After 6+ years of experience with machine learning, both in research and industry, it’s very interesting to see how far the field has gotten over the years. I still remember sitting in seminar rooms, listening to lectures on everything ML: deep learning, reinforcement learning, random forests, neural networks, natural language processing, …

One particular NLP lecture stands out in my memory, where we discussed the rapid advancements in the field. We were discussing vanilla attention mechanisms the week before and were now looking at Transformer-based approaches. The great tutor showed us graphs with the parameter counts of the models. We then looked up the then-recent advances, and it became clear: any figure is outdated within a month. That was when my ML journey had barely started, and already the amount of innovation that was published again and again was insane.
Since then, my journey proceeded in several phases. From exchange with other ML people, it appears that they have a similar experience: From a beginner to seasoned practitioner, the journey can be divided into the three following phases:
Phase I: Beginner (~1 year; this article) Phase II: Intermediate (~1 to 3 years; upcoming) Phase III: Advanced (~5+ years; upcoming)
The beginner phase of learning Machine Learning
This article’s focus is on the first phase in your machine learning journey: the beginner phase. To help you start in ML, you can use the checklist below to track your progress (also see section Resources).

The beginner phase is everyone’s starting stage. At this stage, your primary goal is to understand the fundamental ideas behind machine learning: how machines learn from data and the essential algorithms that power ML models. You’ll dive into topics like decision trees, k-nearest neighbors (KNN), and linear regression. These concepts serve as the building blocks for your further ML journey.
At the start of your journey, it probably makes sense to get an overview of the field of Deep Learning. Here, I can recommend MIT’s free Introduction to Deep Learning course, see Resources. It is an intense lecture showcasing all areas of (modern) deep machine learning. It allows you to see what’s awaiting you of the next year(s).
Practically speaking, we can divide the beginner phase into five categories.
- Data Handling
- Classic Machine Learning
- Neural Networks
- Theory
- Miscellaneous Skills
Data Handling
In this category, you’ll learn how to work with small datasets that fit easily into your computer’s memory. This is good, as you do not need to rent expensive compute online. Often, these datasets are readily available within ML frameworks like PyTorch or TensorFlow. Common examples of small-sized datasets include:
- Images: MNIST (handwritten digits)
- Audio: ESC-50 environmental sound recordings
- Time-series: Heartbeat timeseries categorization
- Text: IMDB movie reviews for sentiment analysis
The advantage of these beginner datasets is that they are well-documented and easy to manipulate. Usually, the preprocessing you have to do for them is just resizing images or trimming sentences, which you can handle with just a few lines of code. This lets you focus on learning the core concepts without having to preprocess larger-than-memory datasets.
Should you ever need more compute, then try Google Colab. It’s a free offering by Google that let’s you run Jupyter Notebooks (i.e., interactive python code) directly in your browser. See Resources.
Classic Machine Learning
While the focus of this post is on deep machine learning – as opposed to classic machine learning – it’s useful to learn the time-proven basics as well. Among these classic ML techniques, a few stand out:
- Regression: The goal here is to predict continuous values based on input data. The Boston House pricing dataset is a often-used dataset for regression; the task is to predict house prices based on features like square footage, location, etc.
- Clustering: This is about grouping similar data points together. K-means clustering is a great entry point for beginners, and I recently read a paper, where the authors combined advanced deep learning techniques with k-means clustering.
- Support Vector Machines (SVM): SVMs focus on finding the best decision boundary (hyperplane, essentially a border in n-dimensional space) to separate data into distinct classes. They are often used for classification datasets.
In general, though most of the recent advancements are often the result of deep learning techniques, classic machine learning still is relevant. You do not always need the advanced ML techniques, sometimes the basics suffice.
Neural Networks
Once you’re comfortable with the basics of classic ML, you’ll begin transitioning to neural networks (NNs), the foundation of deep learning. I recommend starting with dense neural networks, which consist of multiple fully connected layers, or linear layers in PyTorch. In these layers, each input is multiplied by a weight and combined with a bias to produce an output. You can use these networks for small and mid-sized datasets alike.
After dense neural networks, you’ll dive into convolutional neural networks (CNNs). These type of network are essential for tasks involving image data. CNNs use convolution operations to identify features like edges, textures, or shapes in images, regardless of their position in the image. This location-independent ability makes CNNs a very versatile approach
Lastly, for sequential data (such as time series) I recommend playing with recurrent neural networks (RNNs). RNNs are designed to retain information from previous steps, making them ideal for tasks like language modeling or time-series forecasting. In fact, earlier machine learning research (around 2014) primarily used RNNs for machine translation, see Resources.
Together with hands-on learning, it’s essential to develop a theoretical understanding of the methods you’re using. This includes mathematical notation, matrix operations, and the underlying principles of machine learning algorithms.
For instance, understanding Σ notation (summation) helps make complex mathematical expressions more concise and readable. Though they require some learning, using this way to express operations can help avoiding disambiguities, a downside of communicating in natural language. With practice, the math behind algorithms will begin to make more sense.
At this stage, you’ll also encounter key metrics used to evaluate ML models, such as accuracy, mean squared error, precision, and recall. These metrics will help you measure your models’ performance.
Miscellaneous Skills
As you are studying classic machine learning, neural networks, and the theory, you will naturally also develop practical skills in the beginner phase. These skills include programming, model management, and virtual environments.
For programming, Python is the go-to language for ML, and its large ecosystem of libraries (like NumPy, pandas, Scikit-learn, etc.) will be invaluable.
The features these libraries provide come in handy once you analyze your dataset. For example, what’s the value range? Are there some outliers? How extreme are they? Are there unusable data samples? These are some questions that you want to answer, which usually happens on the go:
You write a short code snippet – it breaks because a data sample is different – you update the code – you have learned more about your data.
Basically any time your are honing your data analysis skills, you will be improving your coding skills as well.
Model management, on the other hand, means saving, loading, and sharing trained models. This is relevant when you are training you neural network in one script, but evaluate it in a separate one.
Lastly, everything you do on the code level requires a Python interpreter, a program that helps you execute your Python code. As you will have several projects, I recommend getting familiar with virtual environments. These "encapsulate" all the requirements and dependencies into their own disk space, so that your projects do not interfere with each other.
After the Beginner Stage
By the end of the beginner phase, you’ll have a solid understanding of core machine learning concepts, hands-on experience with basic models, and can read the mathematical formulation. Through your focus on (small) projects, you have practiced a variety of ML methods. This is a good foundation to tackle more complex topics in the next phase, the intermediate phase. It covers years 1 to 3 of your ML journey, and is currently in preparation. Come back here later or follow me or Towards Data Science to get notified when it is published.
Further Reading:
How I’d Learn Machine Learning Again, After 6 Years
- Boston House Pricing dataset:
- ESC50 audio dataset:
- Heartbeat categorization:
- 2014 papers for machine translation:,,
- Beginner phase Notion checklist:
- Google Colab:
- MIT’s Introduction to Deep Learning course:
- Virtual environments in Python: