Apache Airflow
Introduction How often is it that you’re writing a Data Pipeline and then you wish…
4 min read -
External Task Sensors stop bad data from trickling downstream in a data pipeline. Leverage them…
19 min read -
The two most important properties you need to know when designing a workflow
5 min read -
Learn a better alternative with Apache Airflow
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Stop hardcoding values in your Airflow DAGs - Use variables instead
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Download any file from Amazon S3 (AWS) with a couple of lines of Python code
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Setup an S3 bucket and upload local files with Apache Airflow
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Build a data pipeline that connects to a remote REST API in 5 minutes
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Apache Airflow for Data Science – How to Communicate Between Tasks with Airflow XComs
Data EngineeringLearn to send and receive data between Airflow tasks with XComs
4 min read