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Policy Gradient Methods in Reinforcement Learning

Teaching a Car to Cross a Mountain using Policy Gradient Methods in Python: A Mathematical Deep Dive into Reinforcement Learning

Image generated by DALL-E
Image generated by DALL-E

Imagine you are trying to teach a dog to fetch a ball. At first, the dog has no idea what to do when you throw the ball. It might run in different directions, ignore the ball, or do something completely unrelated. Your goal is to teach the dog the best way to fetch the ball and bring it back to you.

Each time the dog does something, you either reward it with a treat or do nothing. If the dog runs toward the ball, you give it a treat. If it does something else, you don’t. This set of guidelines or strategies that the dog follows to decide what to do is called a policy. Initially, these guidelines are random, but with training, they become more focused on fetching the ball.

Over time, the dog learns that running towards the ball results in treats. It starts to follow this strategy more often because it leads to rewards. This is essentially how Policy Gradient Methods work. In this article, we will explore their mechanisms and math, and we will use the OpenAI Gym to train a car to drive across mountains. Let’s get started!


1: Introduction to Policy Gradient Optimization1.1: What is Policy Gradient? 2: The Anatomy of Policy Gradient Methods2.1: Policy Representations2.2: Objective Functions 3: Key Components of Policy Gradient Optimization3.1: The Policy Network3.2: The Reward Function3.3: Gradient Estimation 4: Implementing a Policy Gradient Method from Scratch4.1: Setting Up the Environment and Hyperparameters4.2: Defining the Policy Network4.3: Implementing the REINFORCE Algorithm4.4: Optimizing Hyperparameters with Optuna4.5: Running the Training Process 5: Conclusion References

1: Introduction to Policy Gradient Optimization

In reinforcement learning, the agent (like the dog) learns to perform actions to achieve the best outcomes (like fetching the ball for treats). Policy gradient optimization is about adjusting the guidelines (policy) the agent follows so that it can maximize its rewards over time.

1.1: What is Policy Gradient?

Unlike value-based methods like Q-learning, which estimate the value of actions in specific states, policy gradient methods adjust the policy’s parameters to maximize the expected cumulative reward.

In reinforcement learning, a policy defines an agent’s behavior by specifying the probability distribution over actions given by a state. Mathematically, a policy π is represented as π(a|s; θ), where "a" is the action, "s" is the state, and "θ" are the policy parameters.

The goal of policy gradient methods is to find the optimal policy parameters (θ*) that maximize the expected return J(θ), which is the expected cumulative reward the agent receives from interacting with the environment. This objective can be expressed as:

Policy Gradient Objective Function - Image by Author
Policy Gradient Objective Function – Image by Author

where "γ" is the discount factor, and "r_t" is the reward at time step "t".

To achieve this, policy gradient methods use the gradient ascent algorithm. The parameters "θ" are updated in the direction of the gradient of the expected return with respect to the policy parameters. The update rule can be written as:

Policy Gradient Update Formula - Image by Author
Policy Gradient Update Formula – Image by Author

where "α" is the learning rate, and ∇θ J(θ) is the gradient of the expected return with respect to the policy parameters.

The gradient ∇θ J(θ) is estimated using samples from the environment. One popular method for this is the REINFORCE algorithm, which uses the following gradient estimate:

REINFORCE Formula - Image by Author
REINFORCE Formula – Image by Author

where "R" is the cumulative reward obtained from the sampled trajectory. This estimate leverages the log-likelihood trick to compute the gradient efficiently.

2: The Anatomy of Policy Gradient Methods

2.1: Policy Representations

The policy is the core component that determines the agent’s behavior by mapping states to actions. The way this mapping is structured is called policy representation. There are several ways to represent policies, each with its advantages and trade-offs. Let’s explore some common policy representations used in policy gradient methods.

2.1.1: Parametric PoliciesParametric policies use a set of parameters, like the weights and biases of a neural network, to define the policy. Think of it like baking a cake: the recipe (policy) tells you the quantities (parameters) of each ingredient (weights and biases) you need. The policy is often modeled as a probability distribution over actions given a state, and the neural network helps determine this distribution.

Discrete Actions For environments with discrete action spaces, the policy can be represented as a categorical distribution. Imagine you’re at a restaurant choosing a meal from a menu. The neural network outputs a probability for each possible dish, and you select one based on these probabilities. The softmax function converts the output into a probability distribution over actions, similar to how you weigh your options and pick one.

Policy for discrete action spaces - Image by Author
Policy for discrete action spaces – Image by Author

Here, f(s;θ) is the output of the neural network, and the softmax function converts the output into a probability distribution over actions.

Continuous Actions For environments with continuous action spaces, the policy is often represented as a Gaussian distribution. Picture adjusting the volume on a stereo: the neural network outputs the mean (desired volume) and standard deviation (how much you might adjust it up or down). The agent samples an action from this distribution, like finding the right volume level by slightly adjusting the knob around the desired setting.

Policy for continuous action spaces - Image by Author
Policy for continuous action spaces – Image by Author

Here, μ(s;θ) and σ(s;θ) are the mean and standard deviation produced by the neural network for a given state s.

