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Themes to spice up visualizations with ggplot2

Leveraging the extensions of the ggplot2 package on stepping up the visualizations.

Photo by Sandie Clarke on Unsplash
Photo by Sandie Clarke on Unsplash

On a single glance, when you look at a visualization, few things pop out, which may vary from person to person. Those eye-catching features can be the charts or images, colors used, text style, or even the background. If you are into Data Visualization and familiar with principles for creating good visualization. Then surely, you must have an idea that a chart consists of data and the skeleton. Whatever is left in the visualization is the skeleton that deals with the axis, annotations, and the background, commonly known as the theme.

If you are an R user, then probably you would know by now that the ggplot2 package has limited themes. But the ggplot2 package gives the option to customize your very own theme.

Interested in customizing your theme then check this article:

Master data visualization with ggplot2: theme() customization

If customizing your theme is too time-consuming, then R lovers have created extensions for the Ggplot2 package that provide themes compatible with the package.

Here I have compiled a list of packages that provides themes compatible with the ggplot2 package. This is not an exhaustive list but covers most of the packages that provide extensions to the ggplot2 package. The list goes as:

ggthemes package

The package provides 15 Themes; I listed some of the notable ones below:

  • theme_economist: based on The Economist magazine’s plots.
  • theme_few: follow the teachings of Stephen Few’s "Practical Rules for Using Color in Charts".
  • theme_fivethirtyeight: to create plots based on the theme.
  • theme_tufte: based on the design principles described by Tufte in The Visual Display of Quantitative Information.
  • theme_wsj: based on The Wall Street Journal’s plots.

Apart from themes, there are geoms based on Tufte’s work and scales. Here is a link for the complete list.

hrbrthemes package

There are 9 themes offered in the hrbrthemes package that is typography-focused and compatible with the ggplot2 package.

  • theme_ipsum: Arial Narrow
  • theme_ipsum_gs: Goldman Sans Condensed
  • theme_ipsum_es: Econ Sans Condensed
  • theme_ipsum_rc: Roboto Condensed
  • theme_ipsum_ps: IBM Plex Sans font
  • theme_ipsum_pub: Public Sans
  • theme_ipsum_tw: Titilium Web
  • theme_modern_rc: Roboto Condensed dark theme
  • theme_ft_rc: Dark theme based on FT’s dark theme (Roboto Condensed)

The package also provides additional scales, color palettes, fonts, R markdown templates, and other utilities.

Here are several ways to install the package.

install.packages("hrbrthemes") # NOTE: CRAN version is 0.8.0
# or
install.packages("hrbrthemes", repos = c("", ""))
# or
# or
# or
# or
# or

urbnthemes package

The package by Urban Institute to make plotting easier for the people working there. For a complete guide to working with the urbnthemes package, check out the Urban Institute R Users Group website for a comprehensive list of examples.

To install the package, first, install remotes library and then the urbnthemes package.

remotes::install_github("UrbanInstitute/urbnthemes", build_vignettes = TRUE)

bbplot package

The package created by the BBC News data team provides 2 functions:

  • bbc_style(): the function with no arguments sets the basic formatting of the plot to that of BBC. The function just needs to be added to the ggplot() function.
  • finalise_plot(): the function has 6 arguments of which 3 are default and 3 needs to be supplied. The function saves the plot and adjusts titles, subtitles, and other formattings according to the BBC chart creation guidelines.

Here are the graphics created using the bbplot package.

Source: bbplot package
Source: bbplot package

ggpomological package

Garrick Aden-Buie’s inspiration to create the ggpomological package came from the images from the USDA Pomological Watercolor Collection. The package provides three themes, a color palette based on the watercolors, fonts, and paper texture background.

The three themes are:

  • theme_pomological(): watercolor styling theme based on paper background.
  • theme_pomological_plain(): this theme is like the previous theme but with white or transparent background.
  • theme_pomological_fancy(): colored paper background with fancy handwritten fonts.
Source: ggpomological package
Source: ggpomological package

ggthemr package

The package provides 17 unique built-in color themes to create different styled charts. Here are a few examples of the themes from the ggthemr package.

Going clockwise: Grape, Earth, Lilac, and Greyscale (Source: ggthemr package)
Going clockwise: Grape, Earth, Lilac, and Greyscale (Source: ggthemr package)

ggtech package

Interested in creating visuals using the color schemes of your favorite tech company, then check out the ggtech package by Ricardo Bion.

  • Airbnb
  • Etsy
  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Twitter
  • 23andme
Going clockwise: Airbnb, Facebook, 23andme, and Google (Source: ggtech package)
Going clockwise: Airbnb, Facebook, 23andme, and Google (Source: ggtech package)

tvthemes package

If you are not a tech lover but more of a TV buff, then check out the tvthemes package by Ryo Nakagawara that might interest you.

This is how you can install the package:


The list of themes are:

  • Avatar: The Last Airbender
  • Brooklyn Nine-Nine
  • Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice & Fire
  • Rick & Morty
  • Parks & Recreation
  • The Simpsons
  • Spongebob Squarepants
  • Hilda
  • Attack on Titan
  • Kim Possible
  • Big Hero 6
  • Gravity Falls

Here are some sample charts created using the tvthemes:

Going clockwise: Game of Thrones, Spongebob Squarepants, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Source: tvthemes package)
Going clockwise: Game of Thrones, Spongebob Squarepants, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Source: tvthemes package)

Artyfarty package

The package created by Dataroots has 12 inbuilt themes and 24 color palettes to choose from. One of the key features that distinguish this package from others is the ease of adding a watermark with a single line of code. We can install the package with the help of the devtools package as shown below.


Firatheme package

Firatheme by Erik-Jan van Kesteren is based on Trafford Data lab theme and Fira Sans fonts from Mozilla. The package provides a single theme (theme_fira()) and color palette generated from coolors. We can save plots using the firaSave() function.

The package installation can be done as:


xkcd package

This package is the stylized version of webcomics XKCD for ggplot.

Source: xkcd package
Source: xkcd package

ggdark package

Do you enjoy working in dark mode then check this package? ggdark creates a dark mode version of ggplot2 themes. Once you have installed the ggdark package, just turn any ggplot2 default themes into dark mode by adding **dark**_ before the theme name, such as dark_theme_void() or dark_theme_minimal().

I believe to have covered most of the ggplot2 extensions that can spice up your data visualizations. If I am missing out on your favorite theme or package, let me know, and I will add it to the list. Till then, enjoy creating outstanding charts using the R and ggplot2 package.

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_You can connect with me on LinkedIn and Twitter to follow my data science and data visualization journey. Or you can follow me on Medium to stay updated on new articles on data visualization with R and ggplot2 package._

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