R for GTFS — Getting the number of trips per hour for each line

Santiago Toso
Towards Data Science
11 min readOct 23, 2018


I have been working a lot with GTFS files in R lately and wanted to share some of the things I’ve learned so far.

A few weeks ago, one of my customers asked if we could color their bus lines depending on the number of trips per hour a line has. To do so, I first had to calculate that number.

In this article, I’ll explain how to get the number of trips for a given line from a GTFS using R. Then, I will show how we can export that information to Excel and make a chart with it.

You can get the full code as an HTML or R Markdown from my GitHub repository.

What is a GTFS?

If you are already familiar with GTFS you could skip to the next section.

GTFS stands for “General Transit Feed Specification” and is a world known open source standard for transit agencies. If you belong to the transit world, I’m sure you already know the basics of the information you can manage with it (it is, among other things, how transit agencies communicate with Google Maps). If you haven’t heard about it and want to learn more, I recommend you to take a look at their specifications here.


If you want to follow the exact scripts detailed on the article you’ll have to make sure you have the following libraries installed:


You can just copy that code, run it in your RStudio, and you are good to go.

Importing data into R

For this article, I used the GTFS of Madrid’s PTO (called EMT) publicly available here. Nonetheless, You could follow the article using your own GTFS if you like.

Once we’ve downloaded the file, the first thing we have to do is to import it to R. As GTFS files are actually .zip files, we’ll use the next script to unzip it and import the files as data frames:

zip <- "/Users/santiagotoso/Descktop/transitEMT.zip"
outDir <- substring(zip, 1, nchar(zip)-4)

unzip(zip, exdir = outDir)
trips <- read_csv("trips.txt")
routes <- read_csv("routes.txt")
stop_times <- read_csv("stop_times.txt", col_types= cols(arrival_time = col_character(), departure_time = col_character()))

The first line of code is to map where the zip file is (you should change it for the information of your own file). Then, in the second line of code, we define the output directory to be named after the .zip file: We take the whole string and keep everything but the last 4 characters (.zip). Like that, ‘outDir’ is actually “/Users/santiagotoso/Descktop/transitEMT”.

In the third line, we create a directory placed and named as defined in ‘outDir’. Finally, we unzip the file an read the .txt files that are inside.

Now we have four data frames, one for each of the relevant files for this exercise: trips, routes and stop_times.

Note that when importing “stop_times” we forced the “arrival_time” and “departure_time” variables to characters. The reason for that is that there are trips that take place after midnight and have a format like 26:45 hr. This becomes a NA in R and we are avoiding this by making them characters. We will deal with them later.

What do we have so far?

If you are used to work with GTFS, you might not need this section. If you are still learning how to work with GTFS files it might be helpful to take a moment now and take a look at the information we have on each of the files, how are they connected to each other and which file contains the information we need to get the number of trips per hour for a line.

  • trips.txt: this files stores the high level information of each trip. It’s id, route, direction, service_id, shape, etc. Notice that the shape is defined by trip and not by route.
  • routes.txt: this file stores information for each of the routes. It’s id, short and long name, color, etc.
  • stop_times.txt: this files stores the detail of each of the trips. More precisely, the sequence of stops each trip follows and the passing time of each of the stops. It doesn’t have information about the route itself, but it is related to trips.txt by the trip_id.

In summary, we could explain the relationships between these three files as shown in the diagram below.

Joining the data frames

As we can deduce from the previous section, we are going to get the number of trips per hour from the ‘stop_times’ data frame. The tricky thing is that in ‘stop_times’ there is no variable that tells us what route the trips is doing. To get that information we first have to pass through ‘trips’. This data frame is the one that holds the relationship between the ‘trip_id’ (present in ‘stop_times’) and the ‘route_id’ (present in routes).

To get all the information we need in the same data frame we are going to travel the diagram above from ‘stop_times’ all the way up to ‘routes’.

stop_times <- stop_times %>% 
left_join(trips) %>%
left_join(routes) %>%
select(route_id, route_short_name, trip_id, stop_id, service_id, arrival_time, departure_time, direction_id, shape_id, stop_sequence)

First, we join stop_times with trips. At that point, the data frame has the route_id and the trip_id. Then we join it with ‘routes’.

Finally, we select the relevant variables to continue. You can take a look at the final data frame with the ‘head()’ function.


Right now, we have the passing time for all the stops (check the column ‘stop_sequence’). But we only need the first stop to calculate the number of trips per hour. Furthermore, considering that the trips are roundtrips, we only need one direction. If not, we could be duplicating the number of trips per hour.

Also, notice that the ‘arrival_time’ and ‘departure_time’ are characters. This wouldn’t allow us to make mathematical operations with them.

Finally, the column ‘service_id’ tells us that there are many different services that operate in the period of time this GTFS covers. We need to choose one before calculating the number of trips per hour.

In the next section, we are going to see how to solve all these issues.

Filtering and transforming data

Selecting the service_id with more trips

To solve the issues listed above we can first start by looking for the ‘service_id’ we want to use. We could do it in many different ways and, if you are using your own data, the most probable thing is that you already know which service you want to analyze. For the purpose of this article will just take the service with more trips.

trips %>% 
group_by(service_id) %>%
count(service_id) %>%

The first line groups the trips by ‘service_id’. Then, we count the number of trips for each ‘service_id’ and, finally, we sort it.

The biggest service in this dataset seems to be ‘LA’, so we will take that one to filter afterwards. Below, we define the variable ‘bigger_service’ as the first row of the data shown above.

bigger_service <- trips %>% 
group_by(service_id) %>%
count(service_id) %>%
arrange(desc(n)) %>%

Filtering by service_id, stop_sequence and direction_id

Now, we can filter ‘stop_times’ in order to keep only the relevant information for our purpose.

