The Missing List of JupyterLab Keyboard Shortcuts

Common keyboard shortcuts for notebooks

Jeff Hale
Towards Data Science


JupyterLab is awesome. It has almost everything a data scientist could want.

  • Tabbed windows ✅
  • Split windows ✅
  • Jupyter notebooks ✅
  • Filebrowser ✅
  • Markdown file previews ✅
  • Helpful extensions ✅
  • Widget capabilities ✅
  • Edit .csv files ✅
  • Terminal windows ✅
  • Python scripts ✅
  • Export notebooks in many formats ✅
  • Helpful tutorials ✅

I’ve found it to be missing just one thing — a list of keyboard shortcuts. ☹️


With keyboard shortcuts, you can whiz around Jupyter notebooks in JupyterLab. You can save time, reduce wrist fatigue from using your mouse, and impress your friends. 🙂

Below is the missing list of common JupyterLab keyboard shortcuts from a GitHub Gist I made. Enjoy! 🎉


If you want to make your own JupyterLab shortcuts, I wrote a guide to doing that here. 🚀

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Happy JupyterLab-ing! 🎉



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