Is Google Tensorflow Object Detection API the easiest way to implement image recognition?
By Priya Dwivedi – 4 min read.
There are many different ways to do image recognition. Google recently released a new Tensorflow Object Detection API to give computer vision everywhere a boost.
How to train your own Object Detector with TensorFlow’s Object Detector API
By Dat Tran – 8 min read.
This is a follow-up post on "Building a Real-Time Object Recognition App with Tensorflow and OpenCV" where I focus on training my own classes. Specifically, I trained my own Raccoon detector on a dataset that I collected and labeled by myself. The full dataset is available on my Github repo.
Image Augmentation for Deep Learning using Keras and Histogram Equalization
By Ryan Allred – 12 min read.
In this post we’ll go over: Image Augmentation: What is it? Why is it important? Keras: How to use it for basic Image Augmentation. Histogram Equalization: What is it? How is it useful? Implementing Histogram Equalization Techniques: one way to modify the keras.preprocessing image.py file.
Multi-label image classification with Inception net
By Radek Bartyzal – 6 min read.
Inception v3 is a deep convolutional neural network trained for single-label image classification on ImageNet data set. The TensorFlow team already prepared a tutorial on retraining it to tell apart a number of classes based on our own examples.
What i have learned from the first term of Udacity Self driving car nanodegree program.
Hadi N. Abu-Snineh – 12 min read.
My name is Hadi Abu-Snineh from Amman, Jordan. I have studied Mechatronics engineering at the German Jordanian University. I decided to take the challenge and go for the Udacity self driving car program.
Smart Cities and Image Recognition
By Joe Hanson – 6 min read.
Image recognition and machine vision has real-world implications for local governments and can help officials efficiently integrate and manage assets
Tensor Flow Object Detection over Telegram Bot, my breakfast, fruits and an interactive conversation
By Nicolas Bortolotti – 3 min read.
In this article we will explore a case where we combine the detection of objects in images using Tensor Flow(Object Detection API) and the interaction through a bot architecture(Telegram platform).
An Introduction to different Types of Convolutions in Deep Learning
By Paul-Louis Pröve – 6 min read.
Let me give you a quick overview of different types of convolutions and what their benefits are. For the sake of simplicity, I’m focussing on 2D convolutions only.

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