Recommender Systems — A Complete Guide to Machine Learning Models

Leveraging data to help users discovering new content

Francesco Casalegno
Towards Data Science


Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash

Recommender Systems: Why And How?

Recommender systems are algorithms providing personalized suggestions for items that are most relevant to each user. With the massive growth of available online contents, users have been inundated with choices. It is therefore crucial for web platforms to offer recommendations of items to each user, in order to increase user satisfaction and engagement.

YouTube recommends videos to users, to help them discover and watch content relevant to them in the middle of a huge number of available contents. (Image by Author)

The following list shows examples of well-known web platforms with a huge number of available contents, which need efficient recommender systems to keep users interested.

  1. Youtube. Every minute people upload 500 hours of videos, i.e. it would take 82 years to a user to watch all videos uploaded just in the last hour.
  2. Spotify. Users can listen to ore than 80 million song tracks and podcasts.
  3. Amazon. Users can buy more than 350 million different products.

All these platforms use powerful machine learning models in order to generate relevant recommendations for each user.

Explicit Feedback vs. Implicit Feedback

In recommender systems, machine learning models are used to predict the rating rᵤᵢ of a user u on an item i. At inference time, we recommend to each user u the items l having highest predicted rating rᵤ.

We therefore need to collect user feedback, so that we can have a ground truth for training and evaluating our models. An important distinction has to be made here between explicit feedback and implicit feedback.

Explicit vs. implicit feedback for recommender systems. (Image by Author)

Explicit feedback is a rating explicitly given by the user to express their satisfaction with an item. Examples are: number of stars on a scale from 1 to 5 given after buying a product, thumb up/down given after watching a video, etc. This feedback provides detailed information on how much a user liked an item, but it is hard to collect as most users typically don’t write reviews or give explicit ratings for each item they purchase.

Implicit feedback, on the other hand, assume that user-item interactions are an indication of preferences. Examples are: purchases/browsing history of a user, list of songs played by a user, etc. This feedback is extremely abundant, but at the same time it is less detailed and more noisy (e.g. someone may buy a product as a present for someone else). However, this noise becomes negligible when compared to the sheer size of available data of this kind, and most modern Recommender Systems tend to rely on implicit feedback.

User-item rating matrix for explicit feedback and implicit feedback datasets. (Image by Author)

Once we have collected explicit or implicit feedbacks, we can create the user-item rating matrix rᵤᵢ. For explicit feedback, each entry in rᵤᵢ is a numerical value—e.g. rᵤᵢ = “stars given by u to movie i”—or “?” if user u did not rate item i. For implicit feedback, the values in rᵤᵢ are a boolean values representing presence or lack of interaction—e.g. rᵤᵢ = “did user u watch movie i?”. Notice that the matrix rᵤᵢ is very sparse, as users interact with few items among all available contents, and they review even fewer items!

Content-Based vs. Collaborative Filtering Approaches

Recommender system can be classified according to the kind of information used to predict user preferences as Content-Based or Collaborative Filtering.

Content-Based vs. Collaborative Filtering approaches for recommender systems. (Image by author)

Content-Based Approach

Content-based methods describe users and items by their known metadata. Each item i is represented by a set of relevant tags—e.g. movies of the IMDb platform can be tagged as“action”, “comedy”, etc. Each user u is represented by a user profile, which can created from known user information—e.g. sex and age—or from the user’s past activity.

To train a Machine Learning model with this approach we can use a k-NN model. For instance, if we know that user u bought an item i, we can recommend to u the available items with features most similar to i.

The advantage of this approach is that items metadata are known in advance, so we can also apply it to Cold-Start scenarios where a new item or user is added to the platform and we don’t have user-item interactions to train our model. The disadvantages are that we don’t use the full set of known user-item interactions (each user is treated independently), and that we need to know metadata information for each item and user.

Collaborative Filtering Approach

Collaborative filtering methods do not use item or user metadata, but try instead to leverage the feedbacks or activity history of all users in order to predict the rating of a user on a given item by inferring interdependencies between users and items from the observed activities.

To train a Machine Learning model with this approach we typically try to cluster or factorize the rating matrix rᵤᵢ in order to make predictions on the unobserved pairs (u,i), i.e. where rᵤᵢ = “?”. In the following of this article we present the Matrix Factorization algorithm, which is the most popular method of this class.

The advantage of this approach is that the whole set of user-item interactions (i.e. the matrix rᵤᵢ) is used, which typically allows to obtain higher accuracy than using Content-Based models. The disadvantage of this approach is that it requires to have a few user interactions before the model can be fitted.

Hybrid Approaches

Finally, there are also hybrid methods that try to use both the known metadata and the set of observed user-item interactions. This approach combines advantages of both Content-Based and Collaborative Filtering methods, and allow to obtain the best results. Later in this article we present LightFM, which is the most popular algorithm of this class of methods.

Collaborative Filtering: Matrix Factorization

Matrix factorization algorithms are probably the most popular and effective collaborative filtering methods for recommender systems. Matrix factorization is a latent factor model assuming that for each user u and item i there are latent vector representations pᵤ, qᵢRᶠ s.t. rᵤᵢ can be uniquely expressed— i.e. “factorized” — in terms of pᵤ and qᵢ. The Python library Surprise provides excellent implements of these methods.

