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Optimization: Capacitated Facility Location Problem in Python

Find the optimal number and location of warehouses to reduce costs and meet demand

Image by author.
Image by author.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Problem statement
  3. Implementation 3.1. The dataset 3.2. Customers, warehouses and demand 3.3. Supply and fixed costs 3.4. Transportation costs 3.5. Optimization

  4. Explore the results
  5. Conclusions

1. Introduction

Facility Location Problems (FLPs) are classical Optimization tasks. They aim at determining the best among potential sites for warehouses or factories.

Warehouses may or may not have a limited capacity. This distinguishes the capacitated (CFLP) from the uncapacitated (UFLP) variants of the problem.

The business goal to find the set of warehouse locations that minimize the costs. The original problem definition by Balinski (1965) minimizes the sum of two (annual) cost voices:

  • Transportation costs
  • Warehouse fixed costs

Transportation costs account for the expenses generated by reaching customers from the warehouse location. The warehouse fixed cost is location-specific. It may include, for instance, voices such as rent, taxes, electricity and maintenance.

Facility location is a well known subject and has a fairly rich literature. As such, many variants of the problem exist, as well as approaches. This post introduces the classical CFLP formulation and shares a practical Python example with PuLP.

2. Problem statement

The goal of CFLP is to determine the number and location of warehouses that will meet the customers demand while reducing fixed and transportation costs. Therefore, we can pose the problem as the minimization of the following objective function:

In the previous expression:

  • N is a set of customer locations.
  • M is a set of candidate warehouse locations.
  • fⱼ represent the annual fixed cost for warehouse j.
  • tᵢⱼ represents the cost of transportation from warehouse j to customer i.
  • xᵢⱼ is the number of units delivered from warehouse j to customer i.
  • yⱼ is a binary variable yⱼ ∈ {0,1}, indicating whether the warehouse should be built in the location j (yⱼ = 1) or not (yⱼ = 0).

Let us now consider the addition of constraints to the objective function.

Since we are modeling a capacitated problem, each facility j can supply an annual maximum capacity Cⱼ. Therefore, the number of units delivered to a customer xᵢⱼ cannot be greater than this value:

The yearly units delivered from warehouse j to customer i must range between zero and dᵢ, the annual demand from customer i:

And last but not least, we must meet customers’ demand. In this example, we impose that each warehouse serving a customer location must fully meet its demand:

In conclusion, we can define the problem as follows:

Image by author.
Image by author.

3. Implementation

Let us import the needed libraries:

  • NumPy, Pandas for data manipulation.
  • math for specific mathematical functions.
  • GeoPandas for geospatial representations.
  • Matplotlib for data visualization.
  • PuLP for optimization.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas
from math import sin, cos, asin, acos, radians

from pulp import LpProblem, LpMinimize, LpVariable, LpBinary, lpSum, LpStatus, value

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot')

3.1. The dataset

We settle our optimization problem in Italy.

The starting dataset is available on We may download the input csv file here and use it freely for personal and commercial use under the MIT license.

# Load dataframe
df = pd.read_csv(
    usecols = ['city', 'lat', 'lng', 'population', 'capital', 'admin_name'])

We are interested in the following columns:

  • city: name of the town;
  • lat: latitude;
  • lng: longitude;
  • population: number of inhabitants;
  • capital: indicates whether the city is a chief town or administrative center;
  • admin_name: name of the highest level administration region.

3.2. Customers, warehouses and demand

When creating customers, facility and demand, we assume that:

  • Customers are a fraction (30%) of the input cities.
  • Facilities can be established only in administrative centers. As a starting condition, we assume we could build warehouses in 80% of the Italian chief towns.
  • Demand is constant and known through the year. It is equal to a fraction (2%) of the population of the customers’ towns plus an error term.
RANDOM_STATE = 2          # For reproducibility
FRACTION_CUSTOMERS = 0.3  # Fraction of cities we want to keep as customers
FRACTION_WAREHOUSES = 0.8 # Fraction of cities we want to keep as warehouse locations
FRACTION_DEMAND = 0.02    # Fraction of citizens of a city that may order a product  

