[ Paper Summary ] — Deep Mind Health: Co-designing a patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) strategy for DeepMind Health

Jae Duk Seo
Towards Data Science
4 min readApr 6, 2018


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I already knew that DeepMind existed, any AI junkie would know the existence of Alpha Go, Alpha Zero. But I wanted to know more about DeepMind health division and their philosophy. So I decided to read about them (and summarize it), from the paper “Co-designing a patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) strategy for DeepMind Health” by Mustafa Suleyman and Rosamund Snow, Rest In Peace…

Please note, this post is for my future self to look back.

Introduction Letter

Deep Mind was founded to solve societies greatest problems by Machine Learning, and they really had some great achievements. Specifically detection of early acute kidney deterioration and improve diagnosis of sight threatening diseases on retinal scans. Below is the September event they had.

** NOTE ** this is a two hour video


Many health organizations does not take contribution from patients. So there are many areas that can be improved upon when patients and care take’s opinions are allowed (and asked) to contribute. One surprising fact was that even for Deep Mind Health, they received scrutiny when they released their list of projects to the world.

What good PPIE looks like

Just like companies try to hear feedback from their customers to improve their service or product, healthcare organizations must listen to their patient (or care givers) to improve their quality of service. However if they built it with their patient as a team, it could be more effective. Also it doesn’t seem like patient’s opinion is valued, making sure patients are equally treated (in many way) is a step to good PPIE.

What have I learnt at DeepMind Health

Rosamund learned that in DeepMind, they build product and services with the patient as a team. They don’t build for them, they build with them. However, maintaining this openness is very important and challenging on going task.

Key suggestions (for further discussion at consultation events)

Rosamund makes eight key points, that can be improved upon, such as having a patient lead, creating a patient panel, doing a project suggested by the patients, and create patient testing groups. However, it can be simplified to one sentence, “At every level where clinicians have influence, ensure patients do too.

Final Words

As a son of a doctor and as a person who gets sick from time to time. I really enjoyed reading this paper, and learned a lot.

If you wish to see the list of all of my writing please view my website here.

Meanwhile follow me on my twitter here, and visit my website, or my Youtube channel for more content. I also did segmentation of Medical Images, check them out here.


  1. AlphaGo Zero. (2018). En.wikipedia.org. Retrieved 6 April 2018, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AlphaGo_Zero
  2. AlphaGo | DeepMind. (2017). DeepMind. Retrieved 6 April 2018, from https://deepmind.com/research/alphago/
  3. Researching patient deterioration with the US Department of Veterans Affairs | DeepMind. (2018). DeepMind. Retrieved 6 April 2018, from https://deepmind.com/blog/research-department-veterans-affairs/
  4. Hobbs, A. (2018). An AI for an eye: DeepMind focuses on eye disease diagnosis | Internet of Business. Internet of Business. Retrieved 6 April 2018, from https://internetofbusiness.com/deepmind-ai-eye-disease-diagnostics/
  5. DeepMind Health — Patient and Public Engagement Event. (2018). YouTube. Retrieved 6 April 2018, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBfBiD38x34



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