2.1.2: Non-Parametric PoliciesNon-parametric policies don’t rely on a fixed set of parameters to define the policy. Instead, they use techniques like nearest neighbor or kernel-based methods. This is like having a flexible recipe book where you choose the best recipe based on what’s in your pantry. These methods are less common in deep reinforcement learning but can be useful when flexibility and adaptability are needed.

2.1.3: Deterministic PoliciesWhile policy gradient methods are typically associated with stochastic policies, deterministic policies can also be used, especially in continuous action spaces. Deterministic policies directly map states to actions without introducing randomness in the action selection process.

The Deterministic Policy Gradient (DPG) algorithm optimizes deterministic policies by adjusting the policy parameters to maximize the expected return. The policy is represented as a deterministic function μ(s;θ), and the gradient of the expected return is computed with respect to the policy parameters.

Deterministic Policy Formula - Image by Author
Deterministic Policy Formula – Image by Author

2.1.4: Hybrid PoliciesHybrid policies combine elements of both parametric and non-parametric approaches. For example, a policy might use a neural network to parameterize a mixture of Gaussians, where the network outputs the parameters of multiple Gaussian distributions, and the final policy is a weighted sum of these distributions. Hybrid policies can provide additional flexibility and expressiveness in modeling complex behaviors.

2.2: Objective Functions

The objective function in policy gradient methods defines what the agent is trying to optimize. It measures how well a policy performs and guides the learning process by setting the criteria for updating policy parameters. In these methods, the goal is to maximize the expected cumulative reward. Let’s explore different types of objective functions.

Expected ReturnThe most basic objective function in policy gradient methods is the expected return. This represents the total expected reward an agent gets when following a policy, denoted as 𝜋, which is parameterized by 𝜃. The aim is to adjust the policy parameters 𝜃 to maximize this expected return.

Expected Return Formula - Image by Author
Expected Return Formula – Image by Author


  • J(θ): The expected return as a function of the policy parameters θ.
  • E_πθ​​: The expectation over the distribution of trajectories generated by the policy _πθ​. This means we are averaging over all possible sequences of states and actions that the agent might encounter while following the policy _πθ​.
  • t=0​: A sum over all time steps t from the start t=0 to the end t=T of the episode. This sum captures the cumulative reward.
  • t: The discount factor raised to the power of t. The discount factor γ∈[0,1) determines how much future rewards are worth compared to immediate rewards. A smaller γ values immediate rewards more, while a γ closer to 1 values future rewards more.
  • _rt​: The reward received at time step t.

Log-Likelihood ObjectiveTo make optimization easier, the expected return can be expressed in terms of the policy’s log-likelihood. This is done using the REINFORCE algorithm, where the objective function is:

Log-Likelihood Formula - Image by Author
Log-Likelihood Formula – Image by Author

Here, log _πθ​(as) is the log-likelihood of taking action a in state s under the policy _πθ​, and R is the cumulative reward obtained from the sampled trajectory. This formulation allows us to compute the gradient of the expected return concerning the policy parameters, which can then be used to update the policy via gradient ascent.

3: Key Components of Policy Gradient Optimization

3.1: The Policy Network

The policy network is the cornerstone of policy gradient methods, as it defines the agent’s behavior by mapping states to actions. The design and implementation of the policy network are critical to the success of policy gradient optimization.

3.1.1: Network ArchitectureThe architecture of the policy network plays a significant role in determining its ability to learn complex behaviors. Common architectures include:

Feedforward Neural Networks Feedforward Neural Networks are the simplest form of neural networks. They consist of multiple layers of neurons, where each layer is connected only to the next layer, with no loops or cycles. These networks are straightforward to implement and are effective for many tasks.

In the example below, we define a simple feedforward neural network in PyTorch. The network has three fully connected (or linear) layers. The first layer takes the input and maps it to 128 neurons. The second layer also has 128 neurons, and the third layer maps these to the output dimension, which represents the number of possible actions.

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

class PolicyNetwork(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim):
        super(PolicyNetwork, self).__init__()
        # Define the layers
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(input_dim, 128)
        self.fc2 = nn.Linear(128, 128)
        self.fc3 = nn.Linear(128, output_dim)

    def forward(self, x):
        # Pass input through the layers with ReLU activation
        x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
        x = F.relu(self.fc2(x))
        # Output layer with softmax to get probabilities
        x = F.softmax(self.fc3(x), dim=-1)
        return x

Here, the __init__ method initializes the network’s layers. nn.Linear creates a fully connected layer.

The forward method defines the forward pass. It takes an input x, passes it through each layer, applies the ReLU activation function to introduce non-linearity, and finally uses a softmax function on the output layer to convert the outputs into probabilities.

If you want to learn more about this type of NN, here’s an article for you:

The Math Behind Neural Networks

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) Recurrent Neural Networks are designed to handle sequential data, making them ideal for environments where the agent needs to remember past states to make informed decisions. They have an internal memory that captures information about the sequence of states and actions.

In the following example, we use an LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) network, a type of RNN, to create a policy network. The LSTM processes the input sequence and maintains a hidden state, which helps the network remember information over long sequences.

