Playing chrome’s dino game by physically jumping and crouching

A creative PoseNet application that runs on your browser and tries to predict if you’re jumping, crouching, or staying still

Theodoros Ntakouris
Towards Data Science


Screenshot from

You all know what this game is about. This is the best service-offline-sorry page in the world. People have made simple bots that time the dino’s jump to beat the game to reinforcement learning agents with CNN state encoders.

It’s a game and we’re supposed to have fun. Today, I’ll walk you through how to write some JavaScript code to play the game by jumping around in your room.

This thing is hard to play.

You can try the game here and view the full source code here.

Overcoming Tech Barriers

Setting up a small webpage with basic javascript support to get a webcam feed and a dino game container is trivial for seasoned developers. All you need is latest chrome, a <video> tag, some JavaScript snippets to load a webcam feed from stackoveflow and the ripped t-rex game.

Moving on to the interesting part. Movement/Action detection.

Tensorflow Lite has open — sourced a lot of fine — tuned models for web or mobile usage. I decided to use the full (both lower and upper body) pose detector. You can import tensorflow lite for javascript as well as the model I am using here, by adding these 2 lines inside your <head> .

With every dependency downloaded and ready, we can start by handling the camera element’s loadeddata event.

Once the webcam is ready, load the model and start a pose prediction loop.

I’ve also included a small recording play/pause functionality by just adding an on — click event on the video feed container.

Detecting Actions

Posenet outputs a list of each predicted bone positions, along with a score value.

For the sake of simplicity, our algorithm is pretty simple.

  1. Pick out the left and right hip bones
  2. Select the hip bone with the greatest confidence (score)
  3. If the score is not > 0.6 ( better than a random guess ), go to next frame
  4. Else, perform simple thresholding to detect actions, on the y axis

Here’s the first part of our algorithm so far:

Moving on to thresholding.


  • If the hip is positioned on the lower part (bottom 20% ) of the camera feed, treat this as crouching.
  • If the hip is in the middle of the feed (between 20% and 70% of the height of the camera feed), treat this as idle.
  • Else, treat this as a jump

Of course, this presumes that the player is standing in the proper position in front of the camera. This is pretty easy to do. Just make sure you are far away so that your hips are in the middle of the viewport, with enough room so that you can crouch and jump.

The last part, implementing toggleAction is pretty easy. We are just going to emulate key pressed events. Key code 32 means spacebar and key code 40 means bottom arrow.

You can try the game here and view the full source code here.

That’s it. Thanks for reading!

