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Python Type Hinting: Duck Type Compatibility and Consistent-With

You don't have to hint int when you're hinting float, or namedtuple when you're hinting tuple. Why?


Sometimes, Python type hinting can make things easier. True, not always – but at least in my opinion, quite often it does – given that it’s done wisely. Some disagree, but I am not going to dispute with them: in my eyes, this is quite a subjective subject.

I wrote what I think about Python type hinting, how to use it to increase code readability, and how not to use it to do otherwise, in the following article:

Python’s Type Hinting: Friend, Foe, or Just a Headache?

Today, we’ll discuss what consistent-with and duck-type compatibility mean in terms of Python types.

Imagine you’re hinting the use of float, like in the function below:

from import Sequence

def sum_of_squares(x: Sequence[float]) -> float:
    n, s = len(x), sum(x)
    return sum((x_i - s/n)**2 for x_i in x)

This is a typical statistical function, calculating the sum of squares of a variable. It takes a container of floating-point numbers and returns a float.

As you see, to annotate the function, I used Sequence, a generic abstract base class available from (before Python 3.9 you needed to use typing.Sequence). This means you can provide a list or a tuple – but you can’t provide, for instance, a generator¹.

Okay, so this is a statistical function, and it expects a sequence of floating-point numbers. That makes sense, right? But in real-life, quite often quantitative variables are integers, like the number of mites per shoot, the number of items sold, the number of inhabitants, to name just a few.

Shouldn’t we thus do something with the function, to take this fact into account? We all know that dynamically, the function will work just fine for integers, and that dynamically we can easily join integers and floating-point numbers in x. But what about Type Hints and static checkers?

Is it fine to use int for this function, or should we rather make it clear that it accepts int values, too? Should we do it like below?

def sum_of_squares(x: Sequence[float | int]) -> float:
    n, s = len(x), sum(x)
    return sum((x_i - s/n)**2 for x_i in x)

This seems clear: you can use a sequence of floating-point numbers or integers, and the function returns a float. Isn’t this version better, at least from type-hinting perspective?

To answer this question, let’s return to the previous version, without int. What do static type checkers say about that?

Not a word! Look what Pylance (in Visual Studio Code) says about it:

Nothing! Had Pylance seen a static error, we would’ve seen it underlined in the color red. And here, mypy‘s opinion:

Why can you use int instead of float?

We’ve come to the main topic of this article. Long story short, you can use int instead of float when you hint float.

First, let’s have a look at the webpage of mypy‘s documentation describing duck type compatibility:

Duck type compatibility – mypy 1.3.0 documentation

This is what we will read there, among others:

In Python, certain types are compatible even though they aren’t subclasses of each other. For example, int objects are valid whenever float objects are expected. Mypy supports this idiom via duck type compatibility.


Don’t worry, this doesn’t widen the knowledge you should know about type hints too much:

This is supported for a small set of built-in types:

  • int is duck type compatible with float and complex.
  • float is duck type compatible with complex.
  • bytearray and memoryview are duck type compatible with bytes.

So now we know. We do not have to hint int when we already hint the use of float. This will work in exactly the same way as float | int (or Union[float, int]). This means that the | int part in the hint is redundant.

And just like int is duck type compatible with float, it is also duck type compatible with complex, and float is duck type compatible with complex, and both bytearray and memoryview are duck type compatible with bytes.

Okay, that’s mypy. Now, let’s look into my favorite Python book, one I’ve referred to quite a lot in my articles: Fluent Python, 2nd ed., by Luciano Ramalho:

Fluent Python, the lizard book

To learn what’s going on in here, we should move to where Luciano explains what consistent-with means. What he writes is, we don’t have to add int to a float type hint because int is consistent-with float.

But what does consistent-with mean? (And yes, Luciano does use the hyphen in and the italics for consistent-with every time, unlike PEP 484.)