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

class RNNPolicyNetwork(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim):
        super(RNNPolicyNetwork, self).__init__()
        # Define an LSTM layer
        self.rnn = nn.LSTM(input_dim, 128, batch_first=True)
        self.fc = nn.Linear(128, output_dim)

    def forward(self, x, hx):
        # Pass input through the LSTM layer
        x, hx = self.rnn(x, hx)
        # Use the output from the last time step
        x = F.softmax(self.fc(x[:, -1, :]), dim=-1)
        return x, hx

The __init__ method initializes the LSTM layer and a fully connected layer.

The forward method processes the input sequence x and the hidden state hx through the LSTM. It uses the output from the last time step to make the final decision. The hidden state hx is updated and carried forward.

We covered extensively RNNs in this article:

The Math Behind Recurrent Neural Networks

You can also find an article specific to LSTMs here:

The Math Behind LSTM

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) Convolutional Neural Networks are particularly effective for tasks involving spatially structured data, such as images. They use convolutional layers to automatically and adaptively learn spatial hierarchies of features from input data.

In this example, we define a CNN policy network. The network uses three convolutional layers to extract features from the input image and then passes these features through two fully connected layers to produce the output.

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

class CNNPolicyNetwork(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, input_channels, output_dim):
        super(CNNPolicyNetwork, self).__init__()
        # Define convolutional layers
        self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(input_channels, 32, kernel_size=8, stride=4)
        self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(32, 64, kernel_size=4, stride=2)
        self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(64, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=1)
        # Define fully connected layers
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(64 * 7 * 7, 512)
        self.fc2 = nn.Linear(512, output_dim)

    def forward(self, x):
        # Pass input through convolutional layers with ReLU activation
        x = F.relu(self.conv1(x))
        x = F.relu(self.conv2(x))
        x = F.relu(self.conv3(x))
        # Flatten the tensor before passing to fully connected layers
        x = x.view(x.size(0), -1)
        x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
        # Output layer with softmax to get probabilities
        x = F.softmax(self.fc2(x), dim=-1)
        return x

The __init__ method initializes three convolutional layers and two fully connected layers. Each convolutional layer applies a series of filters to the input data to extract different features.

The forward method passes the input through each convolutional layer with ReLU activation. After the convolutional layers, the data is flattened into a one-dimensional tensor using view. Finally, it passes through the fully connected layers, with the output layer using a softmax function to produce probabilities.

Here’s an article to learn more about CNNs:

The Math Behind Convolutional Neural Networks

3.1.2: Output LayerThe output layer of the policy network is designed to match the type of action space the agent operates in. This is crucial for the network to generate appropriate actions based on the learned policy.

Discrete Action SpacesFor discrete action spaces, the output layer typically uses a softmax activation function. This function converts the raw outputs (logits) into a probability distribution over the possible discrete actions. Here’s a simple implementation in PyTorch:

import torch.nn.functional as F

# Output for discrete actions
output = F.softmax(self.fc3(x), dim=-1)

This line of code applies the softmax function to the final fully connected layer’s outputs (self.fc3(x)), producing a probability distribution where each value represents the probability of selecting a particular action.

Continuous Action Spaces In continuous action spaces, the output layer needs to produce probability distribution parameters over continuous actions. A common approach is to output a Gaussian distribution’s mean and standard deviation. Here’s how you can implement this:

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

class ContinuousPolicyNetwork(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim):
        super(ContinuousPolicyNetwork, self).__init__()
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(input_dim, 128)
        self.fc2 = nn.Linear(128, 128)
        self.mean = nn.Linear(128, output_dim)
        self.log_std = nn.Linear(128, output_dim)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
        x = F.relu(self.fc2(x))
        mean = self.mean(x)
        log_std = self.log_std(x)
        std = torch.exp(log_std)
        return mean, std

In this code:

  1. mean and log_std are the outputs of the final layers.
  2. log_std is transformed using torch.exp to ensure the standard deviation is positive.
  3. The network outputs both mean and std, which defines the Gaussian distribution for continuous actions.

3.1.3: InitializationProper initialization of network parameters is essential for stable and efficient learning. Using good initialization techniques like Xavier (Glorot) initialization or He initialization helps maintain the variance of inputs and outputs across layers, preventing issues like vanishing or exploding gradients. Here’s a function to initialize weights:

import torch.nn as nn

def init_weights(m):
    if isinstance(m, nn.Linear):
        nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0)


This function checks if a layer is a nn.Linear layer, if so it applies Xavier uniform initialization to its weights and sets the biases to zero.

3.1.4: Loss Function and OptimizationIn policy gradient methods, the loss function is derived from the objective function and usually involves the log-likelihood of actions weighted by rewards or advantages. The policy network is then optimized using gradient ascent or descent on this loss. Here’s an example:

import torch.optim as optim

# Define the optimizer
optimizer = optim.Adam(policy_network.parameters(), lr=0.001)

# Training loop
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
    loss = compute_policy_loss(policy_network, trajectories)


  1. optimizer.zero_grad() clears the gradients of all optimized parameters.
  2. compute_policy_loss is a hypothetical function that computes the loss based on policy gradients.
  3. loss.backward() computes the gradient of the loss for the network parameters.
  4. optimizer.step() updates the parameters based on the computed gradients.