Matrix Factorization for Explicit Feedback

The simplest idea is to model user-item interactions through a linear model. To learn the values of pᵤ and qᵢ, we can minimize a regularized MSE loss over the set K of pairs (u, i) for which rᵤᵢ is known. The algorithm so obtained is called probabilistic matrix factorization (PMF).

Probabilistic matrix factorization: model for rᵤᵢ and loss function.

The loss function can be minimized in two different ways. The first approach is to use stochastic gradient descent (SGD). SGD is easy to implement, but it may have some issues because both pᵤ and qᵢ are both unknown and therefore the loss function is not convex. To solve this issue, we can alternatively fix the value pᵤ and qᵢ and obtain a convex linear regression problem that can be easily solved with ordinary least squares (OLS). This second method is known as alternating least squares (ALS) and allows significant parallelization and speedup.

The PMF algorithm was later generalized by the singular value decomposition (SVD) algorithm, which introduced bias terms in the model. More specifically, bᵤ and bᵢ measure observed rating deviations of user u and item i, respectively, while μ is the overall average rating. These terms often explain most of the observed ratings rᵤᵢ, as some items widely receive better/worse ratings, and some users are consistently more/less generous with their ratings.

SVD algorithm, a generalization of probabilistic matrix factorization.

Matrix Factorization for Implicit Feedback

The SVD method can be adapted to implicit feedback datasets. The idea is to look at implicit feedback as an indirect measure of confidence. Let’s assume that the implicit feedback tᵤᵢ measures the percentage of movie i that user u has watched — e.g. tᵤᵢ = 0 means that u never watched i, tᵤᵢ = 0.1 means that he watched only 10% of it, tᵤᵢ = 2 means that he watched it twice. Intuitively, a user is more likely to be interested into a movie they watched twice, rather than in a movie they never watched. We therefore define a confidence matrix cᵤᵢ and a rating matrix rᵤᵢ as follows.

Confidence matrix and rating matrix for implicit feedback.

Then, we can model the observed rᵤᵢ using the same linear model used for SVD, but with a slightly different loss function. First, we compute the loss over all (u, i) pairs — unlike the explicit case, if user u never interacted with i we have rᵤᵢ = 0 instead of rᵤᵢ =“?” . Second, we weight each loss term by the confidence cᵤᵢ that u likes i.

Loss function for SVD for implicit feedback.

Finally, the SVD++ algorithm can be used when we have access to both explicit and implicit feedbacks. This can be very useful, because typically users interact with many items (= implicit feedabck) but rate only a small subset of them (= explicit feedback). Let’s denote, for each user u, the set N(u) of items that u has interacted with. Then, we assume that an implicit interaction with an item j is associated with a new latent vector zⱼR. The SVD++ algorithm modifies the linear model of SVD by including into the user representation a weighted sum of these latent factors zⱼ.

SVD++ for mixed (explicit + implicit) feedback

Hybrid Approach: LightFM

Collaborative filtering methods based on matrix factorization often produce excellent results, but in cold-start scenarios—where little to no interaction data is available for new items and users—they cannot make good predictions because they lack data to estimate the latent factors. Hybrid approaches solve this issue by leveraging known item or user metadata in order to improve the matrix factorization model. The Python library LightFM implements one of the most popular hybrid algorithms.

In LightFM, we assume that for each user u we have collected a set of tag annotations Aᵁ(u) — e.g. “male”, “age < 30”, … — and similarly each item i has a set of annotations Aᴵ(i) — e.g. “price > 100 $”, “book”, … Then we model each user tag by a latent factor xᵁₐ Rᶠ and by a bias term bᵁₐ R, and we assume that the user vector representation pᵤ and its associated bias bᵤ can be expressed simply as the sum of these terms xᵁₐ and bᵁₐ, respectively. We take the same approach to item tags, using latent factors xᴵₐ ∈ Rᶠ and bias terms bᴵₐ ∈ R. Once we have defined pᵤ, qᵢ, bᵤ, bᵢ using these formulas, we can use the same linear model of SVD to describe the relationship between these terms and rᵤᵢ.

LightFM: user/item embeddings and biases are the sum of latent vectors associated to each user/item.

Notice that there are three interesting cases of this hybrid approach of LightFM.

  1. Cold start. If we have a new item i with known tags Aᴵ(i), then we can use the latent vectors xᴵₐ (obtained by fitted our model on the previous data) to compute its embedding qᵢ, and therefore estimate for any user u its rating rᵤᵢ.
  2. No available tags. If we don’t have any known metadata for items or users, the only annotation we can use is an indicator function, i.e. a different annotation a for each user and each item. Then, user and item feature matrices are identity matrices, and LightFM reduces to a classical collaborative filtering method such as SVD.
  3. Content-based vs. Hybrid. If we only used user or item tags without indicator annotations, LightFM would almost be a content-based model. So in practice, to leverage user-item interactions, we also add to known tags an indicator annotation a different from each user and item.

TL;DR – Conclusions

  • Recommender systems leverage machine learning algorithms to help users inundated with choices in discovering relevant contents.
  • Explicit vs. implicit feedback: the first is easier to leverage, but the second is way more abundant.
  • Content-based models work well in cold-start scenarios, but require to know user and item metadata.
  • Collaborative filtering models typically use matrix factorization: PMF, SVD, SVD for implicit feedback, SVD++.
  • Hybrid models take the best of content-based and collaborative filtering. LightFM is a great example of this approach.


