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Reingold Tilford Algorithm Explained With Walkthrough

Algorithm to Plot Tree Nodes with Numerical Examples and Python Code

Photo by Sergiu Vălenaș on Unsplash
Photo by Sergiu Vălenaș on Unsplash


The 1981 Reingold-Tilford algorithm creates a visually pleasing representation of hierarchical data by arranging nodes in a tree structure to maximize readability. In other words, it is an algorithm for retrieving the (x, y) coordinates of every node in a tree.

According to the paper, there are a few aesthetic rules that a good tree diagram should follow,

  1. Nodes at the same depth should lie along a straight line, and the straight lines defining the depths should be parallel
  2. A left child should be positioned to the left of its parent node and a right child to the right (only applicable to binary trees)
  3. A parent should be centered over their children
  4. A tree and its mirror image should produce drawings that are a reflection of one another, and a subtree should be drawn the same way regardless of where it occurs in the tree

Determining the y coordinates of the nodes is straightforward, whereas the x coordinates are slightly more tricky. This article will attempt to explain the algorithm with numerical examples on a slightly more complex tree than the other papers and articles I have read, so more scenarios can be covered. I will also introduce extra terminologies not used in the original paper to better distinguish between the different terms.

An important intuition about the algorithm is that it will plot the tree from a left-to-right direction. You can think of the leftmost node having a coordinate of (0, 0), and the various subtrees will shift rightwards accordingly.

Fun fact: scikit-learn Python library is also using this algorithm to plot decision trees!


Before determining the final coordinates of every node, 3 terms are crucial. The original paper references the terms x and mod, but in my explanation, I will use an additional shift term for better clarity.

  • x refers to the initial x coordinate of the node purely based on the node’s position (it is not the final x coordinate)
  • mod refers to the amount of shift for the node’s descendants (but not the node itself), to make the children centered with respect to itself
  • shift refers to the amount of shift for the node’s descendants, including itself, to not overlap with the subtrees to the left of itself

It may not be very clear now why these 3 terms are needed to determine the final x coordinate of every node – hopefully, this will be clearer after going through the numerical examples. In the following sections, the following tree structure will be used to explain the algorithm.

Fig 1: Tree example - Image by author
Fig 1: Tree example – Image by author

First Pass

Post-order Traversal of the tree to compute the x, mod, and shift attributes

In post-order traversal, the tree example will be traversed in alphabetical order. There are two parts – Part 1 computes the x and mod attributes, while Part 2 computes the shift attribute.

Part 1 of First Pass

Fig 2: Tree example with added x attribute (in black) and mod attribute (in blue) - Image by author
Fig 2: Tree example with added x attribute (in black) and mod attribute (in blue) – Image by author

As mentioned, x refers to the initial position of the node purely based on the node’s position.

  • If the node is the leftmost child, x will be 0.
  • For every other node, it will refer to the x value of the left sibling and add a sibling distance to the value.
  • There is an exception to this, if the node is a leftmost child but has children, it will try to center itself with respect to the children and set its x value as the midpoint of its children’s x values.

In the example, we will assume a sibling distance of 1 and notice how the x attribute of every sibling is exactly sibling distance apart from their left sibling. The exception cases are illustrated by the yellow nodes in Fig 2.

For nodes that are not the leftmost child but have children – they will also need to center themselves with respect to their children and will do so using the mod attribute. The idea is to center the descendants and the amount to shift the descendants will be parent x minus the midpoint of the children’s x values. These examples are illustrated by the red nodes in Fig 2. For example for Node e, shifting its children c and d by a value of 1.5 to the right will center the children with respect to itself.

The "final" x-coordinates can be easily computed by adding the node’s x attribute with the sum of the ancestors’ mod attribute. But we quickly realize there are overlaps in the subtrees. For example in the third level, nodes f and k would be overlapping with x-coordinates of 3 and 2.5 respectively. This will be addressed in Part 2 where the shift attribute will be computed.

Part 2 of First Pass

In the second part, for every node traversed, we will check for overlaps with the subtrees of all the left siblings with its subtree. This is also why a post-order traversal is performed as it is guaranteed that all left siblings (and their subtrees) and the current node’s subtree are already traversed and their x, mod, and shift values are known (only the current node’s shift value is to be computed).

To detect overlaps, the rightmost descendant of the left subtree and the leftmost descendant of the right subtree is compared at every level. In the paper, this is referred to as the right contour and left contour respectively.

Fig 3: Tree example with added shift attribute (in red), subtrees of n and g - Image by author
Fig 3: Tree example with added shift attribute (in red), subtrees of n and g – Image by author

For example, when traversing the tree, the following subtrees are compared,

  • Node b against Node a (no overlaps)
  • Node e against Nodes b and a (no overlaps)
  • Node f against Nodes e, b, and a (no overlaps)
  • so on and so forth…

The overlap happens when the subtree of Node n is compared against the subtree of Node g. In Fig 3, the right contour of the left subtree is in red, while the left contour of the right subtree is in green. The right subtree will be shifted such that both subtrees will be separated by a subtree distance apart.

In the example, we will assume a subtree distance of 1 and compare the overlaps for each depth.

  • In the second depth, the coordinates of f and k are 3 and 2.5 respectively (need to shift k to the right by 1.5 to be subtree distance apart from f).
  • In the third depth, the coordinates of d and i are 2.5 and 2 respectively (need to shift i to the right by 1.5 to be subtree distance apart from d).

This results in node n having to shift rightwards by 1.5 (maximum of the shifts from the second and third depth). The shift attribute is special as this will result in the shifting of the node and its descendants (Node n and its descendants shift right by 1.5), and the left and right siblings are also affected. Since Node n is the second node from the leftmost sibling, Node h and its descendants will have to shift by 1.5 * (1 / 2) = 0.75, and Node q and its descendants will have to shift by 1.5 * (3 / 2) = 2.25 such that all the siblings are still centralized with respect to their parent.

Fig 4: Tree example with added shift attribute (in red), subtrees of q and n - Image by author
Fig 4: Tree example with added shift attribute (in red), subtrees of q and n – Image by author

Another overlap happens when comparing the subtree of Node q against the subtree of Node n. The computation here will be elaborated on later in the Relative Shifting section of the article. For now, let’s conclude that Node q and its descendants need to be shifted to the right by 2.25. Referencing Fig 4, since Node q is the third node from the leftmost sibling, Node h and its descendants have to shift by 2.25 * (1 / 3) = 0.75, and Node n and its descendants have to shift by 2.25 * (2 / 3) = 1.5 such that all the siblings are still centralized with respect to their parent.

Second Pass

Pre-order Traversal of the tree, computing final x and y values

Fig 5: Tree example with final x and y coordinates - Image by author
Fig 5: Tree example with final x and y coordinates – Image by author

Since all the x, mod, and shift attributes are computed in the first pass, these attributes can be summed up to derive the final x-coordinate by traversing the tree in a top-to-bottom direction by pre-order traversal. Note that the mod attribute shifts the descendants only, while the shift attribute shifts the current node and its descendants.

Third Pass

Pre-order Traversal of the tree, adjusting x values for any negative cases, if any

While performing the second pass, any x coordinates that are negative due to a negative mod from the parent can be noted down as an adjustment value and handled during the third pass by adding this adjustment value to every node.

Additional Consideration

Relative Shifting

In Part 2 of the First Pass, the shift value was computed in one example by comparing the subtrees of Nodes n and g. It is also mentioned that the shift will affect the sibling Nodes h and q as all children have to remain centralized with respect to the parent. We can call the shift that affects the siblings a relative shift as this shift is a result of the direct shift of the right subtree.

Due to this relative shift, there are additional considerations when computing the shift value between the left and right subtrees as the left subtree will be shifted relatively later on.

Referencing Fig 4, note that Node q is the third node and Node n is the second node from the leftmost sibling. At the second depth,

  • Node m will have an intermediate x coordinate of 6 (Node n's mod 2 + Node n's shift 1.5 + Node m's x 2.5).
  • Node o will have an intermediate x coordinate of 6.25 (Node q's mod 4 + Node q's shift 2.25).
  • Let the shift value be x and the subtree distance be 1. There will be a relative shifting whereby Node m will be shifted by (2 / 3) * x if Node q is shifted by x.
  • The equation is as such, (6.25 + x) - (6 + (2 / 3) * x) >= 1.
  • Solving the equation, shift value x >= 2.25.

Additional Parameters

Subtree separation

In the example above, sibling separation and subtree separation are set to the same value. Sibling separation can be differentiated from subtree separation as such,

  • Sibling separation is used in Part 1 of First Pass and used to determine the x attribute.
  • Subtree separation is used in Part 2 of First Pass and used to determine the shift attribute.

Level separation

Level separation can be an additional parameter to determine the distance between different levels, and this will be used to determine the y-coordinates in the second pass.

Offset (x-offset, y-offset)

Offset parameters can be introduced to shift the whole tree by a constant value of x-offset and y-offset and can be introduced in the second pass when the final x and y-coordinates are computed.

Python Code Implementation

I have implemented a Python Code Example of the Reingold Tilford algorithm here which follows this article closely, with first, second, and third pass and referencing x, mod, and shift attributes.

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