Sentiment Analysis of Social Media with Python

Beginner-friendly overview of Python tools available for classifying sentiment in social media text. I discuss my experiences using different tools and offer suggestions to get you started on your own Python sentiment analysis journey!

Haaya Naushan
Towards Data Science


Photo by T. Selin Erkan on Unsplash

In ancient Rome, public discourse happened at the Forum at the heart of the city. People gathered to exchange ideas and debate topics of social relevance. Today that public discourse has moved online to the digital forums of sites like Reddit, the microblogging arena of Twitter and other social media outlets. Perhaps as a researcher you are curious what people’s opinions are about a specific topic, or perhaps as an analyst you wish to study the effect of your company’s recent marketing campaign. Monitoring social media with sentiment analysis is a good way to gauge public opinion. Luckily, with Python there are many options available, and I will discuss the methods and tools I have experimented with, along with my thoughts about the experience.

On my learning journey, I started with the simplest option, TextBlob, and worked my way up to using transformers for deep learning with Pytorch and Tensorflow. If you are a beginner to Python and sentiment analysis, don’t worry, the next section provides background. Otherwise, feel free to skip ahead to my diagram below for a visual overview of the Python natural language processing (NLP) playground.

Introduction to Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis is a part of NLP; text can be classified by sentiment (sometimes referred to as polarity), at a coarse or fine-grained level of analysis. Coarse sentiment analysis could be either binary (positive or negative) classification or on a 3-point scale which would include neutral. Whereas a 5-point scale would be fine-grained analysis, representing highly positive, positive, neutral, negative and highly negative. Early analysis relied on rule-based methods, like those used by the Python libraries TextBlob and NLTK-VADER, both of which are popular amongst beginners. Most machine learning (ML) methods are feature-based and involve either shallow or deep learning. Shallow approaches include using classification algorithms in a single layer neural network whereas deep learning for NLP necessitates multiple layers in a neural network. One of these layers (the first hidden layer) will be an embedding layer, which contains contextual information.

A detailed explanation of neural nets is beyond the scope of this post, however for our purposes an oversimplification will suffice: Neural networks are a collection of algorithms that learn relationships about data in a way that mimics the network of neurons in the human brain. For a deeper dive into the fascinating theory behind neural networks, I suggest this introductory post.

A common theme I noticed is that the better a method is at capturing nuances from context, the greater the sentiment classification accuracy. There are several techniques for encoding or embedding text in a way that captures context for higher accuracy. Therefore an embedding layer is integral to the success of a deep learning model. Today, deep learning is advancing the NLP field at an exciting rate. At the cutting edge of deep learning are transformers, pre-trained language models with potentially billions of parameters, that are open-source and can be used for state-of-the-art accuracy scores. I created the diagram below to showcase the Python libraries and ML frameworks available for sentiment analysis, but don’t feel overwhelmed there are several options that are accessible for beginners.

Python libraries and machine learning frameworks available for sentiment analysis. Image by Author.

Rule-based Python Libraries

TextBlob is popular because it is simple to use, and it is a good place to start if you are new to Python. An early project of mine involved data visualization of polarity and subjectivity scores calculated with TextBlob. The code snippet below shows a straightforward implementation of TextBlob on tweets streamed from Twitter in real-time, for the full code check out my gist.

While using TextBlob is easy, unfortunately it is not very accurate, since natural language, especially social media language, is complex and the nuance of context is missed with rule based methods. NLTK-VADER is an NLP package developed specifically for processing social media text. I suggest checking it out if you are working with tweets and looking for a point of comparison for TextBlob.

TextBlob example, full gist with real-time Twitter streaming is available.

Machine Learning for Feature-based Methods

I realized that if I wanted greater accuracy, I needed to use machine learning; contextualization was key. I started with conventional shallow learning approaches like logistic regression and support vector machine algorithms used in single layer neural nets. Besides requiring less work than deep learning, the advantage is in extracting features automatically from raw data with little or no preprocessing. I used the NLP package spaCy in combination with the ML package scikit-learn to run simple experiments. I was inspired by a blog post, where the author used these two packages to detect insults in social commentary to identify bullies. For fine-grained sentiment classification, machine learning (feature-based) has an advantage over rule based methods, this excellent post compares the accuracy of rule based methods to feature based methods on the 5-class Stanford Sentiment Treebank (SST-5) dataset.

