Descriptive Analytics is one of the core components of any analysis life-cycle pertaining to a Data Science project or even specific research. Data aggregation, summarization and visualization are some of the main pillars supporting this area of data analysis. Since the days of traditional _Business Intelligence to even in this age of Artificial Intelligence, Data Visualization has been a powerful tool and has been widely adopted by organizations owing to its effectiveness in abstracting out the right information, understanding and interpreting results clearly and easily. However, dealing with multi-dimensional datasets with typically more than two attributes start causing problems, since our medium of data analysis and communication is typically restricted to two dimensions. In this article, we will explore some effective strategies of visualizing data in multiple dimensions (ranging from 1-D up to 6-D_).
"A picture is worth a thousand words"
This is a very popular English idiom we are all familiar with and should serve as enough inspiration and motivation for us to understand and leverage data visualization as as effective tool in our analysis. Always remember that "Effective data visualization is both an art as well as a science". Before we begin, I would also like to mention the following quote which is really relevant and reinforces the necessity of data visualization.
"The greatest value of a picture is when it forces us to notice what we never expected to see."
- John Tukey
A quick refresher on visualization
I am assuming the average reader knows about the essential graphs and charts which are used for plotting and visualizing data hence I will not go into detailed explanations but we will be covering most of them during our hands-on experiments here. Data visualization should be leveraged on top of data to communicate patterns and insights with ‘clarity, precision and efficiency’ as mentioned by notable visualization pioneer and statistician, Edward Tufte.
Structured data typically consists of data observations represented by rows and features or data attributes represented by columns. Each column can also be called as a specific dimension of the dataset. Most common data types include continuous, numeric data and discrete, categorical data. Hence any data visualization will basically depict one or more data attributes in an easy to understand visual like a scatter plot, histogram, box-plot and so on. I will cover both univariate (one-dimension) and multivariate (multi-dimensional) data visualization strategies. We will be using the Python Machine Learning eco-system here and we recommend you to check out frameworks for data analysis and visualization including [pandas](
, [matplotlib](
, [seaborn](
, [plotly](
and [bokeh](
. Besides this, knowing about [D3.js](
is also a must if you are interested in crafting beautiful and meaningful visualizations with data. Interested readers are recommended to read _‘ The Visual Display of Quantitative Information’ by_ Edward Tufte.
Talk is cheap, show me the visualizations (and code)!
Let’s get cracking instead of me droning on about theory and concepts. We will use the Wine Quality Data Set available from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. This data actually consists of two datasets depicting various attributes of red and white variants of the Portuguese "Vinho Verde" wine. All the analyses in this article is available in my GitHub repository as a Jupyter Notebook for those of you itching to try it out yourself!
We’ll start by loading up the following necessary dependencies for our analyses.
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline
We will mainly be using matplotlib
and seaborn
as our Visualization frameworks here but you are free to check out and try the same with any other framework of your choice. Let’s take a look at the data after some basic data pre-processing steps.
We create a single data frame wines by merging both the datasets pertaining to red and white wine samples. We also create a new categorical variable quality_label
based on the quality
attribute of wine samples. Let’s take a peek at the data now.

It is quite evident that we have several numeric and categorical attributes for wine samples. Each observation belongs to a red or white wine sample and the attributes are specific attributes or properties measured and obtained from physicochemical tests. You can check out the Jupyter notebook if you want to understand the detailed explanation of each attribute but the names are pretty self-explanatory. Let’s do a quick basic descriptive summary statistics on some of these attributes of interest.

It’s quite easy to contrast and compare these statistical measures for the different types of wine samples. Notice the stark difference in some of the attributes. We will emphasize those in some of our visualizations later on.
Univariate Analysis
Univariate analysis is basically the simplest form of data analysis or visualization where we are only concerned with analyzing one data attribute or variable and visualizing the same (one dimension).
Visualizing data in One Dimension (1-D)
One of the quickest and most effective ways to visualize all numeric data and their distributions, is to leverage histograms using pandas

The plots above give a good idea about the basic data distribution of any of the attributes.
Let’s drill down to visualizing one of the continuous, numeric attributes. Essentially a histogram or a density plot works quite well in understanding how the data is distributed for that attribute.

