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The Mystery Behind the PyTorch Automatic Mixed Precision Library

How to get 2X speed up model training using three lines of code

Have you ever wished your deep-learning model could run faster?

The GPU is expensive. The dataset is enormous, and the training session seems endless; you have a million experiments to run and a deadline to hit – all these are good reasons to expect a particular form of training acceleration.

But which one to choose?

There are already good references on performance tuning for model training from PyTorch, HuggingFace, and Nvidia, including asynchronous data loading, buffer checkpointing, distributed data parallelization, and automatic mixed precision.

In this article, I’ll introduce the automatic mixed precision technique. I’ll start with a brief introduction to Nvidia’s tensor core design, then the groundbreaking work "Mixed Precision Training" paper published in ICLR 2018, and lastly, proceed to a simple example of training a ResNet50 on FashionMNIST and how to speed up the training by 2X while loading 2X a batch size, with only three extra lines of code.

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Hardware Fundamentals – Nvidia Tensor Cores

First, let’s recap some of the fundamentals of the GPU design. One of Nvidia GPUS’s most popular commercial products is the Volta family, e.g., V100 GPUs, based on the GV100 GPU design. So, we’ll base our discussions around the GV100 architecture below.

For GV100, the Streaming Multiprocessor (SM) is the core design for computation. Each GPU contains 6 GPU Processing Clusters (GPCs) and S84 SMs (or 80 SMs for V100). The overall design looks like the one below.

Volta GV100 GPU design. Each GPU contains 6 GPCs, and each GPC contains 14 SMs. Image source:
Volta GV100 GPU design. Each GPU contains 6 GPCs, and each GPC contains 14 SMs. Image source:

For each SM, it contains two types of cores: Cuda cores and Tensor cores. CUDA cores were Nvidia’s original design introduced in 2006, which was an essential part of the CUDA platform. The CUDA cores can be divided into three types: FP64 core/unit, FP32 core/unit, and Int32 core/unit. Each GV100 SM contains 32 FP64 cores, 64 FP32 cores, and 64 Int32 cores. Tensor cores were introduced in the Volta/Turing (2017) series GPUs to separate from the previous Pascal (2016) series. Each SM on a GV100 contains 8 Tensor cores. A full list of details is given here for V100 GPUs. A detailed look at the SM design is below.

A sub-ward of a Streaming Processor (SM). Each SM would contain four sub-warps. Image source:
A sub-ward of a Streaming Processor (SM). Each SM would contain four sub-warps. Image source:

Why Tensor cores? Nvidia Tensor cores are dedicated to performing general matrix multiplication (GEMM) and half-precision matrix multiplication and accumulation (HMMA) operations. In short, GEMM performs matrix operations in the format of A*B + C, and HMMA converts the operation into the half-precision format. A detailed discussion can be found here. Since Deep Learning involves MMA heavily, the Tensor cores are essential in today’s model training and speed-up.

Example of a GEMM operation. For HMMA, A and B are usually converted to FP16, while C and D could be FP16 or FP32. Image source:
Example of a GEMM operation. For HMMA, A and B are usually converted to FP16, while C and D could be FP16 or FP32. Image source:

Of course, when switching to mixed precision training, always check the specification of the Gpu you’re using. Only the latest GPU series support Tensor cores, and mixed precision training can only be used on these machines.

Data Format Fundamentals – Single Precision (FP32) vs Half Precision (FP16)

Now, let’s take a closer look at FP32 and FP16 formats. The FP32 and FP16 are IEEE formats that represent floating numbers using 32-bit binary storage and 16-bit binary storage. Both formats comprise three parts: a) a sign bit, b) exponent bits, and c) mantissa bits. The FP32 and FP16 differ in the number of bits allocated to exponent and mantissa, which result in different value ranges and precisions.

Difference between FP16 (IEEE standard), BF16 (Google Brain-standard), FP32 (IEEE-standard), and TF32 (Nvidia-standard). Image source:
Difference between FP16 (IEEE standard), BF16 (Google Brain-standard), FP32 (IEEE-standard), and TF32 (Nvidia-standard). Image source:

How do you convert FP16 and FP32 to real values? According to IEEE-754 standards, the decimal value for FP32 = (-1)^(sign) × 2^(decimal exponent -127 ) × (implicit leading 1 + decimal mantissa), where 127 is the biased exponent value. For FP16, the formula becomes (-1)^(sign) × 2^(decimal exponent – 15) × (implicit leading 1 + decimal mantissa), where 15 is the corresponding biased exponent value. See further details of the biased exponent value here.

In this sense, the value range for FP32 is approximately [-2¹²⁷, 2¹²⁷] ~[-1.71e38, 1.71e38], and the value range for FP16 is approximately [-2¹⁵, 2¹⁵]=[-32768, 32768]. Note that the decimal exponent for FP32 is between 0 and 255, and we’re excluding the largest value 0xFF as it represents NAN. That’s why the largest decimal exponent is 254–127 = 127. A similar rule applies to FP16.

For the precision, note that both the exponent and mantissa contributes to the precision limits (which is also called denormalization, see detailed discussion here), so FP32 can represent precision up to 2^(-23)2^(-126)=2^(-149), and FP16 can represent precision up to 2^(10)2^(-14)=2^(-24).

The difference between FP32 and FP16 representations brings the key concerns of mixed precision training, as different layers/operations of deep learning models are either insensitive or sensitive to value ranges and precision and need to be addressed separately.

