard``. The full list ofscale-tier`s and available machines is here.

  • python-version and runtime-version parameters specify the backbone of the packages installed on the machine. For each runtime (here the full list) we have one or more Python versions we can use, and a list of Python packages already installed.

BONUS TIP: if you want to install a package that is not available in the runtime list, add a "pip" command at the top of your application, like["pip", "install", name_of_the_package])

  • For our custom parameters, we set a higher number of estimators and specify to run 8 jobs in parallel.

N.B. the $JOB_NAME in the code above is not a valid name, but it’s a reference to a bash variable defined before. It is very important to specify each time a different job name. For example, as you can see in the cloud_train script, we can specify

JOB_NAME=bank_marketing_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)

so the suffix will change every time with the actual day and time.

If it’s the first time you use this tool, it will probably ask you to enable a specific Google API (like accept to enable it and continue. If everything is ok, the command should return something like this

Image by author
Image by author

and in your Google AI Platform Jobs console you should see the new job running

Image by author
Image by author

Now, you can monitor the training job in two ways:

  • with the suggested command gcloud ai-platform jobs stream-logs $JOB_NAME
  • clicking on View Logs on the Jobs console
Image by author
Image by author

Hooray! The job ended correctly. Let’s take a look at our Storage bucket:

Image by author
Image by author

We have the model.joblib object, the results.csv file with the model performance and a folder automatically created by the job to storage the Python application.

Let’s take a look at the model performances… We can download the results file, or type the command

gsutil cat gs://your-bucket/your/path/to/results.csv

to see the file directly on the command line.

For my trained model, I got these results:

  Measure    |  Train   |   Test   
  Accuracy   |  81.53%  |  81.01%  
  Precision  |  37.00%  |  36.40%  
  Recall     |  91.42%  |  90.05%  
  F1         |  52.68%  |  51.85%

These are quite good results, but we can do better by tuning the hyperparameters of the model. In the next article, we will see how to slightly change the training application to make the AI Platform search the best hyperparameters with a Bayesian optimization process!

Thanks for reading, and I hope you will find this useful!

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