3.2: The Reward Function

The reward function is a fundamental component in reinforcement learning, as it provides the feedback signal that drives the learning process. In policy gradient optimization, the reward function defines the goals of the agent and influences the policy updates by determining the rewards received from the environment. A well-designed reward function is crucial for guiding the agent towards desirable behaviors. Let’s explore the key aspects of the reward function in policy gradient methods.

3.2.1: Designing the Reward FunctionDesigning an effective reward function involves specifying the rewards in a way that aligns with the desired outcomes.

Sparse vs. Dense Rewards Sparse rewards are given infrequently, often only when the agent completes a task or reaches a goal. Dense rewards provide frequent feedback, offering rewards for intermediate steps towards the goal. Dense rewards can accelerate learning but may require careful tuning to avoid unintended behaviors.

def reward_function(state, action):
    if goal_reached(state):
        return 1.0  # Sparse reward
    return -0.01  # Dense reward for each time step

The function reward_function takes the current state and the action as inputs. It checks if the goal is reached using goal_reached(state). If true, it returns a reward of 1.0 (indicating success). If the goal is not reached, it returns a small negative reward (-0.01) for each time step, encouraging the agent to complete the task quickly.

Balancing Reward Components In tasks with multiple objectives, the reward function may need to balance different components. For example, in a robotic control task, the reward function might combine rewards for reaching a target, avoiding obstacles, and minimizing energy consumption.

 def reward_function(state, action):
    target_reward = compute_target_reward(state)
    obstacle_penalty = compute_obstacle_penalty(state)
    energy_penalty = compute_energy_penalty(action)
    return target_reward - obstacle_penalty - energy_penalty

This function balances multiple objectives:

  • compute_target_reward(state) provides a reward for reaching the target.
  • compute_obstacle_penalty(state) adds a penalty for hitting obstacles.
  • compute_energy_penalty(action) adds a penalty for using energy, encouraging efficient actions.

The total reward is a combination of these components, balancing the different objectives.

3.2.2: Discounted RewardsIn policy gradient methods, future rewards are often discounted to reflect their present value. The discount factor (𝛾) determines how much future rewards are valued compared to immediate rewards. A discount factor close to 1 means the agent values future rewards almost as much as immediate rewards, while a lower discount factor places more emphasis on immediate rewards.

def compute_discounted_rewards(rewards, gamma):
    discounted_rewards = []
    cumulative_reward = 0
    for reward in reversed(rewards):
        cumulative_reward = reward + gamma * cumulative_reward
        discounted_rewards.insert(0, cumulative_reward)
    return discounted_rewards

The function compute_discounted_rewards calculates the discounted sum of future rewards.

gamma is the discount factor, determining how future rewards are valued compared to immediate rewards.

The function iterates over rewards in reverse order. For each reward, it updates the cumulative_reward by adding the current reward and the discounted future rewards. The cumulative reward is then inserted at the beginning of the discounted_rewards list.

This approach ensures that the agent evaluates the long-term value of actions, considering both immediate and future rewards

3.3: Gradient Estimation

Gradient estimation determines how we update the policy parameters to maximize the expected cumulative reward. The gradient of the objective function with respect to these parameters shows the direction to adjust them.

3.3.1: Monte Carlo Policy Gradient (REINFORCE)Imagine you’re a coach training a player. After each game, you give feedback based on the game’s result. The player uses this feedback to improve future performance. Similarly, the REINFORCE algorithm updates the policy based on the cumulative rewards from each trajectory.

The algorithm uses the log-likelihood trick to derive the gradient of the expected return. The gradient is computed using sampled trajectories from the policy, and the update rule is:

REINFORCE Formula - Image by Author
REINFORCE Formula – Image by Author

where _Rt​ is the cumulative reward from time step t to the end of the episode.

Here’s a Python implementation:

def compute_policy_gradient(policy_network, trajectories, gamma=0.99):
    policy_gradients = []
    for trajectory in trajectories:
        states, actions, rewards = trajectory
        discounted_rewards = compute_discounted_rewards(rewards, gamma)
        for t, (state, action, reward) in enumerate(zip(states, actions, discounted_rewards)):
            state_tensor = torch.tensor(state, dtype=torch.float32)
            action_tensor = torch.tensor(action, dtype=torch.int64)
            reward_tensor = torch.tensor(reward, dtype=torch.float32)

            log_prob = torch.log(policy_network(state_tensor)[action_tensor])
            policy_gradients.append(-log_prob * reward_tensor)

    return torch.stack(policy_gradients).sum()

In this code, we iterate over trajectories, which are sequences of states, actions, and rewards. For each state-action pair, we compute the log probability of the action under the current policy and multiply it by the discounted reward. The negative sign ensures we are maximizing the reward.

4: Implementing a Policy Gradient Method from Scratch

Now it’s finally time to get into action! In this section, we’ll walk through implementing policy gradient methods in Python. By the end, you’ll understand how to build and train a policy gradient model using the REINFORCE algorithm. We’ll use the MountainCar-v0 environment from OpenAI Gym. The environment is free for commercial use. You can find more details about the license and usage rights on the OpenAI Gym GitHub page. The goal is to drive a car up a steep hill. The car can accelerate left, right, or not at all, and the objective is to reach the top of the hill.