To do so, we are going to keep only the ‘service_id’ with more trips (LA), only the first stop of each trip and one direction of each trip.

stop_times <- stop_times %>% 
stop_sequence == 1 &
direction_id == 0 &
service_id == bigger_service$service_id)


Transforming characters into numbers

Now that we have only kept the data relevant to our purpose we need to transform the ‘arrival_time’ and ‘departure_time’ (or at least one of them) into numbers that allow us to make mathematical operations with them.

In fact, since we are going to calculate the number of trips per hour, we don’t really need the minutes. We would just need to get the hours value to be able to group them afterwards. Like that, characters like ‘07:28:00’ and ‘07:45:00’ would become the number ‘7’ that is enough for us to calculate that there are two trips per hour from 7am to 8am.

This would be easy if we only had to take the hours number. The tricky part comes when we find numbers that go beyond the 24hs. In this case, ‘25:00:00’ actually means 1am. We will make a transformation in order to solve this issue.

stop_times <- stop_times %>% 
arrival_time = ifelse(
as.integer(substr(arrival_time, 1, 2)) < 24,
as.integer(substr(arrival_time, 1, 2)),
as.integer(substr(arrival_time, 1, 2)) - 24),
departure_time = ifelse(
as.integer(substr(departure_time, 1, 2)) < 24,
as.integer(substr(departure_time, 1, 2)),
as.integer(substr(departure_time, 1, 2)) -24)

It is looking pretty good now. Notice that we had to run an ‘ifelse’ condition to treat the numbers that were higher than 24. If they were, we took 24 from them. Like that, 25h becomes 1h, that was exactly what we were looking for.

Also, we only kept the hours of the arrival and departure time. Now we could group by one of those variables and count the number of trips on each of the time windows.

So, what is the number of trips per hour for each of these lines?

Our final step is to calculate the number of trips per hour for each of the lines. Thanks to all the trouble we went through, this is going to be pretty easy now.

output_data <- stop_times %>% 
group_by_at(vars(route_id, route_short_name, arrival_time)) %>%

And there it is! We have now the number of trips per hour for each of the lines.

We could make it nicer nonetheless. To do so, we are going to change the format of ‘arrival_time’ one more time, from ‘6’ to ‘6:00’.

output_data <- stop_times %>% 
group_by_at(vars(route_id, route_short_name, arrival_time)) %>%
count(arrival_time) %>%
mutate(time_window = paste(arrival_time, '00', sep = ':')) %>%
select(route_id, route_short_name, arrival_time, time_window, n)

In the following sections, we are going to see how to download this data to a .csv file (that you can open with Excel), and make a bar chart and a line chart for one of the lines using ggplot().

Exporting to a csv file

This one is pretty easy:

write_csv(output_data, "/Users/santiagotoso/Descktop/transitEMT/trips_per_hour.csv" )

You just need to change the path to the direction that you want.

Creating charts with the number of trips per hour

In this section, we will see how to create a bar and line chart to show the number of trips per hour for one specific line.

To do so, the first thing we will do is to filter the information of one specific line. For the example, I will choose line 1.

line <- output_data %>% 
filter(route_id == '001')

Something important when drawing characters that represent numbers (or times in this case) is to factorize them so they are sorted as numbers. If we don’t do that, they will be sorted as strings (characters) which would mean that we would have 10:00 first, then 11:00 and so on, instead of 6:00 first. To illustrate this point, I show below how our graph would look if we did it right now, before factorizing (notice the x axis):

To avoid this undesirable behavior we need to factorize ‘time_window’ first.

line$time_window <- factor(line$time_window, levels = unique(line$time_window))

Bar chart

Now that we have our x axis factorized we are going to make a bar chart with ggplot().

g_bar <- ggplot(data = line,
aes(x = time_window, y = n)) +
geom_bar(stat = 'identity')

Personally, I like my charts cleaner and a bit more colorful. If that is your case too, you could use the code below to get a nicer result.

g_bar <- ggplot(data = line,
aes(x = time_window, y = n)) +
geom_bar(stat = 'identity', fill = 'steelblue', color = 'steelblue') +
geom_text(aes(label = n),
vjust = -0.3,
color = "black",
size = 3) +
labs(title = paste('Trips by hour for route', line$route_short_name, sep = ' '),
x = "Time window",
y = '') +
theme(panel.grid = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_blank(),
axis.line.x = element_line(colour = "grey"),
axis.line.y = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = element_line(colour = "grey"),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)

Line chart

We are going to make the nice chart directly but keep in mind that you could do the simpler version copying the code of the bar chart and changing it for a line chart.

g_line <- ggplot(data = line,
aes(x = time_window, y = n, group = 1)) +
geom_line(color = 'steelblue') +
geom_point(color = 'steelblue') +
geom_text(aes(label = n),
vjust = -0.8,
color = "black",
size = 3) +
labs(title = paste('Trips by hour for route', line$route_short_name, sep = ' '),
x = "Time window",
y = '') +
theme(panel.grid = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_blank(),
axis.line.x = element_line(colour = "grey"),
axis.line.y = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = element_line(colour = "grey"),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)


We saw how to import a GTFS into R and explore it. Then we studied the relationships between the data frames and kept only the data needed to get the insight we were looking for.

As shown, the maths and methods used to get the number of trips per hour from a GTFS are pretty simple and don’t require a deep knowledge of math, non the R language. It is a very good way to start learning R and exploring some of the insights you could get from your GTFS.

What do you think? Did it help you? Please let me know what your thoughts commenting below.

Remember you can get the raw code an html or R Markdown from my GitHub repository.

This story was originally published on: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/r-gtfs-getting-number-trips-per-hour-each-line-toso/?published=t