As he explains, T2 is consistent-with T1 when T1 is a subtype of T2. In other words, a subclass is consistent-with all its superclasses – with some exceptions that enwiden the definition of consistent-with. Based on this section of PEP 484, Luciano explains that the definition also comprises the above-cited scenarios with numbers.

And when we add the scenario with the types consistent-with bytes, we will have the following definition of consistent-with:

T2 is consistent-with T1 when:

  • T1 is a subtype of T2, or
  • T1 is duck type compatible with T2.

What we need to remember is that if one type is consistent-with another type, it’s either its subtype (subclass), or it is duck type compatible with it – which boils down to a fact that it’s enough to type hint the latter; you can simply omit the former.

To be honest, I did such a mistake quite often – I mean, I did this redundant thing, something like below:

from typing import Iterable

def sum_of_squares(x: Iterable[float | int]) -> float:
    n, s = len(x), sum(x)
    return sum((x - s/n)**2)

I always thought I was making the user’s life easier, thanks to clarifying that x can include both integers and floating-point numbers.

Was I? I don’t know. For sure, I was making the code verbose. A person who does not know that int is a duck type of float may think, why only float? On the other hand, we should not write the code in a way that makes easy to understand by those who do not know. Of course, there are some limits, but I don’t think this situation crosses a line. Besides, anyone who knows Python a little bit should know that where a float is expected, an int can be used; this is rather common knowledge. Anyway, this is one of the reasons why I’m writing this article – so that my readers know that not only can an int be used dynamically instead of a float, but also that this is fine from a static checkers point of view.

Let’s return to the sum_of_squares() function. When you know about duck type compatibility, the concise version is as clear but shorter and thus cleaner:

from typing import Iterable

def sum_of_squares(x: Iterable[float]) -> float:
    n, s = len(x), sum(x)
    return sum((x - s/n)**2)

So, I could say that my lack of Python knowledge made me think I was doing a favor to the users of my code – now I know that I wasn’t.

Named tuples

With collection.namedtupes and typing.NamedTuples, the situation is similar, with a small difference. Both these types are subtypes of the regular tuple type, and this is why they are consistent-with it.

That’s why the below annotation is… Well, it’s not the best:

from collections import namedtuple
from typing import NamedTuple

def join_names(names: tuple | namedtuple | NamedTuple) -> str:
    return " ".join(names)

The function itself is not the smartest among those I’ve written, but that’s not the point. The point is, if you want to accept a tuple, a namedtuple and a NamedTuple, you can do it this way:

def join_names(names: tuple) -> str:
    return " ".join(names)

However, if you want to accept only one of the two named tuples, you can type hint it, for example:

from collections import namedtuple

def join_names(names: namedtuple) -> str:
    return " ".join(names)

And here, only instances of collections.namedtuple and of its subclasses can be used. You could of course indicate typing.NamedTuple the same way, and then a collections.namedtuple could not be used. Remember, if T1 is consistent-with T2, it does not mean that T2 is consistent-with T1.

Remember, if T1 is consistent-with T2, it does not mean that T2 is consistent-with T1.


We learned what consistent-with and duck type compatibility mean. Don’t be afraid to use this knowledge in your code. You know how to respond to the following questions: "Why only float? What if I want to use an int?"


¹ That sum_of_squares() defined that way does not accept a generator makes plenty of sense. To see why, analyze the function’s body, keeping in mind how generators work.

Note that calculating len(x) would consume the generator – so, the function would not be able to calculate the sum of x. Look:

>>> sum_of_squares((i for i in (1., 2, 34)))
Traceback (most recent call last):
    n, s = len(x), sum(x)
TypeError: object of type 'generator' has no len()

Pylance screams:

mypy does not like it, either:

error: Argument 1 to "sum_of_squares" has incompatible type 
"Generator[float, None, None]"; expected "Sequence[Union[float, int]]"

Do you see how using a static type checker can help you catch errors that otherwise would be caught at runtime?

So, kudos to type hinting? Yes – but kudos to good type hinting!

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