You can find the full code here:

Reinforcement-Learning/4. Polict Gradient Methods/ at main ·…

4.1: Setting Up the Environment and Hyperparameters

First, we need to import the necessary libraries and set up our environment and hyperparameters.

import os
import pickle
import gym
from gym.wrappers.monitoring.video_recorder import VideoRecorder
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
import gc
import optuna


# Configuration
TRAIN = True
SAVE_VIDEO = False  
RENDER_MODE = 'rgb_array' 

# Hyperparameters

# Default hyperparameters if not fine-tuning
GAMMA = 0.99

Here, gc.enable() enables automatic garbage collection to manage memory efficiently during training.

TRAIN, FINETUNE, SAVE_MODEL, and SAVE_VIDEO control whether to train, fine-tune, save the model, and save videos, respectively. RENDER_MODE specifies the rendering mode for the environment.

TRAINING_EPISODES and FINETUNE_TRIALS define the number of episodes for training and fine-tuning.

GAMMA and LEARNING_RATE are set as default hyperparameters for the discount factor and learning rate.

4.2: Defining the Policy Network

Then, we create a neural network to represent the policy. The network will map states to action probabilities using a series of fully connected layers with ReLU activations.

class PolicyNetwork(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, state_dim, action_dim, device=torch.device('cpu')):
        super(PolicyNetwork, self).__init__()
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(state_dim, 128)
        self.fc2 = nn.Linear(128, 128)
        self.fc3 = nn.Linear(128, action_dim)
        self.device = device

__init__ method initializes the network’s layers. It includes three fully connected layers:

  • self.fc1: Maps the input state dimension to 128 neurons.
  • self.fc2: Maps 128 neurons to another 128 neurons.
  • self.fc3: Maps 128 neurons to the action dimension.

self.device sets the device for computations (CPU or GPU). moves the model to the specified device.

    def forward(self, x):
        x = torch.relu(self.fc1(x))
        x = torch.relu(self.fc2(x))
        return torch.softmax(self.fc3(x), dim=-1)

The forward method defines how data flows through the network. x is passed through the layers with ReLU activation functions. The output layer uses a softmax function to convert outputs into probabilities.

4.3: Implementing the REINFORCE Algorithm

The REINFORCE algorithm updates the policy based on the rewards obtained from sampled trajectories.

    def __init__(self, env, policy_network, optimizer, model_path='model/model.pth', gamma=0.99):
        self.env = env
        self.policy_network = policy_network
        self.optimizer = optimizer
        self.model_path = model_path
        self.gamma = gamma

        if os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(self.model_path)):
            if os.path.isfile(self.model_path):
                print("Loaded model from disk")

    def train(self, num_episodes, save_model=SAVE_MODEL, save_video=SAVE_VIDEO):
        total_rewards = []

        if save_video:
   = VideoRecorder(self.env, f'{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/training.mp4', enabled=True)

        for episode in range(num_episodes):
            state, _ = self.env.reset()
            done = False
            total_reward = 0
            log_probs = []
            rewards = []

            while not done:
                if RENDER_MODE == 'human':

                if save_video:

                state = torch.FloatTensor(state).unsqueeze(0).to(device)
                action_probs = self.policy_network(state)
                action = torch.multinomial(action_probs, 1).item()
                log_prob = torch.log(action_probs.squeeze(0)[action])

                next_state, reward, done, _, _ = self.env.step(action)
                state = next_state
                total_reward += reward

            self.update_policy(log_probs, rewards)

            print(f"Episode {episode}, Total Reward: {total_reward}")

            if episode % 5 == 0 and episode > 0:
                print(f"Episode {episode}, Average Reward: {sum(total_rewards) / len(total_rewards)}")
                if save_model:
          , self.model_path)
                    print("Saved model to disk")

            del log_probs, rewards, state, action_probs, action

        if save_model:
  , self.model_path)
            print("Saved model to disk")

        if save_video:

        return sum(total_rewards) / len(total_rewards)

    def update_policy(self, log_probs, rewards):
        discounted_rewards = []
        for t in range(len(rewards)):
            Gt = sum(self.gamma ** i * rewards[t + i] for i in range(len(rewards) - t))

        discounted_rewards = torch.FloatTensor(discounted_rewards).to(device)
        discounted_rewards = (discounted_rewards - discounted_rewards.mean()) / (discounted_rewards.std() + 1e-9)

        policy_loss = []
        for log_prob, Gt in zip(log_probs, discounted_rewards):
            policy_loss.append(-log_prob * Gt)

        policy_loss = torch.stack(policy_loss).sum()

Class Initialization

    def __init__(self, env, policy_network, optimizer, model_path='model/model.pth', gamma=0.99):
        self.env = env
        self.policy_network = policy_network
        self.optimizer = optimizer
        self.model_path = model_path
        self.gamma = gamma

__init__ method initializes the environment, policy network, optimizer, and model path.

  • self.env: The environment object.
  • self.policy_network: The policy network object.
  • self.optimizer: The optimizer object.
  • self.model_path: Path to save/load the model.
  • self.gamma: Discount factor for future rewards.
        if os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(self.model_path)):
            if os.path.isfile(self.model_path):
                print("Loaded model from disk")