# List of the 20 regions of Italy
    'Lombardy', 'Veneto', 'Emilia-Romagna', 'Sicilia', 'Campania', 'Piedmont', 'Puglia', 
    'Lazio', 'Calabria', 'Tuscany', 'Sardegna', 'Marche', 'Friuli-Venezia Giulia', 'Abruzzo',
    'Umbria', 'Trentino-Alto Adige', 'Liguria', 'Basilicata', 'Molise', 'Valle d'Aosta']

# Demand is composed of: 
#   1. A fraction of the population
#   2. An error term of uniform distribution
# Note: demand is approximated to the closest int 
# as its physical meaning denies decimals
df['demand'] = np.floor(
    FRACTION_DEMAND * df.population + np.random.uniform(-10, 10, size=(df.shape[0],)))

# Create the warehouses dataframe:
#   1. Filter the 20 regions of Italy
#   2. Filter capitals as candidate warehouse locations
#   3. Sample a fraction of the original cities
facility_df = df.
                loc[['admin', 'minor'])].
                sample(frac=FRACTION_WAREHOUSES, random_state=RANDOM_STATE, ignore_index=True)

# Create the customers dataframe:
#   1. Filter the 20 regions of Italy
#   2. Sample a fraction of the original cities
customer_df = df.
                sample(frac=FRACTION_CUSTOMERS, random_state=RANDOM_STATE, ignore_index=True)

# Customers IDs list
customer_df['customer_id'] = range(1, 1 + customer_df.shape[0])

Note: in the online dataset, the region name Valle d'Aosta contains a typographic (curved) apostrophe (U+2019) instead of the typewriter (straight) apostrophe (U+0027). Please consider it if reproducing this code.

Although it is not necessary to the optimization task, we may want to observe our locations on a map. geopandas simplifies this task. One may easily create a GeoDataFrame enriched with geospatial information using the points_from_xy method:

def add_geocoordinates(df, lat='lat', lng='lng'):
    Add column "geometry" with <shapely.geometry.point.Point> objects 
        built from latitude and longitude values in the input dataframe

        - df: input dataframe
        - lat: name of the column containing the latitude (default: lat)
        - lng: name of the column containing the longitude (default: lng)
        - df: same dataframe enriched with a geo-coordinate column
    assert pd.Series([lat, lng]).isin(df.columns).all(),
        f'Cannot find columns "{lat}" and/or "{lng}" in the input dataframe.'
    return geopandas.GeoDataFrame(
        df, geometry=geopandas.points_from_xy(df.lng,

customer_df = add_geocoordinates(customer_df)
facility_df = add_geocoordinates(facility_df)

We can access a map of Italy through geopandas and plot customers and potential warehouse locations:

# Prepare country plot
world = geopandas.read_file(geopandas.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres'))

# Extract and plot the shape of Italy
italy = world[ == 'Italy']
ax = italy.plot(color='white', edgecolor='black', figsize=(10, 10))

# Plot customers as points
    plot(ax=ax, marker='X', color='red', markersize=30, alpha=0.5, label='Customer')

# Plot potential facility locations as points
    plot(ax=ax, marker='D', color='blue', markersize=30, alpha=0.5, label='Potential warehouse')

# Add legend
plt.legend(facecolor='white', title='Location')

# Add title
plt.title('Customer and potential warehouses')

# Remove ticks from axis

# Show plot
Image by author.
Image by author.

Similarly, we can observe the average demand for each of the 20 Italian regions:

# Prepare region dataframe:
#   1. Filter the 20 regions of Italy
#   2. Group by region
#   3. Calculate:
#      - Mean regional latitude
#      - Mean regional longitude
#      - Sum of regional demand
region_df = df.
             agg({'lat': 'mean', 'lng': 'mean', 'demand': 'sum'}).