It is quite evident from the above plot that there is a definite right skew in the distribution for wine sulphates
Visualizing a discrete, categorical data attribute is slightly different and bar plots are one of the most effective ways to do the same. You can use pie-charts also but in general try avoiding them altogether, especially when the number of distinct categories is more than three.

Let’s move on to looking at higher dimensional data now.
Multivariate Analysis
Multivariate analysis is where the fun as well as the complexity begins. Here we analyze multiple data dimensions or attributes (2 or more). Multivariate analysis not only involves just checking out distributions but also potential relationships, patterns and correlations amongst these attributes. You can also leverage inferential statistics and hypothesis testing if necessary based on the problem to be solved at hand to check out statistical significance for different attributes, groups and so on.
Visualizing data in Two Dimensions (2-D)
One of the best ways to check out potential relationships or correlations amongst the different data attributes is to leverage a pair-wise correlation matrix and depict it as a heatmap.

The gradients in the heatmap vary based on the strength of the correlation and you can clearly see it is very easy to spot potential attributes having strong correlations amongst themselves. Another way to visualize the same is to use pair-wise scatter plots amongst attributes of interest.

Based on the above plot, you can see that scatter plots are also a decent way of observing potential relationships or patterns in two-dimensions for data attributes.
An important point to note about pairwise scatter plots is that the plots are actually symmetric. The scatterplot for any pair of attributes
(X, Y)
looks different from the same attributes in(Y, X)
only because the vertical and horizontal scales are different. It does not contain any new information.
Another way of visualizing multivariate data for multiple attributes together is to use parallel coordinates.

Basically, in this visualization as depicted above, points are represented as connected line segments. Each vertical line represents one data attribute. One complete set of connected line segments across all the attributes represents one data point. Hence points that tend to cluster will appear closer together. Just by looking at it, we can clearly see that density
is slightly more for red wines as compared to white wines. Also residual sugar
and total sulfur dioxide
is higher for white wines as compared to red and fixed acidity
is higher for red wines as compared to white wines
. Check out the statistics from the statistic table we derived earlier to validate this assumption!
Let’s look at some ways in which we can visualize two continuous, numeric attributes. Scatter plots and joint plots in particular are good ways to not only check for patterns, relationships but also see the individual distributions for the attributes.

The scatter plot is depicted on the left side and the joint plot on the right in the above figure. Like we mentioned, you can check out correlations, relationships as well as individual distributions in the joint plot.
How about visualizing two discrete, categorical attributes? One way is to leverage separate plots (subplots) or facets for one of the categorical dimensions.

While this is a good way to visualize categorical data, as you can see, leveraging matplotlib
has resulted in writing a lot of code. Another good way is to use stacked bars or multiple bars for the different attributes in a single plot. We can leverage seaborn
for the same easily.

This definitely looks cleaner and you can also effectively compare the different categories easily from this single plot.
Let’s look at visualizing mixed attributes in two-dimensions (essentially numeric and categorical together). One way is to use facetingsubplots along with generic histograms or density plots.

While this is good, once again we have a lot of boilerplate code which we can avoid by leveraging seaborn
and even depict the plots in one single chart.

You can see the plot generated above is clear and concise and we can easily compare across the distributions easily. Besides this, _box plots are another way of effectively depicting groups of numeric data based on the different values in the categorical attribute. Box plots_ are a good way to know the quartile values in the data and also potential outliers.

Another similar visualization is _violin plots_, which are another effective way to visualize grouped numeric data using kernel density plots (depicts probability density of the data at different values).

