The easy way to use MaxMind GeoIP with Redshift

TJ Murphy
Towards Data Science
6 min readJan 19, 2019


Photo by Westley Ferguson on Unsplash

It always starts with an innocent observation. “We get a lot of traffic from Boston,” your boss remarks. You naturally throw out a guess or two and discuss why that might be. Until your boss drops the bomb —

“Can you dig into that?”

Darn it. You walked right into that one.

Now you’re in a predicament. You know Google Analytics has traffic by geographic location, but that’s not gonna cut it. If you want to report on those retention rates, lifetime values, or repeat behaviors by geo, you need something you can query with SQL, something that lives in your data warehouse. But you don’t have anything like that. You know there’s user IP addresses in your log data, you just need to turn them into locations. But Redshift doesn’t have a way to do that.

What you need is geolocation using IPs, aka GeoIP. The place folks commonly start is MaxMind, mostly because it’s the first Google result for “GeoIP”. Together we will use their IP-to-City dataset to enrich our log data and determine what city and country our users are from. We will use MaxMind data because it’s reliable and robust. Also it’s free. One less thing to bother your boss about.

So off we go to download MaxMind’s GeoLite2 City data. Upon opening the zip, we find a number of CSV files, the most important among them being GeoLite2-City-Blocks-IPv4.csv. If we peek inside, this is what we see:

Right away we notice a problem — this data has something that looks like an IP but has a slash and an extra number at the end. This is an IP network represented in CIDR notation and it represents a range of IPs. It’s composed of an IP, a slash, and a number after the slash called a subnet mask. It’s like how you might describe a street of physical addresses in New York City by saying “The 500 block of west 23rd street.”

If we had the network that would mean “every IP that starts with 1.2.3. and has any number between 0 and 255 at the end. In other words, any IP between and So if we observed a user with the IP, that would fall in the network and thus is located in geoname_id of 6252001. A subnet mask can be any number between 1 and 32 and the smaller the number, the wider the network.

If this MaxMind table were in Redshift, how would we join to it? Redshift doesn’t include any handy network address types likes modern Postgres or INET functions like MySQL. Instead we will use knowledge of the math behind IPs to do the work ourselves.

You can think of an IP as a fancy representation of a really big number. The IP is really just 16,909,060 under the hood. Similarly, IP networks are just ranges of really big numbers. The network is a range that starts with 16,909,056 and ends with 16,909,311. We will use this to our advantage. To do so, we need a way to convert IPs and IP networks to numbers.

Using the geoip2-csv-converter tool provided by MaxMind, we will add the integer range representation of each network to our CSV.

Note that I’m using the 20190108 version. MaxMind updates this data set weekly, so your version may be different.

After uploading our modified CSV to S3, we can COPY it into Redshift.

Now let’s write a function to convert IPs to really big numbers. Here’s a simple one written in SQL. We will call it inet_aton after the Linux utility that does the same thing. “inet” stands for “internet” and “aton” means “Address TO Number”. Linux folks like to keep things short and sweet.

The last thing we need is to load the MaxMind CSV that contains a lookup from geoname_id to an actual place on earth. We will gzip it for speed, upload the GeoLite2-City-Locations-en.csv.gz file to S3, and COPY it to a table.

Some quick pointers on Redshift optimization. For a small, commonly joined dimension table like this, I recommend DISTSTYLE ALL. This makes a copy of the table on every node in your cluster, eliminating a data transfer step during joins. I also define our join column as a SORTKEY to speed things up.

Now we have everything we need to enrich our logs with location data using GeoIP. Almost everything.

Redshift Is Hard

If we join our new MaxMind GeoIP tables to our log data, we will immediately run into a problem. Suppose I have some bare bones access logs and try to calculate the top 50 regions by traffic.

If you ran this query, you’re going to have a bad time. You query will be running for minutes and you’ll start to sweat. Meanwhile your Redshift admin will be hunting for the individual who took down her cluster. Don’t be that person.

What’s wrong with this query? A quick peek at the EXPLAIN plan, the list of steps Redshift takes to execute the query, tells all.

Suppose you ran an ice cream shop with millions of delicious flavors. What if each customer in line had to taste-test every single flavor before they could choose one? That’s what happens if we attempt to combine our log data (customers) to the MaxMind data (flavors) directly using our BETWEEN join (taste-test). This results in a nested loop join, one of the quickest ways to make a database cry.

To speed up our ice cream shop, we are going to organize it into distinct sections — the chocolates over here, the vanillas over there, and a special spot for the minty flavors. Laid out this way, customers head to the one section that matches their preference. Once there they taste-test a minuscule number of flavors in comparison to before.

Creating an optimized GeoIP lookup table

We will build a new table in Redshift that will replace maxmind_ipv4_to_geo that’s optimized for GeoIP lookups. We will organize it into distinct sections using the first half of the IPs and place each network into it’s proper section. Some networks are wide enough that they will go into more than one section. These sections act almost like a database index, allowing Redshift to narrow down which networks to check for each IP. Using a little bit-twiddling magic, we take our table and convert it into one that’s fast and optimized.

With our lookup table created, we can take another crack at our analysis. In our query, we swap out maxmind_ipv4_to_geo for maxmind_ipv4_lookup and add a new join condition. We will extract the first half of each IP with the regex REGEXP_SUBSTR(log.ip_address, '\\d+\.\\d+') and match it to it’s appropriate section in the table mm_geo.first_16_bits. Then we check which network it belongs in using the integer representation of the IP and network. With this optimization, our query returns quickly with no nested loop join in sight!

And with that, you’re ready to start your analysis. You can use this lookup table to join to any other in Redshift with an IP. Just remember to always include the join to first_16_bits as that’s the magic behind the approach.

This approach is inspired by a paper I read about optimizing IP lookups in a network appliance. I unfortunately can’t find the paper anymore. This post is a result of porting that solution to Redshift and iterating to reduce it to something simple and performant.

Thanks to the dbt Slack for inspiring this post, Julian Ganguli for working with some early code, and to Nick James for reading an early draft.

