Moving back and forth in time is a common task for Time Intelligence in DAX.…
6 min read -
In DAX there is no built-in method to calculate a Trend. Therefore we must do…
10 min read -
There are restrictions when manipulating Relationships with RLS in place. The MS documentation doesn’t provide…
8 min read -
Calculating a moving Aggregation is easy in DAX. However, there are some pitfalls when calculating…
7 min read -
In most cases, the total aggregates the detail rows in a visual. But what if…
8 min read -
While hierarchies are a familiar concept with data, some sources deliver their data in an…
9 min read -
Measures aggregate the Values from columns in one Fact table. But what if we need…
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We can encounter some weird effects when using Stock Measures in Power BI. Let’s look…
8 min read -
Explore Variants of Time Intelligence in DAX We have some valuable functions to calculate the…
12 min read