Football Analytics
Analyzing Bayer Leverkusen’s Passing Networks from Last Season
12 min read -
Which players could help Fulham overcome their major flaws?
11 min read -
Bayesian Inference Applied to Real-World Examples
17 min read -
Quick Success Data Science I have an obnoxious friend who likes to brag about his…
6 min read -
Sports Analytics Football (or soccer for the USA readers) is an amazing sport. It can’t…
7 min read -
Scoring players dribbling skill with the Elo algorithm in Python using the StatsBomb open dataset.
19 min read -
This provides a generic methodology for measuring any footballers’ on-the-ball skill levels with a sample…
13 min read -
Going deeper into Player2Vec, explaining football actions, player representation, and semantics.
22 min read -
Scene understanding on football matches from video feed using ML and traditional CV techniques.
8 min read