Checks if the model path exists and loads the model if it exists:

Train Method

def train(self, num_episodes, save_model=SAVE_MODEL, save_video=SAVE_VIDEO):
        total_rewards = []

        if save_video:
   = VideoRecorder(self.env, f'{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/training.mp4', enabled=True)

        for episode in range(num_episodes):
            state, _ = self.env.reset()
            done = False
            total_reward = 0
            log_probs = []
            rewards = []

            while not done:
                if RENDER_MODE == 'human':

                if save_video:

                state = torch.FloatTensor(state).unsqueeze(0).to(device)
                action_probs = self.policy_network(state)
                action = torch.multinomial(action_probs, 1).item()
                log_prob = torch.log(action_probs.squeeze(0)[action])

                next_state, reward, done, _, _ = self.env.step(action)
                state = next_state
                total_reward += reward

            self.update_policy(log_probs, rewards)

            print(f"Episode {episode}, Total Reward: {total_reward}")

            if episode % 5 == 0 and episode > 0:
                print(f"Episode {episode}, Average Reward: {sum(total_rewards) / len(total_rewards)}")
                if save_model:
          , self.model_path)
                    print("Saved model to disk")

            del log_probs, rewards, state, action_probs, action

        if save_model:
  , self.model_path)
            print("Saved model to disk")

        if save_video:

        return sum(total_rewards) / len(total_rewards)

The training method runs the training loop for a specified number of episodes. It initializes an empty list to store the total rewards for each episode total_rewards = []. This list will store the total rewards for each episode. It helps in tracking the performance of the agent over time.

if save_video: = VideoRecorder(self.env, f'{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/training.mp4', enabled=True)

If save_video is enabled, initialize a VideoRecorder to record the training process.

for episode in range(num_episodes):
        state, _ = self.env.reset()
        done = False
        total_reward = 0
        log_probs = []
        rewards = []

The outer loop runs for num_episodes, representing the number of episodes to train the agent. state, _ = self.env.reset() resets the environment to the initial state for each new episode.


  • done = False: A flag to indicate if the episode is finished.
  • total_reward = 0: Accumulates the total reward for the current episode.
  • log_probs = []: List to store log probabilities of actions taken.
  • rewards = []: List to store rewards received.
        while not done:
            if RENDER_MODE == 'human':

            if save_video:

            state = torch.FloatTensor(state).unsqueeze(0).to(device)
            action_probs = self.policy_network(state)
            action = torch.multinomial(action_probs, 1).item()
            log_prob = torch.log(action_probs.squeeze(0)[action])

            next_state, reward, done, _, _ = self.env.step(action)
            state = next_state
            total_reward += reward

The inner loop continues until done is True, indicating the end of the episode.

Firstly, state = torch.FloatTensor(state).unsqueeze(0).to(device) converts the state to a PyTorch tensor and moves it to the specified device (CPU or GPU). action_probs = self.policy_network(state) uses the policy network to get the action probabilities for the current state. action = torch.multinomial(action_probs, 1).item() samples an action from the action probabilities. log_prob = torch.log(action_probs.squeeze(0)[action]) computes the log probability of the selected action.

Then, we append the log probability and reward to their respective lists: log_probs.append(log_prob) and rewards.append(reward).

Next, next_state, reward, done, _, _ = self.env.step(action) take the action in the environment and observe the next state, reward, and whether the episode is done.

Finally, we update the state and the total reward with:

  • state = next_state , which updates the current state to the next state.
  • total_reward += reward , which accumulates the total reward for the current episode.
        self.update_policy(log_probs, rewards)

        print(f"Episode {episode}, Total Reward: {total_reward}")

        if episode % 5 == 0 and episode > 0:
            print(f"Episode {episode}, Average Reward: {sum(total_rewards) / len(total_rewards)}")
            if save_model:
      , self.model_path)
                print("Saved model to disk")

        del log_probs, rewards, state, action_probs, action

At the end of each episode, the total reward of the current episode is appended to the total_rewards list: total_rewards.append(total_reward). The policy is updated using the collected log probabilities and rewards: self.update_policy(log_probs, rewards).

Every 5 episodes, the average reward is printed, and the model is saved if save_model is enabled.

Lastly, the variables are deleted to free up memory, and garbage collection is performed: del log_probs, rewards, state, action_probs, action and gc.collect().

    if save_model:, self.model_path)
        print("Saved model to disk")

    if save_video:

    return sum(total_rewards) / len(total_rewards)

At the end of the training, the model is saved after training if save_model is enabled., self.model_path) saves the model state to disk. Then, the average reward over all episodes is returned.

Update Policy MethodThe update_policy method is responsible for updating the policy network based on the rewards obtained during an episode. This is achieved using the REINFORCE algorithm, which involves calculating the discounted rewards, normalizing them, and then computing the policy loss to update the network parameters.

    def update_policy(self, log_probs, rewards):
        discounted_rewards = []
        for t in range(len(rewards)):
            Gt = sum(self.gamma ** i * rewards[t + i] for i in range(len(rewards) - t))

        discounted_rewards = torch.FloatTensor(discounted_rewards).to(device)
        discounted_rewards = (discounted_rewards - discounted_rewards.mean()) / (discounted_rewards.std() + 1e-9)

        policy_loss = []
        for log_prob, Gt in zip(log_probs, discounted_rewards):
            policy_loss.append(-log_prob * Gt)

        policy_loss = torch.stack(policy_loss).sum()

discounted_rewards = [] initializes an empty list to store the discounted rewards for each time step.