# Add geo-coordinates
region_df = add_geocoordinates(region_df)

# Plot the shape of Italy
ax = italy.plot(color='white', edgecolor='black', figsize=(10, 10))

# Plot region area colored based on demand
    plot(ax=ax, column='demand', marker='o', c='demand', cmap='plasma', markersize=2500, alpha=0.6)

# Add region 'center' as red dots
    plot(ax=ax, marker='o', c='red', markersize=25, alpha=0.8, label='Customer location')

# Add region name above the center
for i, row in region_df.iterrows():
        row.admin_name, xy=(row.lng,, horizontalalignment='center')

# Add color bar with demand scale
plt.colorbar(ax.get_children()[1], ax=ax, label='Annual Demand', fraction=0.04, pad=0.04) 

# Add title
plt.title('Annual demand by region')

# Remove ticks from axis

# Show plot
Image by author.
Image by author.

To easily leverage PuLP later on, let us store demand data in a dictionary of customer-demand pairs:

# Dictionary of cutomer id (id) and demand (value)
demand_dict = { customer : customer_df['demand'][i] for i, customer in enumerate(customer_df['customer_id']) }

3.3. Supply and fixed costs

To model supply and fixed costs, we assume that:

  • Each warehouse can meet a maximum yearly supply equal to 3 times the average regional demand.
  • Each warehouse has a constant annual fixed cost of 100.000,00 €, independently from its location.

As we did for the demand, we store supply and fixes costs in dictionaries:

# Assumptions: 
#    1. Each warehouse has an annual cost of 100.000,00 euros: rent, electricity, ...
#    2. Each warehouse can meet 3 times the regional average annual demand

# Warehouses list
facility_df['warehouse_id'] = ['Warehouse ' + str(i) for i in range(1, 1 + facility_df.shape[0])]

# Dictionary of warehouse id (id) and max supply (value)
annual_supply_dict = { warehouse : SUPPLY_PER_WAREHOUSE for warehouse in facility_df['warehouse_id'] }

# Dictionary of warehouse id (id) and fixed costs (value)
annual_cost_dict = { warehouse : COST_PER_WAREHOUSE for warehouse in facility_df['warehouse_id'] }

3.4. Transportation costs

The estimate of transportation costs requires:

  • the distance between the different locations, and
  • a cost function per unit of distance.

We can approximate the distance between two locations on a spherical surface using the Haversine formula:

def haversine_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2):
    Calculate distance between two locations given latitude and longitude.

       - lat1: latitude of the first location
       - lon1: longitude of the first location
       - lat2: latitude of the second location
       - lon2: longitude of the second location
       - Distance in Km

    return 6371.01 *
            acos(sin(radians(lat1))*sin(radians(lat2)) +

Let us try it on two cities:

  • Milano (latitude: 45.4654219, longitude: 9.18854)
  • Bergamo (latitude: 45.695000, longitude: 9.670000)
haversine_distance(45.4654219, 9.1859243, 45.695000, 9.670000)

We obtain a distance of 45.5 Km. Unfortunately, this measure does not correspond to the one we would see, for instance, on a car navigation system, as we do not take routes into account:

Haversine and route distance between two cities, Milano and Bergamo. Image by author.
Haversine and route distance between two cities, Milano and Bergamo. Image by author.

Nevertheless, we can use our estimate as a reasonable approximation for our task.

Finally, we need to convert distances in a measure of cost. At the moment of this writing, the average price of gasoline in Italy is 1.87 €/L ([source]( The average consumption of an EURO VI truck is around 0.38 L/Km (source). With a simple, yet reasonable, approximation, we can estimate an average cost of 0.71 € per Km traveled on the Italian soil:

def traveling_cost(distance_in_km):
    Return traveling cost in euros given a distance in Km.

      - distance_in_km: travel distance in Km
      - cost of the trip in euros
    return 0.71 * distance_in_km

We can now calculate the traveling costs for each warehouse-customer pair and store them in a dictionary:

# Dict to store the distances between all warehouses and customers
transport_costs_dict = {}

# For each warehouse location
for i in range(0, facility_df.shape[0]):

    # Dict to store the distances between the i-th warehouse and all customers
    warehouse_transport_costs_dict = {}

    # For each customer location
    for j in range(0, customer_df.shape[0]):

        # Distance in Km between warehouse i and customer j
        d = 0 if[i][j] else haversine_distance(
  [i], facility_df.lng[i],[j], customer_df.lng[j])

        # Update costs for warehouse i
        warehouse_transport_costs_dict.update({customer_df.customer_id[j]: traveling_cost(d)})

    # Final dictionary with all costs for all warehouses
    transport_costs_dict.update({facility_df.warehouse_id[i]: warehouse_transport_costs_dict})

3.5. Optimization

Let us remind the optimization problem:

Image by author.
Image by author.

We can define the two decision variables xᵢⱼ and yⱼ, the objective function and constraints as follows:

# Define linear problem
lp_problem = LpProblem('CFLP', LpMinimize)

# Variable: y_j (constraint: it is binary)
created_facility = LpVariable.dicts(
    'Create_facility', facility_df['warehouse_id'], 0, 1, LpBinary)

# Variable: x_ij
served_customer = LpVariable.dicts(
    'Link', [(i,j) for i in customer_df['customer_id'] for j in facility_df['warehouse_id']], 0)

# Objective function 
objective = lpSum(annual_cost_dict[j]*created_facility[j] for j in facility_df['warehouse_id']) +
                  for j in facility_df['warehouse_id'] for i in customer_df['customer_id'])

lp_problem += objective

# Costraint: the demand must be met
for i in customer_df['customer_id']:
    lp_problem += lpSum(served_customer[(i,j)] for j in facility_df['warehouse_id']) == demand_dict[i]

# Constraint: a warehouse cannot deliver more than its capacity limit
for j in facility_df['warehouse_id']:
    lp_problem += lpSum(served_customer[(i,j)] for i in customer_df['customer_id']) <= annual_supply_dict[j] * created_facility[j]

# Constraint: a warehouse cannot give a customer more than its demand
for i in customer_df['customer_id']:
    for j in facility_df['warehouse_id']:
        lp_problem += served_customer[(i,j)] <= demand_dict[i] * created_facility[j]

We can solve the optimization problem:


We can check the outcome as follows:

print('Solution: ', LpStatus[lp_problem.status])
Solution: Optimal

We are now interested in exploring the decision variables: how many warehouses do we need? In what locations?

4. Explore the results

At first, let us consider the business goal: minimize costs. We can check the value assumed by the objective function:


This is the minimum possible cost we can achieve under the given constraints. Any other choice in the number or location of the warehouses would lead to a higher value of the objective function.

We can access the decision variables through the varValue property. For example, we can see the value assumed by yⱼ for j = Warehouse 1:

created_facility['Warehouse 1'].varValue

As yⱼ = 1, we should establish a warehouse in that location. We can easily manipulate the variable and count the number of needed facilities:

# List of the values assumed by the binary variable created_facility
facility_values = [i.varValue for i in created_facility.values()]

# Count of each distinct value of the list
[[i, facility_values.count(i)] for i in set(facility_values)]
[[0.0, 59], [1.0, 32]]

It is sufficient to build just 32 of the initially budgeted 91 sites. The 35.1% (32 / 91) of all potential warehouses is enough to meet the demand under the given constraints.

We can save the decision variable in the initial data frame and observe the chosen locations:

# Create dataframe column to store whether to build the warehouse or not 
facility_df['build_warehouse'] = ''

# Assign Yes/No to the dataframe column based on the optimization binary variable
for i in facility_df['warehouse_id']:
    if created_facility[i].varValue == 1:
        print('Build site at: ', i)
        facility_df.loc[facility_df['warehouse_id'] == i, 'build_warehouse'] = 'Yes'
        facility_df.loc[facility_df['warehouse_id'] == i, 'build_warehouse'] = 'No'
Build site at:  Warehouse 1
Build site at:  Warehouse 2
Build site at:  Warehouse 3
Build site at:  Warehouse 4
Build site at:  Warehouse 7
Build site at:  Warehouse 8
Build site at:  Warehouse 16
Build site at:  Warehouse 18
Build site at:  Warehouse 20
Build site at:  Warehouse 21
Build site at:  Warehouse 22
Build site at:  Warehouse 23
Build site at:  Warehouse 25
Build site at:  Warehouse 26
Build site at:  Warehouse 27
Build site at:  Warehouse 29
Build site at:  Warehouse 33
Build site at:  Warehouse 35
Build site at:  Warehouse 38
Build site at:  Warehouse 48
Build site at:  Warehouse 49
Build site at:  Warehouse 55
Build site at:  Warehouse 56
Build site at:  Warehouse 57
Build site at:  Warehouse 58
Build site at:  Warehouse 63
Build site at:  Warehouse 66
Build site at:  Warehouse 70
Build site at:  Warehouse 74
Build site at:  Warehouse 82
Build site at:  Warehouse 83
Build site at:  Warehouse 84
colors = ['#990000', '#0059b3']

  title='Warehouse sites to be established', xlabel='Number of sites', color=colors, ylabel='Establish', figsize=(7,6)) 

for i, v in enumerate(facility_df.build_warehouse.value_counts()):
    plt.text(v, i, ' '+str(round(v,3)), color=colors[i], va='center', fontweight='bold')
Image by author.
Image by author.
# Plot the shape of Italy
ax = italy.plot(color='white', edgecolor='black', figsize=(10, 10))

# Plot sites to establish
    loc[facility_df.build_warehouse =='Yes'].
    plot(ax=ax, marker='o', c='#0059b3', markersize=50, label='Build')

# Plot sites to discard
    loc[facility_df.build_warehouse =='No'].
    plot(ax=ax, marker='X', c='#990000', markersize=40, label='Discard')

# Add title
plt.title('Optimized Warehouse Sites')

# Add legend
plt.legend(title='Warehouse Site', facecolor='white')

# Remove ticks from axis

# Show plot
Image by author.
Image by author.

Similarly, we can iterate over the decision variable xᵢⱼ and find the customers served by each warehouse in the optimized solution:

def get_linked_customers(input_warehouse):
    Find customer ids that are served by the input warehouse.

        - input_warehouse: string (example: <Warehouse 21>)
        - List of customers ids connected to the warehouse
    # Initialize empty list
    linked_customers = []

    # Iterate through the xij decision variable
    for (k, v) in served_customer.items():

            # Filter the input warehouse and positive variable values
            if k[1]==input_warehouse and v.varValue>0:

                # Customer is served by the input warehouse

    return linked_customers

# Warehouses to establish
establish = facility_df.loc[facility_df.build_warehouse =='Yes']

# Plot the shape of Italy
ax = italy.plot(color='white', edgecolor='black', figsize=(30, 30))

# Plot sites to establish
    plot(ax=ax, marker='o', c='#0059b3', markersize=100, label='Warehouse')

# Plot customers
    plot(ax=ax, marker='X', color='#990000', markersize=80, alpha=0.8, label='Customer')

# For each warehouse to build
for w in establish.warehouse_id:

    # Extract list of customers served by the warehouse
    linked_customers = get_linked_customers(w)

    # For each served customer
    for c in linked_customers:

        # Plot connection between warehouse and the served customer
         [establish.loc[establish.warehouse_id==w].lng, customer_df.loc[customer_df.customer_id==c].lng],
         [establish.loc[establish.warehouse_id==w].lat, customer_df.loc[customer_df.customer_id==c].lat],
         linewidth=0.8, linestyle='--', color='#0059b3')

# Add title
plt.title('Optimized Customers Supply', fontsize = 35)

# Add legend
plt.legend(facecolor='white', fontsize=30)

# Remove ticks from axis

# Show plot
Image by author.
Image by author.

5. Conclusions

In this post, we introduced a classical optimization challenge: the Capacitated Facility Location Problem (CFLP). We described its derivation and shared a practical Python example. In particular, since we started with a raw dataset of geographical locations, we covered all the necessary passages and assumptions needed to frame and solve the problem.

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