There is No Argmax Function for Python List

And three ways to fix it

Eden Au
Towards Data Science


Dear Python programmers,

Given a Python list l = [50, 99, 67, 99, 48], how do you find the argmax of the list? Turns out there is no built-in argmax function for Python list! You can’t just do argmax(l) or max(l).index. The first thing I can think of is to convert the list to a numpy array, or pandas DataFrame, or even Tensorflow tensor if you believe it is okay to overkill:

import numpy as np
l_np = np.asarray(l)
import pandas as pd
l_pd = pd.DataFrame({'l': l})
import tensorflow as tf
l_tf = tf.constant(l)
with tf.Session() as sess:

They all return 1, as they should be. If multiple items are maximal, the function returns the first one encountered. But it feels like cheating transforming an object to another data type, and it also requires more execution time. Here are several ways to fix it:

1. Traditional C logic

Construct a for-loop and check every single element manually, and it works perfectly well. However, it is composed of multiple lines of codes that are not very readable. It also requires slightly more computation time compared to the alternatives discussed below.

index, max_val = -1, -1
for i in range(len(l)):
if l[i] > max_val:
index, max_val = i, l[i]
Photo by Nikhil Mitra on Unsplash

2. Enumerate with counter

We can leverage the built-in counter of enumerate function in Python. Note that max((x,i) for i,x in enumerate(l))[1] returns the index of last maximal item, but it can be fixed by

-max((x,-i) for i,x in enumerate(l))[1]

But this is by no means readable. We can also mimic the enumerate function by using zip and make it more readable:

max(zip(l, range(len(l))))[1]
Photo by Tomas Sobek on Unsplash

3. Change key

This is perhaps the most readable hack. It turns out that we can still use the default maxfunction. But instead of passing the list as an argument, we pass the list of indexes as the argument, and also a function as ‘key’. That function maps indexes to their corresponding elements in the list.

f = lambda i: l[i]
max(range(len(l)), key=f)
Photo by Silas Köhler on Unsplash

There you go, three ways to perform argmax on Python list.

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Originally published on my blog

