The caption in the online magazine "WIRED" caught my eye one night a few months ago. When I focused my eyes on it, it read: "Can everything be explained to everyone in terms they can understand? In 5 Levels, an expert scientist explains a high-level subject in five different layers of complexity – first to a child, then a teenager, then an undergrad majoring in the same subject, a grad student, and finally, a colleague".
Curious, I clicked on the link and started learning about exciting new concepts I could finally grasp with my own level of understanding. Music, Biology, Physics, Medicine – all seemed clear that night. Needless to say, I couldn’t stop watching the series and went to bed very very late.

I actually started writing this article while working on a more technical piece. From a few paragraphs in the text, it grew in size until I felt my original article could no longer hold its weight. Could I explain the key concepts to peers and to co-workers, as well as to children and people without mathematical orientation? How far along will readers follow the explanations?
Let’s find out 🙂
1) Child
Sometimes, when we learn new things, we are told lots of facts and might be shown a drawing or a table with numbers. Seeing a lot of numbers and tables can be confusing, so it would be really helpful if we could reach the same conclusions, just using less of these facts, tables, and numbers.
Principal Component Analysis (or PCA for short) is what we call an algorithm: a set of instructions to follow. If we represent all our facts and tables using numbers, following these instructions will allow us to represent them using fewer numbers.
If we convert these numbers back into facts, we can still draw the same conclusions. But because we drew them using fewer facts than before, performing PCA just helped us be less confused.
2) High-school aged teenager
Our math studies focus on a few key areas that give us a basis for mathematical understanding and orientation. High school math often means learning Calculus, which deals with subjects like function analysis and analytic geometry. Let’s use them to better explain Principal Component Analysis.

Functions are special objects in mathematics that give us an output value when we feed it an input value. This makes them very useful in learning certain relationships in data. A key technique taught in high school is how to draw the graph of a function by performing a short analysis of its properties. We use something from Calculus called the Derivative: A derivative is just an approximation of the slope of a function at a given point. We choose a few key points inside the area of our graph to find the values our function will take at these points and calculate the derivative of the function at these points to get hints about the slope of the function. Then we use the points and the slopes we just got to draw an approximation of the function’s shape.

In the real world, sometimes we have lots of functions and even strange things like functions that output multiple values at the same time or functions that require multiple inputs to give us values. And if you are the kind of person that finds high school functions dreadful, imagine how dreadful these multi-number functions can be – even for skilled adults! Principal component analysis is a technique that takes the output for all these functions and gives us close approximations using much less of these numbers. Fewer numbers often mean memorizing less data, smaller and cheaper ways to store them, and less of that "being confused" feeling we get when we see so many numbers we don’t even know where to start.
3) First-year University student
During your studies, you’ve learned all about linear algebra, statistics, and probability. You’ve dealt with a few of these "real world" functions that input and output multiple values and learned that they work with these things called vectors and matrices. You’ve also learned all about random variables, sample values, means, variances, distributions, covariances, correlation, and all the rest of the statistics techno-babble.

Principal Component Analysis relies on a technique called "Singular value decomposition" (SVD for short). For now let’s treat it as what’s called a "black box" in computer science: an unknown function that gives us some desired output once we feed it with the required input. If we collect lots of data (from observations, experimentation, monitoring etc…) and store it in matrix form, we can input this matrix to our SVD function and get a matrix of smaller dimensions that allows us to represent our data with fewer values.
While for now, it might make sense to keep the SVD as a black box, it could be interesting to investigate the input and output matrices further. And it turns out the SVD gives us extra-meaningful outputs for a special kind of matrix called a "covariance matrix". Being an undergrad student, you’ve already dealt with covariance matrices, but you might be thinking: "What does my data have to do with them?"

Our data actually has quite a lot to do with covariance matrices. If we sort our data into distinct categories, we can group related values in a vector representing that category. Each one of these vectors can also be seen as a random variable, containing n samples (which makes n the length of the vector). If we concatenate these vectors together, we can form a matrix X of m random variables, or a random vector with m scalars, holding n measurements of that vector.
The matrix of concatenated vectors, representing our data, can then be used to calculate the covariance matrix for our random vector. This matrix is then provided as an input for our SVD, which provides us with a unitary matrix as an output.
Without diving in too deep into unitary matrices, the output matrix has a neat property: we can pick the first k column vectors from the matrix to generate a new matrix U, and multiply our original matrix X with the matrix U to obtain a lower-dimensional matrix. It turns out this matrix is the "best" representation of the data stored in X when mapped to a lower dimension.
4) Bachelor of Science
Graduating with an academic degree, you now have the mathematical background needed to properly explain Principal component analysis. But just writing down the math won’t be helpful if we don’t understand the intuition behind it or the problem we are trying to solve.
The problem PCA tries to solve is what we nickname the "curse of dimensionality": When we try to train machine learning algorithms, the rule of thumb is that the more data we collect, the better our predictions become. But with every new data feature (implying we now have an additional random vector) the dimension of the vector space spanned by the feature vectors increases by one. The larger our vector space, the longer it takes to train our learning algorithms, and the higher the chance some of the data might be redundant.