The loop for t in range(len(rewards)) iterates over each time step t in the list of rewards. For each time step t, the discounted reward Gt is calculated using the formula:

Discounted Rewards Formula - Image by Author
Discounted Rewards Formula – Image by Author

Here, self.gamma is the discount factor, and rewards[t + i] are the rewards from the time step t to the end of the episode. The calculated discounted reward Gt is then appended to the discounted_rewards list: discounted_rewards.append(Gt).

discounted_rewards = torch.FloatTensor(discounted_rewards).to(device)
discounted_rewards = (discounted_rewards - discounted_rewards.mean()) / (discounted_rewards.std() + 1e-9)

The list of discounted rewards is converted to a PyTorch tensor and moved to the specified device (CPU or GPU) using discounted_rewards = torch.FloatTensor(discounted_rewards).to(device).

The discounted rewards are normalized to have zero mean and unit standard deviation using the formula:

Discounted Rewards Normalization Formula - Image by Author
Discounted Rewards Normalization Formula – Image by Author

This normalization helps to stabilize training.

    policy_loss = []
    for log_prob, Gt in zip(log_probs, discounted_rewards):
        policy_loss.append(-log_prob * Gt)

policy_loss = [] initializes an empty list to store the policy loss for each time step. The loop for log_prob, Gt in zip(log_probs, discounted_rewards) iterates over each log probability and its corresponding discounted reward.

For each log probability log_prob and discounted reward Gt, the loss is calculated as -log_prob * Gt and appended to the policy_loss list: policy_loss.append(-log_prob * Gt).

    policy_loss = torch.stack(policy_loss).sum()

The gradients are zeroed out before the backward pass using self.optimizer.zero_grad(). The list of policy losses is stacked into a single tensor and summed up using policy_loss = torch.stack(policy_loss).sum().

Then, the backward pass is performed to compute the gradients of the policy loss with respect to the network parameters using policy_loss.backward().

Lastly, the optimizer updates the network parameters based on the computed gradients using self.optimizer.step().

4.4: Optimizing Hyperparameters with Optuna

In this implementation, we use Optuna to find the best hyperparameters for our reinforcement learning model. Optuna is an automatic hyperparameter optimization framework designed to optimize Machine Learning models efficiently.

class Optimizer:
    def __init__(self, env, policy_network, model_path, params_path='params.pkl'):
        self.env = env
        self.policy_network = policy_network
        self.model_path = model_path
        self.params_path = params_path

    def objective(self, trial, n_episodes=100):
        lr = trial.suggest_loguniform('lr', 1e-5, 1e-1)
        gamma = trial.suggest_uniform('gamma', 0.9, 0.999)
        optimizer = optim.Adam(self.policy_network.parameters(), lr=lr)
        trainer = REINFORCE(self.env, self.policy_network, optimizer, self.model_path, gamma=gamma)
        reward = trainer.train(n_episodes, save_model=False, save_video=False)
        return reward

    def optimize(self, n_trials=100, save_params=True):
        if not TRAIN and os.path.isfile(self.params_path):
            with open(self.params_path, 'rb') as f:
                best_params = pickle.load(f)
            print("Loaded parameters from disk")
        elif not FINETUNE:
            best_params = {'lr': LEARNING_RATE, 'gamma': GAMMA}
            print(f"Using default parameters: {best_params}")
            print("Optimizing hyperparameters")
            study = optuna.create_study(direction='maximize')
            study.optimize(self.objective, n_trials=n_trials)
            best_params = study.best_params
            if save_params:
                with open(self.params_path, 'wb') as f:
                    pickle.dump(best_params, f)
                print("Saved parameters to disk")
        return best_params

Class InitializationThe Optimizer class is designed to optimize the hyperparameters of the policy network. It takes the environment, policy network, model path, and parameters path as inputs.

class Optimizer:
    def __init__(self, env, policy_network, model_path, params_path='params.pkl'):
        self.env = env
        self.policy_network = policy_network
        self.model_path = model_path
        self.params_path = params_path


  • self.env is the environment object in which the agent operates.
  • self.policy_network is the neural network model representing the policy.
  • self.model_path is the path where the trained model will be saved or loaded from.
  • self.params_path is the path where the best hyperparameters will be saved or loaded from.

