Analysis Services
The FILTER() function in DAX can be challenging to tame. Here are some examples on…
12 min read -
What if your users want to see more years than the selected year. Let’s look…
11 min read -
On how to map the order count over time in DAX in two different ways.
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Variables can be used to simplify your DAX code and, sometimes, to improve performance. Here…
5 min read -
When your team is developing Power BI solutions, you can use free tools to synchronize…
9 min read -
The FILTER() function in DAX is potent, but it has some intricacies. Let’s dig into…
7 min read -
Row and filter context are well-known concepts in DAX. But we can switch between these…
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Usually, we have one Date table in our Tabular Models. But sometimes, multiple date tables…
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In a previous story, I explained some details about Semi-Additive Measures. Here are some more…
10 min read