To solve this, researchers and mathematicians have constantly been trying to find techniques that perform "Dimensionality Reduction": embedding our vector space in another space with a lower dimension. The inherent problem in dimensionality reductions is that for every decrease in the dimension of the vector space, we essentially discard one of the random vectors spanning the original vector space. That is because the basis for the new space has one vector less, making one of our random vectors a linear combination of the others, and therefore redundant in training our algorithm.
Of course, we do have naïve techniques for dimensionality reduction (like just discarding random vectors and checking which lost vector has the smallest effect on the accuracy of the algorithm). But the question asked is "How can I lose the least information when performing dimensionality reduction?" And it turns out the answer is "By using PCA".
Formulating this mathematically, if we represent our data in matrix form as we did before, with n random variables having m measurements each, we represent each sample as the row xi. We are therefore searching for a linear map T: ℝn → ℝk that minimizes the Euclidian distances between xi and T(xi)

The intuition behind this formulation is that if we represent our image vectors as n-dimensional vectors in the original vector space, the less they have moved from their original positions implies the smaller the loss of information. Why does distance imply loss of information? Because the closer a representation of a vector is to its original location, the more accurate the representation.

How do we find that linear map? It turns out that the map is provided by the Singular value decomposition! Recall that if we invoke SVD we obtain a unitary matrix U that satisfies

Due to the isomorphism between the linear map space and the matrix space, we can see the matrix U as representing a linear map from ℝn to ℝn:

How exactly does SVD provide us with the function U? SVD is essentially a generalization of an important theorem in Linear Algebra called the Spectral theorem. While the spectral theorem can only be applied to normal matrices (satisfying MM = MM, where M is the complex conjugate of M), SVD generalizes that result to any arbitrary matrix M, by performing a matrix decomposition into three matrices: SVD(M) = UΣ*V.
According to the Spectral theorem, U is a unitary matrix whose row vectors are an orthonormal basis for Rn, with each row vector spanning an eigenspace orthogonal to the other eigenspaces. If we denote that basis as B = {u1, u2 … un}, And because U diagonalizes the matrix M, it can also be viewed as a transformation matrix between the standard basis and the basis B.

Of course, any subset Bk = {u1, u2 … uk} is an orthonormal basis for ℝ(k). This means that performing the multiplication M U-1 (similar to multiplying U M) is isomorphic to a linear map T: ℝn → ℝk. The theorems behind SVD generalizes this result to any given matrix. And while these matrices aren’t necessarily diagonalizable (or even square), the results regarding the unitary matrices still hold true for U and V. All we have left is to perform the multiplication X’ = Cov(X) * U, performing the dimensionality reduction we were searching for. We can now use the reduced matrix X’ for any purpose we’d have used the original matrix X for.
5) Expert data scientist
As an expert data scientist with a hefty amount of experience in research and development of learning algorithms, you probably already know of PCA and don’t need abridged descriptions of its internal workings and of applying it in practice. I do find however that many times, even when we have been applying an algorithm for a while, we don’t always know the math that makes it work.
If you’ve followed along with the previous explanations, we still have two questions left: Why does the matrix U represent the linear map T which minimizes the loss of information? And how does SVD provide us with such a matrix U?
The answer to the first question lies in an important result in linear algebra called the Principal Axis theorem. It states that every ellipsoid (or hyper-ellipsoid equivalent) shape in analytic geometry can be represented as a quadratic form Q: ℝn x ℝn → ℝ of the shape Q(x)=x’Ax, (here x’ denotes the transpose of x) such that A is diagonalizable and has a spectral decomposition into mutually orthogonal eigenspaces. The eigenvectors obtained form an orthonormal basis of ℝn, and have the property of matching the axes of the hyper-ellipsoid. That’s neat!

