Feature Extraction
An explanation and implementation of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) for object detection and recognition
5 min read -
Hands-On Feature Engineering with Scikit-Learn, Tensorflow, Pandas and Scipy
44 min read -
Low dimensional projections are useful to better understand the relationships between samples but how similar…
9 min read -
Mapping raw data to machine learning features
8 min read -
Understanding the Process of Building a Machine Learning Model for a Real World Scenario
Machine LearningA practical step-by-step guide to building a Linear Regression Model to predict Apparent Temperature from…
13 min read -
A comparison of TF-IDF and Pointwise Mutual Information (PMI)
4 min read -
Use a pre-trained neural network for feature extraction and cluster images using K-means.
5 min read -
Arguably the most essential feature representation method in Machine Learning
5 min read