Mixed Precision Training

Now that we have learnt the hardware foundation for MMA, the concept of Tensor cores, and the key difference between FP32 and FP16, we can further discuss the details for mixed precision training.

The idea of mixed precision training was first proposed in the 2018 ICLR paper "Mixed Precision Training", which converts deep learning models into half-precision floating point during training without losing model accuracy or modifying hyper-parameters. As mentioned above, since the key difference between FP32 and FP16 are the value ranges and precisions, the paper discussed in detail why the FP16 causes the gradients to vanish and how to fix the issue by loss scaling. Besides, the paper proposes tricks like using FP32 master weight copy and using FP32 for specific operations like reductions and vector dot-production accumulations.

Loss scaling. The paper gives an example of training a Multibox SSD detector network using FP32 precision, as shown below. Without any scaling, the exponent range of the FP16 gradients ≥ 2^(-24), and everything below would become zero, which is insufficient compared to FP32. However, with an experiment, scaling the gradients simply by 2³=8 times can bring the half-precision training accuracy back to match with FP32. In this sense, the authors argue that the extra few percent of gradients between [2^(-27), 2^(-24)] are still important in the training process, while the value below 2^(-27) is not important.

Gradient value range using FP32 precision in the Multibox SSD training example. Note that the values between [2^(-27), 2^(-24)] are beyond the FP16 denormalization range and only take a few percent of the total gradients but are still important in the overall training. Image source:
Gradient value range using FP32 precision in the Multibox SSD training example. Note that the values between [2^(-27), 2^(-24)] are beyond the FP16 denormalization range and only take a few percent of the total gradients but are still important in the overall training. Image source:

The way to address this scale difference is to apply loss scaling. According to the chain’s rule, scaling the loss will ensure the same amount scales all the gradients. The gradients need to be unscaled before the final weight update.

Automatic Mixed Precision Training

Nvidia first developed Automatic Mixed Precision Training as a Pytorch extension called APEX, which was then widely adopted by mainstream frameworks like PyTorch, TensorFlow, MXNet, etc. See Nvidia docs here. We’ll only introduce PyTorch’s automatic mixed precision library for simplicity:

The amp library can automatically handle most of the mixed precision training techniques, like the FP32 master weight copy. The users are mainly exposed to ops autocast and gradient/loss scaling.

Ops autocast. Although we mentioned that tensor cores could largely improve the performance of GEMM operations, certain operations are unsuitable for half-precision representations.

The amp library gives out a list of CUDA ops eligible for half precision. Most matrix multiplication, convolutions, and linear activations are fully covered by the amp.autocast, however, for reduction/sum, softmax, and loss calculations, the calculations are still performed in FP32 as they are more sensitive to data range and precision.

Gradient/loss scaling. The amp library provides automatic gradient scaling techniques so the user doesn’t have to adjust the scaling during training manually. A more detailed algorithm for the scaling factor can be found here.

Once the gradient is scaled, it needs to be scaled back before gradient clipping and regularization. More details can be found here.

A FashionMNIST Training Example

The torch.amp library is relatively easy to use and only requires three lines of code to boost your training speed by 2X.

We start with a very simple task training a ResNet50 model on the FashionMNIST dataset (MIT licence) using FP32; we can see the training time is 333 seconds for ten epochs:

ResNet50 training on FashionMNIST. Image by author.
ResNet50 training on FashionMNIST. Image by author.
The ratio between gradients less than 2**(-24) and the total gradients. We can see that FP16 would turn almost 1/4 of the total gradients into zero. Image by author.
The ratio between gradients less than 2**(-24) and the total gradients. We can see that FP16 would turn almost 1/4 of the total gradients into zero. Image by author.
Evaluation results. Image by author.
Evaluation results. Image by author.

Now that we use the amp library. The amp library only requires three extra lines of code for mixed precision training. We can see the training finished within 141 seconds, which is 2.36X speed up than the FP32 training, while achieving the same precision, recall and F1-score.

scaler = torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler()
# start your training code
# ...
with torch.autocast(device_type="cuda"):
  # training code

# wrapping loss and optimizer

Training code with amp. Image by author.
Training code with amp. Image by author.
The scaling factor during training. The scaling factor only changed atthe first step and kept unchanged. Image by author.
The scaling factor during training. The scaling factor only changed atthe first step and kept unchanged. Image by author.
Final result comparable to the FP32 training result. Image by author.
Final result comparable to the FP32 training result. Image by author.

The github link for the code above is here.


Mixed Precision Training is a valuable technique for accelerating deep learning model training. It not only speed up the floating point operations, but also saves the GPU memories as the training batch can be converted to FP16, which saves half the GPU memory. With PyTorch’s amp library, the extra code could be minimized to three additional lines, as the weight copy, loss scaling, operation type casts are all handled by the library internally.

However, mixed precision training doesn’t really resolve the GPU memory issue if the model weight size is much larger than the data batch. For one thing, only certain layers of the model is casted into FP16 while the rest are still calculated in FP32; second, weight update need FP32 copies, which still takes much GPU memory; third, parameters from optimizers like Adam takes much GPU memory during training and the mixed precision training keeps the optimizer parameters unchanged. In that sense, more advanced techniques like DeepSpeed’s ZERO algorithm is needed.


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