Jupyter Notebook
A step-by-step guide to automating Jupyter Notebook execution and report generation using Python
13 min read -
Examples of how to create different types of pie charts using Matplotlib to visualize the…
5 min read -
A post on creating a custom IPython Jupyter Magic command
14 min read -
Optimize your data science workflow by automating matplotlib output - with 1 line of code. Here’s how.
5 min read -
A hands-on guide to facilitate collaboration and reproducibility with Jupytext, nbstripout, and nbconvert
9 min read -
Making the most of Google Colab notebooks
9 min read -
Despite their popularity amongst users of R, Python and Julia, Jupyter Notebooks are rarely used…
6 min read -
Use LangChain and IPyWidgets to run conversational sessions with ChatGPT about custom documents in Jupyter…
6 min read -
Learn how to run SQL in your Jupyter Notebooks
7 min read