Deep Learning: Embeddings and Transformers

Deep learning and word embeddings further improved accuracy scores for sentiment analysis. In 2013, Google created the Word2Vec embedding algorithm, which along with the GloVe algorithm remains the two most popular word embedding methods. For a practical walk-through, check out this post, where the author uses embeddings to create a book recommendation system. Traditionally, for deep learning classification a word embedding would be used as part of a recurrent or convolutional neural network. However, these networks take a very long time to train, because with recurrence and convolutions it is difficult to parallelize. Attention mechanisms improved the accuracy of these networks, and then in 2017 the transformer architecture introduced a way to use attention mechanisms without recurrence or convolutions. Therefore, the biggest development in deep learning for NLP in the past couple years is undoubtedly the advent of transformers.

Python Deep Learning Libraries

When I started studying deep learning, I relied on Reddit recommendations to pick a Python framework to start with. The top suggestion for beginners was the Python library, Keras, which works as a functional API. I found it very accessible, especially since it is built on top of the Tensorflow framework with enough abstraction that the details do not become overwhelming, and straightforward enough that a beginner can learn by playing with the code. Just because Keras simplifies deep learning, this does not mean that it is ill-equipped to handle complex problems in a sophisticated way. It is relatively easy to augment Keras with Tensorflow tools when necessary to tweak details at a low level of abstraction, therefore Keras is a capable competitor on the deep-learning battlefield. In the code snippet below I was attempting to build a classifier from a pre-trained language model while experimenting with multi-sample dropout and stratified k-fold cross-validation, all of which was possible with Keras.

Snippet of Keras code for a multi-dropout model, with sampling for stratified k-fold cross-validation.

My introduction to transformers was the adorably named Python library, Huggingface transformers. This library makes it simple to use transformers with the major machine learning frameworks, TensorFlow and Pytorch, as well as offering their own Huggingface Trainer to fine-tune the assortment of pre-trained models they make available. The most popular transformer BERT, is a language model pre-trained on a huge corpus; the base model has 110 million parameters and the large model has 340 million parameters. For sentiment classification, BERT has to be fine-tuned with a sentiment-labeled dataset on a downstream classification task. This is referred to as transfer learning, which leverages the power of pre-trained model weights that allow for the nuances of contextual embedding to be transferred during the fine-tuning process. There are several other transformers such as RoBERTa, ALBERT and ELECTRA, to name a few. In addition to being very accessible, Huggingface has excellent documentation if you are interested in exploring the other models, linked here. Additionally, since fine-tuning takes time on CPUs, I suggest taking advantage of Colab notebooks, which will allow you to run experiments for free on Google’s cloud GPUs (there is a monthly rate limit) for a faster training time.

Which Machine learning framework is right for you?

I can offer my opinion on which machine learning framework I prefer based on my experiences, but my suggestion is to try them all at least once. The OG framework Tensorflow is an excellent ML framework, however I mostly use either the Pytorch framework (expressive, very fast, and complete control) or the HF Trainer (straight-forward, fast, and simple) for my NLP transformers experiments. My preference for Pytorch is due to the control it allows in designing and tinkering with an experiment — and it is faster than Keras. If you prefer object oriented programming over functional, I suggest the Pytorch framework since the code makes use of classes, and consequently is elegant and clear. In the code snippet below using Pytorch, I create a classifier class and use a constructor to create an object from the class, which is then executed by the class’ forward pass method.

Snippet of a Pytorch implementation of BERT using a Huggingface pre-trained model.

Additional code is needed to run a backwards pass, and use an optimizer to compute loss and update the weights. The code for Pytorch is significantly longer than the code required for Keras. If you prefer to write code quickly and not spell out every training step, then Keras is a better option for you. However, if you want to understand everything that happens during training, Pytorch makes this possible. For a step-by-step guide to Pytorch with examples, check out this introductory post. For a cool project with Pytorch, I recommend this great tutorial by Venelin Valkov, where he shows you how to use BERT with Huggingface transformers and Pytorch, and then deploy that model with FASTAPI.

Hopefully this post shed some light on where to start for sentiment analysis with Python, and what your options are as you progress. Personally, I look forward to learning more about recent advancements in NLP so that I can better utilize the amazing Python tools available.



Data Scientist enthusiastic about machine learning, social justice, video games and philosophy.