You can clearly see the density plots above for the different wine quality
categories for wine sulphate
Visualizing data till two-dimensions is pretty straightforward but starts becoming complex as the number of dimensions (attributes) start increasing. The reason is because we are bound by the two-dimensions of our display mediums and our environment.
For three-dimensional data, we can introduce a fake notion of depth by taking a z-axis in our chart or leveraging subplots and facets.
However for data higher than three-dimensions, it becomes even more difficult to visualize the same. The best way to go higher than three dimensions is to use plot facets, color, shapes, sizes, depth and so on. You can also use time as a dimension by making an animated plot for other attributes over time (considering time is a dimension in the data). Check out Hans Roslin’s excellent talk to get an idea of the same!
Visualizing data in Three Dimensions (3-D)
Considering three attributes or dimensions in the data, we can visualize them by considering a pair-wise scatter plot and introducing the notion of color or hue to separate out values in a categorical dimension.

The above plot enables you to check out correlations and patterns and also compare around wine groups. Like we can clearly see total sulfur dioxide
and residual sugar
is higher for white wine as compared to red.
Let’s look at strategies for visualizing three continuous, numeric attributes. One way would be to have two dimensions represented as the regular length (x-axis)and breadth (y-axis) and also take the notion of depth (z-axis) for the third dimension.

We can also still leverage the regular 2-D axes and introduce the notion of size as the third dimension (essentially a bubble chart) where the size of the dots indicate the quantity of the third dimension.

Thus you can see how the chart above is not a conventional scatter plot but more of a bubble chart with varying point sizes (bubbles) based on the quantity of residual sugar
. Of course its not always that you will find definite patterns in the data like in this case, we see varying sizes across the other two dimensions.
For visualizing three discrete, categorical attributes, while we can use the conventional bar plots, we can leverage the notion of hue as well as facets or subplots to support the additional third dimension. The seaborn
framework helps us keep the code to a minimum and plot this effectively.

The chart above clearly shows the frequency pertaining to each of the dimensions and you can see how easy and effective this can be in understanding relevant insights.
Considering visualization for three mixed attributes, we can use the notion of hue for separating our groups in one of the categorical attributes while using conventional visualizations like scatter plots for visualizing two dimensions for numeric attributes.

Thus hue acts as a good separator for the categories or groups and while there is no or very weak correlation as observed above, we can still understand from these plots that sulphates
are slightly higher for red wines as compared to white. Instead of a scatter plot, you can also use a kernel density plot to understand the data in three dimensions.

It is quite evident and expected that red wine samples have higher sulphate
levels as compared to white wines. You can also see the density concentrations based on the hue intensity.
In case we are dealing with more than one categorical attribute in the three dimensions, we can use hue and one of the regular axes for visualizing data and use visualizations like box plots or violin plots to visualize the different groups of data.

In the figure above, we can see that in the 3-D visualization on the right hand plot, we have represented wine quality
on the x-axis and wine_type
as the hue. We can clearly see some interesting insights like volatile acidity
is higher for red wines as compared to white wines.
You can also consider using box plots for representing mixed attributes with more than one categorical variable in a similar way.

We can see that both for quality
and quality_label
attributes, the wine alcohol
content increases with better quality. Also red wines tend to have a sightly higher median alcohol
content as compared to white wines based on the quality class. However if we check the quality ratings, we can see that for lower rated wines (3 & 4), the white wine median alcohol
content is greater than red wine samples. Otherwise red wines seem to have a slightly higher median alcohol
content in general as compared to white wines.
Visualizing data in Four Dimensions (4-D)
Based on our discussion earlier, we leverage various components of the charts visualize multiple dimensions. One way to visualize data in four dimensions is to use depth and hue as specific data dimensions in a conventional plot like a scatter plot.

The wine_type
attribute is denoted by the hue which is quite evident from the above plot. Also, while interpreting these visualizations start getting difficult due to the complex nature of the plots, you can still gather insights like fixed acidity
is higher for red wines and residual sugar
is higher for white wines. Of course if there were some association between alcohol
and fixed acidity
we might have seen a gradually increasing or decreasing plane of data points showing some trend.
Another strategy is to keep a 2-D plot but use hue and data point size as data dimensions. Typically this would be a bubble chart similar to what we visualized earlier.