The Principal Axis theorem shows a fundamental connection between linear algebra and analytic geometry. When plotting our matrix X and visualizing the individual values, we can plot a (roughly) hyper-ellipsoid shape containing our data points. We can then plot a regression line for each dimension of our data, trying to minimize the distance to the orthogonal projection of the data points onto the regression line. Due to the properties of hyper-ellipsoids, these lines are exactly their axes. Therefore, the regression lines correspond to the spanning eigenvectors obtained from the spectral decomposition of the quadratic form Q.

Reviewing a diagram similar to the one used when formulating the problem, notice the tradeoff between the length of an orthogonal projection to the length of its orthogonal complement: The smaller the orthogonal complement, the larger the orthogonal projection. Even though X is written in matrix form, we must not forget it is a random vector, and as such its components exhibit variance between their measurements. Since P(x) is a projection, it inevitably loses some information about x, which accumulates to a loss of variance.
In order to minimize the variance lost (i.e. retain the maximum possible variance) across the orthogonal projections, we must minimize the length of the orthogonal complements. Since the regression lines coinciding with our data’s principal axes minimizes the orthogonal complements of the vectors representing our measurements, they also maximize the amount of variance kept from the original vectors. This is exactly why SVD "minimizes the loss of information": because it maximizes the variance kept.
Now that we’ve discussed the theory behind SVD, how does it do its magic? SVD takes a matrix X as it’s input, and decomposes it into three matrices: U, Σ, and V, that satisfy X = UΣV. Since SVD is a decomposition rather than a theorem, let’s perform it step by step on the given matrix X.
First, we’re going to introduce a new term: a Singular vector of a matrix is any vector v that satisfies the equation

Since X ∈ ℝ(m x n), we have no guarantees as to its dimensions or its contents. X might not have eigenvalues (since eigenvalues are only defined for square matrices), but it always has at least ρ different singular vectors (with ρ(X) being the rank of X), each with a matching singular value.
We can then use X to construct a symmetric matrix

Since every transposed matrix is also an adjoint matrix, the singular values of XT are the complex conjugates of the singular values of X. This makes each eigenvalue of XT*X the square of the matching singular value of X:

Because XTX is symmetric, it is also normal. Therefore, XTX is orthogonally diagonalizable: There exists a diagonal matrix Σ2 which can be written as a product of three matrices:

where V is an orthonormal matrix made of eigenvectors of XTX. We will mark these vectors as

We now construct a new group of vectors

where we define each member as

Notice that because Bv is an orthonormal group, for every 1≤i≤j≤n

Therefore, we can prove that:

In addition, ui is also an eigenvector of X*XT: This is because

We can now complete the proof by expressing the relationship between Bu and Bv in matrix form:

Then by standard matrix multiplication: UΣ=XV, and it immediately follows that

The result we just achieved is impressive, but remember we constructed Bu as a group of n vectors using the vectors of Bv, meaning U∈R(m×n) while Σ∈ R(n×n). While this is a valid multiplication, U is not a square matrix and therefore cannot be a unitary matrix. To solve this, we "pad" the matrix Σ with zeros to achieve an m×n shape and extend U to an m×m shape using the Gram-Schmidt process.
Now that we’ve finished the math part (phew…), we can start drawing some neat connections. First, while SVD can technically decompose any matrix, and we could just feed in the raw data matrix X, the Principal Axis theorem only works for diagonalizable matrices.
Second, the Principal axis theorem maximizes the retained variance in our matrix by performing an orthogonal projection onto the matrix’s eigenvectors. But who said our matrix captured a good amount of variance in the first place?
To answer these questions, and bring this article to an end, we will first restate that capturing variance between random variables is done by using a covariance matrix. And because the covariance matrix is symmetric and positive semi-definite, it is orthogonally diagonalizable AND has a spectral decomposition. We can then rewrite the formula for the covariance matrix using this neat equation, obtained by applying SVD to the matrices multiplied to form the covariance matrix:

This is exactly why we said that SVD gives us extra-meaningful outputs when being applied to the covariance matrix of X:
a) Not only is the Singular Value decomposition of Cov(X) is identical to its Spectral decomposition, it diagonalizes it!
b) The diagonalizing matrix V is an orthonormal matrix made of unitary eigenvectors of Cov(X), which is used to perform the Principal component analysis of X!
c) Using Cov(X) captures the maximum amount of variance in our data, and by projecting it onto the basis eigenvectors associated with the k-largest eigenvalues of Cov(X) we lose the smallest possible amount of variance for reducing our data by (n-k) dimensions
d) The Principal Axis theorem ensures that we minimize the projection error from ℝn→ℝk when performing PCA using Cov(X) and V.