The Subtleties of Converting a Model from TensorFlow to PyTorch

Advice and techniques to ensure success

Gil Shomron
Towards Data Science


Photo by Jan Böttinger on Unsplash

The conversion of a model checkpoint from one framework to another could be a complex process if you want to maintain the same level of performance.

In the past, I was asked to evaluate my work on the MLPerf inference benchmark suite. MLPerf is an industry benchmark for measuring the performance of machine learning (ML) models in deployment scenarios. The benchmark provides a standardized framework for comparing the performance of different ML systems, making it a valuable tool for evaluating the hardware performance of ML models. In my work, the use of models and checkpoints from the MLPerf inference benchmark suite allowed me to present results that were compliant with widely accepted industry standards, which increased the confidence of readers in my work. However, my entire simulation framework was built on top of PyTorch, whereas the model weights I needed were coded in TensorFlow.

In this blog post, I would like to share the process of migrating a TensorFlow model to PyTorch, highlighting the nuances involved. It's important to note that, in general, small differences may exist between any two different frameworks; therefore, consider the tips here when converting between any two frameworks. The end results, which is MLPerf ResNet-50 and MobileNet-v1 PyTorch checkpoints, can be obtained from my GitHub repository.

Using the PB File

A TensorFlow pb (protobuf) file comprises a description of the model graph as well as the layer weights and parameters. The first stage is, therefore, parsing the model pb file. MLPerf checkpoint files can be download from here. Inspired by this blog post, I used this class to extract all the necessary data from the pb file:

Once the NeuralNetPB class has been created, it will contain all the weights in its “weights” attribute. With the weight tensors at hand, it’s time to assign them to the appropriate layers in the PyTorch model.

Layer Mapping

First, it’s important to note that we don’t have the model definition as a TensorFlow Python file. Nevertheless, since we are working with well-known model architectures, the layers are largely similar.

Tip #1: Use Netron to visualize your model graph. This will be helpful in understanding the model structure within the pb file, as well as mapping the layers from the pb file to PyTorch.

Now, let’s start mapping. I will give a couple of examples from MobileNet-v1:

  1. MobilenetV1/Conv2d_0/weights (3-3-3-32) — This is the first convolution layer. We map it to model.0.1.weight.
  2. MobilenetV1/Conv2d_0/BatchNorm/gamma (32) — This is the first batch normalization layer. gamma corresponds to the layer weights in PyTorch, so we map it to model.0.2.weight. The same BatchNorm layer consists a beta, moving_mean, and moving_variance fields, which corresponds to PyTorch bias, running_mean, and running_var, respectively.
  3. MobilenetV1/Conv2d_1_depthwise/depthwise_weights (3, 3, 32, 1) — This is the second convolution layer (or the first depthwise convolution layer), and it is mapped to model.1.weight.

DNN model structures are usually repetitive, so once you get the idea, you’ll be able to write parts in for loops.

Since the NeuralNetPB attributes are not PyTorch tensors, cast them with torch.FloatTensor(...).

Nuance #1: Permute. TensorFlow convolution layers’ weight tensors are ordered differently. According to TensorFlow documentation the weight tensor shape is [H, W, IN_C, OUT_C], whereas PyTorch weight tensor shape is [OUT_C, IN_C, H, W]. Therefore, rearrange the tensor: torch.FloatTensor(...).permute(3, 2, 0, 1). Having said that, the depthwise convolution should be rearranged with .permute(2, 3, 0, 1).

Once you are done here, you should probably save everything with

Model Modifications

Upon completing the previous section, your PyTorch model should match the TensorFlow reference model in terms of layer composition. However, there are some additional nuances to keep in mind.

Nuance #2: Params. Weights are not the only parameters. For example, the batch normalization layer consists of an epsilon attribute (for numerical stability). epsilon default value is different in TensorFlow and PyTorch. But even if it was equal, TensorFlow ResNet-50 model modifies epsilon, so be aware. Another example is Dropout layers, if exist.

Nuance #3: Padding. The padding argument in TensorFlow consists an option that does not exist in PyTorch: SAME. SAME means that the input feature map will be padded so the output feature map (i.e., the convolution operation result) spatial dimensions will be equal to the input dimensions. However, what happens if padding is asymmetric? will TensorFlow pad more on the left or on the right? TensorFlow pads on right, whereas PyTorch pads on the left. The same logic applies vertically, that is, there may be an extra row of zeros at the bottom, whereas with PyTorch the extra row will come at the top.

You can check out my slightly modified ResNet-50 and MobileNet-v1 models and see how I modified them accordingly.


If you want to reproduce the exact same result as the reference model (in this case, the MLPerf models) then you have to reproduce the exact same preprocessing stages. The common preprocessing stages when dealing with the ImageNet dataset are (1) resizing to 256; (2) center cropping to 224; (3) normalization to values between [0, 1] (that is, division by 255); and (4) mean and std correction of each of the RGB channels. However, with MLPerf, the std is not normalized, and the bias is normalized differently (see here).

Moreover, even after doing the exact same preprocessing, I found that the same interpolation algorithm is implemented differently in MLPerf, which uses OpenCV, and PyTorch, which uses PIL. Since MLPerf preprocesses the entire ImageNet validation set and saves it as NumPy arrays, I decided to avoid PyTorch preprocessing and just load the NumPy arrays directly. At this point, I also achieved the exact same performance as MLPerf reports — 76.456% and 71.676% top-1 accuracies for ResNet-50 and MobileNet-v1, respectively.


So you mapped the weights, and (you think) you have fine-tuned all the parameters and pre-processing stages according to your reference model. You start inference and nothing happens — 0% accuracy. What’s next? there’s no easy answer, you’ll have to debug it. What I did is going layer-by-layer and comparing the tensor values. Things should be almost identical (with some floating-point accepted differences). Use NeuralNetPB test function, for example, with nn_pb.test(input, 'import/MobilenetV1/MobilenetV1/Conv2d_1_depthwise/Relu6:0') you’ll get one of the ReLU result. You should know all layer names by now from the mapping stage.


Be patient, that’s the most important thing. Migrating any model between frameworks requires attention to all the fine details. There might be some tools out there that help with automatic conversions, but even if you manage to get them working, they still may ignore the subtle differences I mentioned here, thus not creating a one-to-one copy, which means a model that performs differently — this is what happened to me.

You can find my MLPerf ResNet-50 and MobileNet-v1 PyTorch checkpoints and models at my GitHub repository.

Feel free to connect on LinkedIn and/or follow me here on Medium.


[1] Shomron, Gil, and Uri Weiser. “Non-Blocking Simultaneous Multithreading: Embracing the Resiliency of Deep Neural Networks.” International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO). IEEE, 2020.

[2] Reddi, Vijay Janapa, et al. “MLPerf Inference Benchmark.” International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA). IEEE, 2020.



Deep Learning Architect | PhD in computer engineering | Gamer without time playing games