Objective Method

The objective method defines the objective function for Optuna to optimize. It suggests hyperparameters for the learning rate and discount factor, trains the model with these parameters and returns the average reward.

    def objective(self, trial, n_episodes=100):
        lr = trial.suggest_loguniform('lr', 1e-5, 1e-1)
        gamma = trial.suggest_uniform('gamma', 0.9, 0.999)
        optimizer = optim.Adam(self.policy_network.parameters(), lr=lr)
        trainer = REINFORCE(self.env, self.policy_network, optimizer, self.model_path, gamma=gamma)
        reward = trainer.train(n_episodes, save_model=False, save_video=False)
        return reward

lr = trial.suggest_loguniform('lr', 1e-5, 1e-1) suggests a learning rate within the range [1e-5, 1e-1]. The loguniform distribution ensures that the learning rate is sampled on a logarithmic scale.

gamma = trial.suggest_uniform('gamma', 0.9, 0.999) suggests a discount factor within the range [0.9, 0.999].

optimizer = optim.Adam(self.policy_network.parameters(), lr=lr) initializes the Adam optimizer with the suggested learning rate.

trainer = REINFORCE(self.env, self.policy_network, optimizer, self.model_path, gamma=gamma) creates a REINFORCE trainer with the suggested hyperparameters.

reward = trainer.train(n_episodes, save_model=False, save_video=False) trains the model for the specified number of episodes and returns the average reward.

Optimize MethodThe optimize method runs the optimization process for a specified number of trials, determines the best hyperparameters, and optionally saves them to disk.

    def optimize(self, n_trials=100, save_params=True):
        if not TRAIN and os.path.isfile(self.params_path):
            with open(self.params_path, 'rb') as f:
                best_params = pickle.load(f)
            print("Loaded parameters from disk")
        elif not FINETUNE:
            best_params = {'lr': LEARNING_RATE, 'gamma': GAMMA}
            print(f"Using default parameters: {best_params}")
            print("Optimizing hyperparameters")
            study = optuna.create_study(direction='maximize')
            study.optimize(self.objective, n_trials=n_trials)
            best_params = study.best_params
            if save_params:
                with open(self.params_path, 'wb') as f:
                    pickle.dump(best_params, f)
                print("Saved parameters to disk")
        return best_params

If fine-tuning is required, optimize the hyperparameters using Optuna:

    print("Optimizing hyperparameters")
    study = optuna.create_study(direction='maximize')
    study.optimize(self.objective, n_trials=n_trials)
    best_params = study.best_params

study = optuna.create_study(direction='maximize') creates an Optuna study to maximize the objective function.

study.optimize(self.objective, n_trials=n_trials) runs the optimization process for the specified number of trials.

4.5: Running the Training Process

Let’s now walk through the steps to initialize the environment, policy network, and optimizer, and then start the training process using the REINFORCE algorithm.

env = gym.make('MountainCar-v0', render_mode=RENDER_MODE)  
state_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0]
action_dim = env.action_space.n

env = gym.make('MountainCar-v0', render_mode=RENDER_MODE) initializes the MountainCar-v0 environment from OpenAI Gym. The render_mode parameter specifies how the environment should be rendered.

state_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0] retrieves the dimension of the state space. For the MountainCar environment, this is the number of features in the state representation.

action_dim = env.action_space.n retrieves the number of possible actions in the action space. For the MountainCar environment, this is the number of discrete actions the agent can take.

device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'mps')

device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'mps') sets the device to CUDA if a GPU is available; otherwise, it uses MPS (Metal Performance Shaders) for MacOS.

policy_network = PolicyNetwork(state_dim, action_dim, device=device)

policy_network = PolicyNetwork(state_dim, action_dim, device=device) initializes the policy network with the specified state and action dimensions, and assigns it to the configured device (CPU or GPU). The PolicyNetwork class defines the architecture of the neural network used to represent the policy.

optimizer = Optimizer(env, policy_network, f'{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/model/model.pth', f'{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/model/params.pkl')

Here, we initialize the Optimizer class with the environment, policy network, model path, and parameters path. The Optimizer class is responsible for optimizing the hyperparameters of the policy network using Optuna.

trainer = REINFORCE(env, policy_network, optimizer, f'{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/model/model.pth', gamma=best_params['gamma'])

It initializes the REINFORCE trainer with the environment, policy network, optimizer, model path, and the best discount factor found during the optimization process. The REINFORCE class handles the training process using the REINFORCE algorithm.

trainer.train(TRAINING_EPISODES, save_model=SAVE_MODEL, save_video=SAVE_VIDEO)

This method trains the policy network and saves the model if SAVE_MODEL is enabled, and optionally records the training process if SAVE_VIDEO is enabled.

Now train the model. I would recommend training it for at least 10,000 epochs, using the default parameters. You will notice that the model will perform very badly at the beginning, but it will constantly improve over time. After 10,000 epochs, the result should be similar to this one:

Now it’s your turn to take the reins and improve the model. Dive into the code and make it your own. Tweak the hyperparameters, experiment with different model architectures, and see just how far you can push its performance. With a bit of creativity and persistence, you’ll have that shuttle landing smoothly in no time!

5: Conclusion

In this article, we’ve explored the intricacies of Policy Gradient Methods in Reinforcement Learning, a powerful approach for training agents to make optimal decisions through direct optimization of policies. By delving into the theoretical foundations and practical implementations, we’ve laid out a comprehensive guide to understanding and applying these methods.

Reinforcement learning, especially through policy gradient methods, opens up vast possibilities for creating intelligent agents capable of learning from their interactions with the environment. As you continue to experiment and refine your models, remember that the key to success often lies in the details – careful design of networks, thoughtful reward shaping, and meticulous hyperparameter tuning.


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