We use hue to represent wine_type
and the data point size to represent residual sugar
. We do see similar patterns from what we observed in the previous chart and bubble sizes are larger for white wine in general indicate residual sugar
values are higher for white wine as compared to red.
If we have more that two categorical attributes to represent, we can reuse our concept of leveraging hue and facets to depict these attributes and regular plots like scatter plots to represent the numeric attributes. Let’s look at a couple of examples.

The effectiveness of this visualization is verified by the fact we can easily spot multiple patterns. The volatile acidity
levels for white wines are lower and also high quality wines have lower acidity levels. Also based on white wine samples, high quality wines have higher levels of alcohol
and low quality wines have the lowest levels of alcohol
Let’s take up a similar example with some other attributes and build a visualization in four dimensions.

We clearly see that high quality wines have lower content of total sulfur dioxide
which is quite relevant if you also have the necessary domain knowledge about wine composition. We also see thattotal sulfur dioxide
levels for red wine are lower than white wine. The volatile acidity
levels are however higher for red wines in several data points.
Visualizing data in Five Dimensions (5-D)
Once again following a similar strategy as we followed in the previous section, to visualize data in five dimensions, we leverage various plotting components. Let’s use depth, hue and size to represent three of the data dimensions besides regular axes representing the other two dimensions. Since we use the notion of size, we will be basically plotting a three dimensional bubble chart.

This chart depicts the same patterns and insights that we talked about in the previous section. However, we can also see that based on the point sizes which are represented by total sulfur dioxide
, white wines have higher total sulfur dioxide
levels as compared to red wines.
Instead of depth, we can also use facets along with hue to represent more than one categorical attribute in these five data dimensions. One of the attributes representing size can be numerical (continuous) or even categorical (but we might need to represent it with numbers for data point sizes). While we don’t depict that here due to the lack of categorical attributes, feel free to try it out on your own datasets.

This is basically an alternative approach to visualizing the same plot which we plotted previously for five dimensions. While the additional dimension of depth might confuse many when looking at the plot we plotted previously, this plot due to the advantage of facets, still remains effectively on the 2-D plane and hence is often more effective and easy to interpret.

We can already see that it’s becoming complex handling so many data dimensions! If some of you are thinking, why not add more dimensions? Let’s go ahead and give it a shot!
Visualizing data in Six Dimensions (6-D)
Now that we are having fun (I hope!), let’s add another data dimension in our visualizations. We will leverage depth, hue, size and shape besides our regular two axes to depict all the six data dimensions.

Wow that is six dimensions in one plot! We have wine quality_label
depicted by shapes, high (the squared pixel), medium (the X marks) and low (the circles) quality wines. The wine_type
is represented by hue, fixed acidity
by the depth and data point size represents total sulfur dioxide
Interpreting this might seem a bit taxing but consider a couple of components at a time when trying to understand what’s going on.
- Considering shape & y-axis, we have high and medium quality wines having higher
levels as compared to low quality wines. - Considering hue and size, we have higher content of
total sulfur dioxide
for white wines as compared to red wines. - Considering depth and hue, we have white wines having lower
fixed acidity
levels as compared to red wines. - Considering hue and x-axis, we have red wines having lower levels of
residual sugar
as compared to white wines. - Considering hue and shape, white wines seem to have more high quality wines as compared to red wines (possibly due to larger sample size of white wines).
We can also build a 6-D visualization by removing the depth component and use facets instead for a categorical attribute.

Thus in this scenario, we leverage facets and hue to represent three categorical attributes and the two regular axes and size to represent three numerical attributes for our 6-D data visualization.
Data visualization is an art as well as a science. If you’re reading this, I really commend your efforts in going through this extensive article. The intent is not to memorize anything nor to give a fixed set of rules for visualizing data. The main objective here is to understand and learn some effective strategies for visualizing data especially when the number of dimensions start to increase. I encourage you to leverage these snippets for visualizing your own datasets in the future. Feel free to leave your feedback in the comments and do share your own strategies of effective data visualization "especially if you can go higher!"
All the code and datasets used in this article can be accessed from my GitHub
The code is also available as a Jupyter notebook